The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I just looked up my school way back when. It is now $39,000. Room and board is $14,000.

It helped that my school was run by the Sisters of Mercy (oh, the irony) and my aunt just happened to be one of them (though she didn't work for the school).

Yep. A good education doesn't come cheap. I've seen the rewards of it already for them. We have no regrets.
I brought them into the world and I want them to be the best they can be. For their goals that included college.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
DH looked up UCF near Orlando. In state is $6300. UNC Charlotte $7000 in state. If we were to move in the future those would be the 2 places we would consider moving to. We both (dh and I) to an expensive grad school and we got a great education, but paying those loans off:hungover: I have smartened up in my middle ages. It is not where you go to school, but what you do when you are there and what you do when you are out. For the heck of it I had ds look up where Bob Iger went to school and what major he had. He went to Ithaca College in NY, which is just your average run of the mill school, and he had a degree in Television and Radio. With that he became CEO. So he worked himself up through the ranks of different companies.

How long is the residency requirement? Some are 2-4 years prior for an in state break. How old is your oldest child? Are you finding employment close to the University of choice to commute. I wasnt moving to central IL so my kid could commute. Do they have a car or public transportation to commute? Is the University area safe enough for them to walk around at night and walk to car or for public transportation. See Chicago South Side I was not sending my kid to after dark. All of their classes are not always during day. They have group projects etc that keep them on campus if they commute. Lots goes into commuting. It can be done. If you have many years to go to make sure they have the scores, a home etc in the area to commute and all 4 of them will qualify with SAT to get in that is awesome.


Florida an NC is a full year prior to the year they attend. generous.
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Well-Known Member
So did you pick up your copy of People Magazine this week? Yummmmmm

It is going to make your tummy gurgle. :hungry::hungry::hungry:
The Mini Donughts at TL don't come with the dipping sauce have to pay extra for it. I was angry about that because TL seemed to be milking us on every level...things that I had thought were free, like Shark reef, turned out to be upcharge...$20 bucks per person, and then I went to get the donuts that had been raved about on numerous blogs and such, and they all indicated that they came with sauce, and then the gal tells me I had to pay extra if I wanted a dipping sauce. SERIOUSLY? Like anyone is just going to eat them plain?


Well-Known Member
You know, I don't know if she was with him at the time or not. She never said. But, if you are amused by coincidence my late wife also had a boyfriend drown on canoeing trip in Northern Quebec. (she wasn't with him) She didn't have a fear of water or swimming, but, I'm here to tell you that see carried that with her all her life even to the point of when we divorced she had her middle name changed to his last name. She was 60 years old at the time. It's a long story, but, a whole lot of my life has been regulated by the water death of others that I didn't even know.
How surprises me that your mother didn't make sure you knew how to swim. We live in a country in which half of the land is actually below sea level, so it's extremely important here to know how to swim. While we live close to the German border, nowhere near the coast, we insisted our kids learn to swim before they could do any other activities. The both got their A and B diplomas for swimming, though DS is not very good at it anymore. He wasn't learning and spent a year in the tadpole level before we decided it wasn't going to work because it was too shallow and he could just walk through the water, so he wouldn't swim. So we switched to a pool in a different town where they have no shallow water. They use floatie belts and arm bands...from day one, the kids have to swim! It took him a year and he had both diplomas...the kid was a natural at diving. But I think the fact that he learned so fast was not good in the long run....he didn't absorb it so he forgot it as soon as he wasn't swimming every week. I wish we'd have kept it up so that he was a strong swimmer.


Premium Member
Oy. I feel your pain. We had a detached garage back in the corner of the property. Man kittycorner behind us for awhile was a breeding ground for mice and other nocturnal creatures galore.

We learned too about grass seed that winter. We bought airtight smaller drums to keep stuff like that in, Rubbermaid tops don't keep mice out, the can wiggle between lid and container.

We didn't need a professional to deal though even though there were lots of mice by the time we discovered them in the winter. We put out decon boxes. Originally we bought the container of decon and put it in smaller containers like cream cheese containers.

Mice get thirsty so to make sure they would kick the 'ole bucket we also filled small containers of anti-freeze for the car (the kind that smells sweet to little critters and they warns will kill small animals) for them to drink if thirsty. It worked and worked well. Over the next 20 years we'd every few years see a dead mouse but never any evidence of them moving in. That decon was always in place there after as was the little dishes of antifreeze.


Not sure if this particular Dcon you used is on the banned list now.


Premium Member
They found him finally after being on the run for most of a day. I read the post his sister wrote, life forever altered.
In an instant 2 dead parents and a brother who maybe in prison for his entire adult life. He is 19. From the bits and pieces that have trickled out he was scoop'd up and taken to a hospital the night before for erratic behavior but released. *sigh* that doctor is likely going to live with that release so quickly. Have a feeling it will take time to find out what happened beyond the obvious.

Sympathy like. Saw this sad story on the national news last night.


Premium Member
This is similar to the Jumper I had to wear as a uniform to Catholic School but they are common little girl dresses that require a blouse or thin sweater under. There are adult versions too

Reminds me of the grade school I went to. Our jumpers were solid navy, with the same style white blouse in the picture. For 6 years we wore those uggo things, day in, day out. Gaaackkk. For grades 7 & 8, we had a skirt and bolero top in solid navy AGAIN . . .and with the same white blouse! :facepalm:
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Well-Known Member
Littlest dd had a birthday party to go to at a local arcade/climbing jungle thing/batting cage place. I hate it there. It is at least 30 years old and probably saw its better days 20 years ago. It needs a major renovation. There were 2 other parties going on so there were kids everywhere. Dd was walking with a cupcake to a table I was at and she got sideswiped by a boy who was a head taller and probably twice her weight. She didn’t see him coming. Her poor head hit the ground. Of course he didn’t say sorry. He ran off. I just carried her to the table. Another mom got her an ice pack and they replaced the cupcake. I knew she would survive though when 10 minutes later she asked if her friend was going to open her presents there or at her house.
Ugh....I hate how rude kids are at those places. I remember a dad coming up to us once when DS had just barely turned 4, and the dad was fuming about DS having bitten his we asked DS if he had bitten the boy...yes, he had. Why? Because the boy told him he couldn't play in the ball pit and then hit him. We looked at the, he hadn't bothered to ask his little angel if he had done something, that wasn't the point....We explained, in front of the dad, to DS that we don't bite, even if someone does something to us first, and that next time, he should come and get one of us, and we made him apologize. Dad left with the little boy in a apology on their part...apparently it's not wrong to hit or to keep other kids from the equipment, but other kids aren't allowed to retaliate. That boy is going to have a rude awakening when he gets older. I'm sorry your DD was hurt, but nice that they replaced the cupcake, and good that it wasn't serious.


Well-Known Member
It was a nice article. Springboarding off a discussion earlier this week a couple of us on this thread played on Lou's Discussion forum for many years until Lou let it go for bigger and better things for himself. He is a man that loves his food and is blessed by being anointed by Disney. While he does write very eloquently I have never seen him write of any food he has not adored, went to restaurant that wasn't perfect. While the picks he did choose for People are mostly awesome in their own right I do wrestle more with his reviews over less blessed that are my true standby reviewers,my go to ones. But the food photo were awesome to look at. No way am I paying $40 for dessert, wonder if he did?

We met up with some friends at an awesome Japanese/Chinese Restaurant.

I did indulge in the glass of wine that was suggested by someone ;), we ordered a bottle and it was one of the best Rieslings I have had in a long while. Reminded me of Epcot Germany of years gone by.


Dragon Roll and Spring Rolls

Peppered Garlic Beef, portion enough for a family. A bit on the sweet side over savory.

Fried Rice a given but very tasty again enough for a full family
Not everyone does Mongolian Beef correctly. Some are served almost with a gravy vs a glaze brazing to the meat itself. Was done so well.

The fortune cookies were the only disappointment, keep in mind I never eat those cookies, nasty. But I have to say these were the oddest fortunes. The words were in English however the fortunes made no sense. Wasn't like we were not getting it but whoever translated....well lets say it was like pick 5 words from the English language and done. Genuinely no sense, it was so funny.
You should have taken pictures of the fortunes! I'd love to see them!


Premium Member
It was a nice article. Springboarding off a discussion earlier this week a couple of us on this thread played on Lou's Discussion forum for many years until Lou let it go for bigger and better things for himself. He is a man that loves his food and is blessed by being anointed by Disney. While he does write very eloquently I have never seen him write of any food he has not adored, went to restaurant that wasn't perfect.

Yup, "lovable Lou" as Spirit used to refer to him . . . ;) (Never a bad word about Disney . . . :rolleyes:) Gosh, I miss Spirit . . .


Premium Member
Littlest dd had a birthday party to go to at a local arcade/climbing jungle thing/batting cage place. I hate it there. It is at least 30 years old and probably saw its better days 20 years ago. It needs a major renovation. There were 2 other parties going on so there were kids everywhere. Dd was walking with a cupcake to a table I was at and she got sideswiped by a boy who was a head taller and probably twice her weight. She didn’t see him coming. Her poor head hit the ground. Of course he didn’t say sorry. He ran off. I just carried her to the table. Another mom got her an ice pack and they replaced the cupcake. I knew she would survive though when 10 minutes later she asked if her friend was going to open her presents there or at her house.
I hate those type of parties! Good thing kids are mostly indestructible

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