The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Before I forget, because I have forgotten so many things I wanted to post here, DD has been working on some projects and I wanted to share. She's very creative and watches a lot of DIY videos on youtube. When we went to DLP, she looked everywhere for a Lady tsum tsum...they had a TON of tsum tsums, but not Lady. So she decided to make one. This is her finished product:

And, she's been really missing her cousin in the US. Some background...her cousin will be turning 5 about a week before DD turns 12. We've been trying to get my brother to do Disney with us for years...actually, first, he suggested we do Disney together when he and his husband got married in 2010, to give us some extra time together after the wedding. We agreed, got tickets and everything, and then they bailed. We went to Disney and they went do his in-laws' cabin in the mountains. Then in 2016, I suggested they meet us in Disney...his daughter was 3 at the time and would have loved it, and we'd have loved to share that experience with her...but my BIL and his parents thought it was too expensive. They had been looking at a trip all together for their anniversary, and my brother suggested all doing Disney...they didn't want to spend that kind of money. So again, we went alone. But, that was before I found the really good I've been trying to convince my brother to ask his husband again, and I could make the reservation and they could just pay for their room. I've heard nothing back, so I'm thinking it's not going to happen. My kids are so excited about possibly going again, and I think DH has resigned himself to the idea of going back...DD made a powerpoint with pictures of our last trip, to remind him of our favorite moments...and now, DD is really missing her cousin. I mentioned that I wish we could take her to Disney with us, and DD went NUTS over the idea...I told her she has to turn those puppy eyes onto her uncles to get them to agree to Disney. So she was looking through our 2016 photos where we went to South Dakota with my brother and his family, and she pulled some pictures and used an app on her tablet to edit the pictures in creative this is DD walking hand in hand with her little cousin.


Well-Known Member
Littlest dd had a birthday party to go to at a local arcade/climbing jungle thing/batting cage place. I hate it there. It is at least 30 years old and probably saw its better days 20 years ago. It needs a major renovation. There were 2 other parties going on so there were kids everywhere. Dd was walking with a cupcake to a table I was at and she got sideswiped by a boy who was a head taller and probably twice her weight. She didn’t see him coming. Her poor head hit the ground. Of course he didn’t say sorry. He ran off. I just carried her to the table. Another mom got her an ice pack and they replaced the cupcake. I knew she would survive though when 10 minutes later she asked if her friend was going to open her presents there or at her house.
I'm glad your daughter is okay, those indoor play grounds are mayhem. :confused:


Premium Member
The Mini Donughts at TL don't come with the dipping sauce have to pay extra for it. I was angry about that because TL seemed to be milking us on every level...things that I had thought were free, like Shark reef, turned out to be upcharge...$20 bucks per person, and then I went to get the donuts that had been raved about on numerous blogs and such, and they all indicated that they came with sauce, and then the gal tells me I had to pay extra if I wanted a dipping sauce. SERIOUSLY? Like anyone is just going to eat them plain?
Thought about doing the upcharge at TL but tried the freebie one first. The water was too cold so it was once done and free


Premium Member
Before I forget, because I have forgotten so many things I wanted to post here, DD has been working on some projects and I wanted to share. She's very creative and watches a lot of DIY videos on youtube. When we went to DLP, she looked everywhere for a Lady tsum tsum...they had a TON of tsum tsums, but not Lady. So she decided to make one. This is her finished product:
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And, she's been really missing her cousin in the US. Some background...her cousin will be turning 5 about a week before DD turns 12. We've been trying to get my brother to do Disney with us for years...actually, first, he suggested we do Disney together when he and his husband got married in 2010, to give us some extra time together after the wedding. We agreed, got tickets and everything, and then they bailed. We went to Disney and they went do his in-laws' cabin in the mountains. Then in 2016, I suggested they meet us in Disney...his daughter was 3 at the time and would have loved it, and we'd have loved to share that experience with her...but my BIL and his parents thought it was too expensive. They had been looking at a trip all together for their anniversary, and my brother suggested all doing Disney...they didn't want to spend that kind of money. So again, we went alone. But, that was before I found the really good I've been trying to convince my brother to ask his husband again, and I could make the reservation and they could just pay for their room. I've heard nothing back, so I'm thinking it's not going to happen. My kids are so excited about possibly going again, and I think DH has resigned himself to the idea of going back...DD made a powerpoint with pictures of our last trip, to remind him of our favorite moments...and now, DD is really missing her cousin. I mentioned that I wish we could take her to Disney with us, and DD went NUTS over the idea...I told her she has to turn those puppy eyes onto her uncles to get them to agree to Disney. So she was looking through our 2016 photos where we went to South Dakota with my brother and his family, and she pulled some pictures and used an app on her tablet to edit the pictures in creative this is DD walking hand in hand with her little cousin.
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Well-Known Member
Poor thing. Hope she is ok. I always hated those places. Playland in a Petri Dish
I know. I had the discussion with her about not putting her hands on her face or in her mouth while we were there. That it was ok to use her arm to rub her face if it got itchy. Anytime she was about to eat we wiped hands with sanitizer. She said that we would probably not ever go there ever again and hoped that none of her friends would have a party there. Fine be me.


Well-Known Member
I am in awe of the progress your son is making. Mostly because he doesn't dread school. Now if they can help him to stop as you said blowing up and communicate calmly how great for him and everyone. Just melts your heart.

I can't tell you over the last decade how many times I've watched the 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls. I go to sleep by either Gilmore or Friends. Both Gilmore Girls and Friends are a common bond between me and my DD, we could watch either for hours especially when we are working on some type of project.
Yep, we watch Gilmore Girls, Friends, Fuller House, Full House, Disney videos...we'll do craft things and turn on one of " our shows" and just go to town. I hope we keep that relationship as she gets older. She's very mature for her age, so I think we will.
As for DS, I'm so relieved that he loves his new school so much. That's the kind of thing that, you don't know until you've tried it, and you just don't see it every being good again when it's as bad as it got. I talked to him the other day while we were coming home from school...we've been so busy with DD and her school advice, open houses, information evenings, he's been dragged along to all of it and he goes through it himself next year. So I asked him what he wanted to do, and how he would feel if his advice was that he should remain in special education schools...he said he loves his school, and he likes that he learns other things there than just math and spelling and stuff...that he learns things like how to make friends and how to ask for help when he's frustrated...he wouldn't mind staying in his school for high school. Such a relief, since we talked to his teacher and he said he doesn't see DS being ready to go back to a public school in just over a year. And his school offers up to HAVO level, which DS said he wanted to do either VWO or HAVO...he does NOT want to do VMBO, because he thinks that will be too easy and he wants at least a BIT of a challenge. He really is making progress...he's still WAY behind emotionally/socially for his age, but hopefully he'll close the gap some in the next few years with the help from school, and whatever we get out of the organization the psychologist is turning us over to. We are going to a reading in April about Autism...hopefully we'll get some tips there to help him. We're going to do everything we can to help him function as an adult. It was sooooo sweet the other day, he asked me for help with something (I still have to remind him to ask sometimes, when I see him getting frustrated with something...that's what we're working on with the psychologist...remembering to ask for help before he has a meltdown) and I told him I was proud of him for remembering to ask, because I knew that was hard for him, and he started kind of sing-songing about how he was so happy now, and he used to hate his life, but it was so much better now. It still kind of breaks my heart when he references the darkest period of his life...I wish we had switched schools SO much earlier, but then, he wouldn't have been able to go to THIS school earlier since we didn't have a diagnosis....but he's sooooo much happier now. It's bittersweet...the regret of not doing it sooner, vs the relief that he's enjoying life now.


Well-Known Member
Sympathy like. Saw this sad story on the national news last night.
It made the news here as well. Such devastation for their family and friends.

Before I forget, because I have forgotten so many things I wanted to post here, DD has been working on some projects and I wanted to share. She's very creative and watches a lot of DIY videos on youtube. When we went to DLP, she looked everywhere for a Lady tsum tsum...they had a TON of tsum tsums, but not Lady. So she decided to make one. This is her finished product:
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And, she's been really missing her cousin in the US. Some background...her cousin will be turning 5 about a week before DD turns 12. We've been trying to get my brother to do Disney with us for years...actually, first, he suggested we do Disney together when he and his husband got married in 2010, to give us some extra time together after the wedding. We agreed, got tickets and everything, and then they bailed. We went to Disney and they went do his in-laws' cabin in the mountains. Then in 2016, I suggested they meet us in Disney...his daughter was 3 at the time and would have loved it, and we'd have loved to share that experience with her...but my BIL and his parents thought it was too expensive. They had been looking at a trip all together for their anniversary, and my brother suggested all doing Disney...they didn't want to spend that kind of money. So again, we went alone. But, that was before I found the really good I've been trying to convince my brother to ask his husband again, and I could make the reservation and they could just pay for their room. I've heard nothing back, so I'm thinking it's not going to happen. My kids are so excited about possibly going again, and I think DH has resigned himself to the idea of going back...DD made a powerpoint with pictures of our last trip, to remind him of our favorite moments...and now, DD is really missing her cousin. I mentioned that I wish we could take her to Disney with us, and DD went NUTS over the idea...I told her she has to turn those puppy eyes onto her uncles to get them to agree to Disney. So she was looking through our 2016 photos where we went to South Dakota with my brother and his family, and she pulled some pictures and used an app on her tablet to edit the pictures in creative this is DD walking hand in hand with her little cousin.
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Your daughter is so talented! I hope you get your family reunion at WDW.


Well-Known Member
supposedly must do follow the medicine procedure only.
Try the oatmeal bath I posted. One of my dd's had something called molluscum which is a really gross virus that causes yucky little blisters on the body. Doctors said they would go away on there own in about 6 months to a year. Really???? I searched online and luckily other moms had posted about the Aveeno oatmeal bath. I gave her one everyday, and within a couple of weeks they had disappeared.


Well-Known Member
The Mini Donughts at TL don't come with the dipping sauce have to pay extra for it. I was angry about that because TL seemed to be milking us on every level...things that I had thought were free, like Shark reef, turned out to be upcharge...$20 bucks per person, and then I went to get the donuts that had been raved about on numerous blogs and such, and they all indicated that they came with sauce, and then the gal tells me I had to pay extra if I wanted a dipping sauce. SERIOUSLY? Like anyone is just going to eat them plain?
We got the mini donuts. Honestly didn't think they were all that great.


Well-Known Member
Before I forget, because I have forgotten so many things I wanted to post here, DD has been working on some projects and I wanted to share. She's very creative and watches a lot of DIY videos on youtube. When we went to DLP, she looked everywhere for a Lady tsum tsum...they had a TON of tsum tsums, but not Lady. So she decided to make one. This is her finished product:
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And, she's been really missing her cousin in the US. Some background...her cousin will be turning 5 about a week before DD turns 12. We've been trying to get my brother to do Disney with us for years...actually, first, he suggested we do Disney together when he and his husband got married in 2010, to give us some extra time together after the wedding. We agreed, got tickets and everything, and then they bailed. We went to Disney and they went do his in-laws' cabin in the mountains. Then in 2016, I suggested they meet us in Disney...his daughter was 3 at the time and would have loved it, and we'd have loved to share that experience with her...but my BIL and his parents thought it was too expensive. They had been looking at a trip all together for their anniversary, and my brother suggested all doing Disney...they didn't want to spend that kind of money. So again, we went alone. But, that was before I found the really good I've been trying to convince my brother to ask his husband again, and I could make the reservation and they could just pay for their room. I've heard nothing back, so I'm thinking it's not going to happen. My kids are so excited about possibly going again, and I think DH has resigned himself to the idea of going back...DD made a powerpoint with pictures of our last trip, to remind him of our favorite moments...and now, DD is really missing her cousin. I mentioned that I wish we could take her to Disney with us, and DD went NUTS over the idea...I told her she has to turn those puppy eyes onto her uncles to get them to agree to Disney. So she was looking through our 2016 photos where we went to South Dakota with my brother and his family, and she pulled some pictures and used an app on her tablet to edit the pictures in creative this is DD walking hand in hand with her little cousin.
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Beautiful job!

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