The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I'm a wealth of info on flying your kid from coast to coast as a solo unaccompanied minor too if anyone wants to ship their kid off on a vacation without Mom or Dad. :joyfull:yes my Sis and I both did this. And our kids are still here!
I have actually been does it work with a child who is not yours? Like...say my brother said no way his family is spending the money on Disney, could he send his daughter if I invited her to go with us? The deal we usually get includes free dining, and you don't usually have to pay extra for a kid in the resort rooms right? So it would just be a matter of the tickets, and we could give that to her for Christmas, if my brother would be willing to spring for a flight to Florida and back...but he'd either have to come with her and stay somewhere else, OR he'd have to send her unaccompanied, and then we'd need to get her back to him and I'm not sure how that works since she's not my kid. Is that allowed?


Premium Member
The Mini Donughts at TL don't come with the dipping sauce have to pay extra for it. I was angry about that because TL seemed to be milking us on every level...things that I had thought were free, like Shark reef, turned out to be upcharge...$20 bucks per person, and then I went to get the donuts that had been raved about on numerous blogs and such, and they all indicated that they came with sauce, and then the gal tells me I had to pay extra if I wanted a dipping sauce. SERIOUSLY? Like anyone is just going to eat them plain?

If the mini donuts were sugared at least I would eat them plain. Mmm, better yet with cinnamon sugar. :hungry:


Premium Member
Before I forget, because I have forgotten so many things I wanted to post here, DD has been working on some projects and I wanted to share. She's very creative and watches a lot of DIY videos on youtube. When we went to DLP, she looked everywhere for a Lady tsum tsum...they had a TON of tsum tsums, but not Lady. So she decided to make one. This is her finished product:
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And, she's been really missing her cousin in the US. Some background...her cousin will be turning 5 about a week before DD turns 12. We've been trying to get my brother to do Disney with us for years...actually, first, he suggested we do Disney together when he and his husband got married in 2010, to give us some extra time together after the wedding. We agreed, got tickets and everything, and then they bailed. We went to Disney and they went do his in-laws' cabin in the mountains. Then in 2016, I suggested they meet us in Disney...his daughter was 3 at the time and would have loved it, and we'd have loved to share that experience with her...but my BIL and his parents thought it was too expensive. They had been looking at a trip all together for their anniversary, and my brother suggested all doing Disney...they didn't want to spend that kind of money. So again, we went alone. But, that was before I found the really good I've been trying to convince my brother to ask his husband again, and I could make the reservation and they could just pay for their room. I've heard nothing back, so I'm thinking it's not going to happen. My kids are so excited about possibly going again, and I think DH has resigned himself to the idea of going back...DD made a powerpoint with pictures of our last trip, to remind him of our favorite moments...and now, DD is really missing her cousin. I mentioned that I wish we could take her to Disney with us, and DD went NUTS over the idea...I told her she has to turn those puppy eyes onto her uncles to get them to agree to Disney. So she was looking through our 2016 photos where we went to South Dakota with my brother and his family, and she pulled some pictures and used an app on her tablet to edit the pictures in creative this is DD walking hand in hand with her little cousin.
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Very cool Lady and pictures.


Premium Member


Well-Known Member
Thought about doing the upcharge at TL but tried the freebie one first. The water was too cold so it was once done and free
There wasn't a free one at all when we went there. There was a big sign that it was $20 per person....I asked, because I had been led to believe it was free...nope, but the $20 included the cost of the equipment so you didn't have to rent it. The whole reason we went to TL at all was because DD had wanted to do that. TL was such a bust for us. I can't see us going back there.


Well-Known Member
We got the mini donuts. Honestly didn't think they were all that great.
They were fine, but not really any different than donuts anywhere else, and the dipping had to pay extra and then there wasn't even enough to dunk every had to be really stingy with it and then what's the point. I wasn't that impressed. But it was something I wanted to try, and now I did. Next time I can strike something else off the bucket list. So many snacks to try in WDW!! I want to try the pulled pork nachos at Tambu lounge.


Premium Member
I just got up and let the dog out and got my first glimpse of the weather. There are some little ice pellets falling through the sky. Weather was supposed to be rain then turning to snow with 6-9 inches through Tuesday morning. Icky! The worst part is upoosed to be through tomorrow, our students don't have school but teachers do for parent - conferences. It should be interesting to see if we still have them and what type of attendance we get, Soring conferences are typically low anyway.


Premium Member
I just got up and let the dog out and got my first glimpse of the weather. There are some little ice pellets falling through the sky. Weather was supposed to be rain then turning to snow with 6-9 inches through Tuesday morning. Icky! The worst part is upoosed to be through tomorrow, our students don't have school but teachers do for parent - conferences. It should be interesting to see if we still have them and what type of attendance we get, Soring conferences are typically low anyway.
Sympathy like. Stay safe my friend


Premium Member
Sympathy like. Stay safe my friend

Thanks. Luckily I only have less than a mile to drive to get to work so I hope everyone else has good luck. My hubs is supposed to do a presentation tomorrow night at the university by us, it was rescheduled from 2 weeks ago when we had our last storm. I'm already thinking that this one will be cancelled too or he should bow out but he is determined to get there if he can. 😐


Premium Member
I have actually been does it work with a child who is not yours? Like...say my brother said no way his family is spending the money on Disney, could he send his daughter if I invited her to go with us? The deal we usually get includes free dining, and you don't usually have to pay extra for a kid in the resort rooms right? So it would just be a matter of the tickets, and we could give that to her for Christmas, if my brother would be willing to spring for a flight to Florida and back...but he'd either have to come with her and stay somewhere else, OR he'd have to send her unaccompanied, and then we'd need to get her back to him and I'm not sure how that works since she's not my kid. Is that allowed?

@Gabe1 can correct me if I'm wrong, but i flew with my nephew and he wasn't considered unaccompanied because i was with him. I brought a notarized letter with me from his mom with permission to take him with me, but nobody ever asked to see it.


Well-Known Member
Oy. I feel your pain. We had a detached garage back in the corner of the property. Man kittycorner behind us for awhile was a breeding ground for mice and other nocturnal creatures galore.

We learned too about grass seed that winter. We bought airtight smaller drums to keep stuff like that in, Rubbermaid tops don't keep mice out, the can wiggle between lid and container.

We didn't need a professional to deal though even though there were lots of mice by the time we discovered them in the winter. We put out decon boxes. Originally we bought the container of decon and put it in smaller containers like cream cheese containers.

Mice get thirsty so to make sure they would kick the 'ole bucket we also filled small containers of anti-freeze for the car (the kind that smells sweet to little critters and they warns will kill small animals) for them to drink if thirsty. It worked and worked well. Over the next 20 years we'd every few years see a dead mouse but never any evidence of them moving in. That decon was always in place there after as was the little dishes of antifreeze.

I would use the antifreeze idea, however, we have 2 cats that roam, and they would stick their noses in it for sure. All my stuff in the suspected mice traffic area is almost exclusively in plastic storage containers, Few exceptions. The mice poop was on top of some of the containers. Surprised how high mice can climb. I'm thinking they have a 2nd entrance somewhere in the back, that we can't see at the moment. Mostly, I have toys, and baby stuff stored under the porch from when I helped raise my grandson. Also stuff from my husband's grandmother who lived with us years ago. I also keep my lawn mower, and wagon under the porch.

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