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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yep, we watch Gilmore Girls, Friends, Fuller House, Full House, Disney videos...we'll do craft things and turn on one of " our shows" and just go to town. I hope we keep that relationship as she gets older. She's very mature for her age, so I think we will.
As for DS, I'm so relieved that he loves his new school so much. That's the kind of thing that, you don't know until you've tried it, and you just don't see it every being good again when it's as bad as it got. I talked to him the other day while we were coming home from school...we've been so busy with DD and her school advice, open houses, information evenings, he's been dragged along to all of it and he goes through it himself next year. So I asked him what he wanted to do, and how he would feel if his advice was that he should remain in special education schools...he said he loves his school, and he likes that he learns other things there than just math and spelling and stuff...that he learns things like how to make friends and how to ask for help when he's frustrated...he wouldn't mind staying in his school for high school. Such a relief, since we talked to his teacher and he said he doesn't see DS being ready to go back to a public school in just over a year. And his school offers up to HAVO level, which DS said he wanted to do either VWO or HAVO...he does NOT want to do VMBO, because he thinks that will be too easy and he wants at least a BIT of a challenge. He really is making progress...he's still WAY behind emotionally/socially for his age, but hopefully he'll close the gap some in the next few years with the help from school, and whatever we get out of the organization the psychologist is turning us over to. We are going to a reading in April about Autism...hopefully we'll get some tips there to help him. We're going to do everything we can to help him function as an adult. It was sooooo sweet the other day, he asked me for help with something (I still have to remind him to ask sometimes, when I see him getting frustrated with something...that's what we're working on with the psychologist...remembering to ask for help before he has a meltdown) and I told him I was proud of him for remembering to ask, because I knew that was hard for him, and he started kind of sing-songing about how he was so happy now, and he used to hate his life, but it was so much better now. It still kind of breaks my heart when he references the darkest period of his life...I wish we had switched schools SO much earlier, but then, he wouldn't have been able to go to THIS school earlier since we didn't have a diagnosis....but he's sooooo much happier now. It's bittersweet...the regret of not doing it sooner, vs the relief that he's enjoying life now.

I'm betting you guys do stay joined at the hip. Your DD seems to lean to your type of personality and genuinely seem to enjoy each others company. I've said it many times it is like my DD was born an adult. She is very calm and problematic. As a child or as an adult you'll never see her 'go off' the deep end especially about the petty things in life. She has more maturity and common sense than many adults only wish they had. I see that in your DD, I see that in our beloved @StarWarsGirl remembering @MouseDreaming also saying the same thing about her son also being so focused that he never was really a child either and likely why he too adjusted to college so well. My son took longer. His first college was a great acidemic fit but it was not a good fit for his personality.
He enjoyed his life a great deal as a child and when he transferred Universities he got his degree and
HAD SO SO MUCH FUN too. Unlike my DD who had the goal to pull two degrees by double majoring for the price of one degree lol. Her kind of goal her kind of fun.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I know. I had the discussion with her about not putting her hands on her face or in her mouth while we were there. That it was ok to use her arm to rub her face if it got itchy. Anytime she was about to eat we wiped hands with sanitizer. She said that we would probably not ever go there ever again and hoped that none of her friends would have a party there. Fine be me.

Bless her little heart. Smart Gal!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The Mini Donughts at TL don't come with the dipping sauce have to pay extra for it. I was angry about that because TL seemed to be milking us on every level...things that I had thought were free, like Shark reef, turned out to be upcharge...$20 bucks per person, and then I went to get the donuts that had been raved about on numerous blogs and such, and they all indicated that they came with sauce, and then the gal tells me I had to pay extra if I wanted a dipping sauce. SERIOUSLY? Like anyone is just going to eat them plain?

I never paid extra for the Shark Reef at Typhoon Lagoon. It is closed now but I wonder when they started that???

I'm always annoyed when I have to pay extra for sauces anywhere. In December the Hot Pretzel came with Hot Cheese included in the price. I would have been happier with a Tub of Mustard though over Hot cheese.
I recently bought those frozen donut holes at the grocery, they were pretty tasty. I bought a jar of hot fudge and a can of whipped cream. We pretended we were at Via Napoli. :hungry::hungry::hungry:


Well-Known Member
Ok so we recorded a much anticipated match earlier.. finally had time to start watching it.
Wrote a FB post and included the “activity” ‘watching FC Barcelona vs Athletica Madrid’.

Didn’t realize the post would show the final score of the game. :( Ugh. Lesson learned.

It’s halftime now, and well, I know that we won’t see any more goals, and we know the winner. I think we’ll bundle up and go play outside.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
That's a lot of laundry for one person. Doing sheets and comforters here. Blech. No love for laundry.:hungover:

I'm doing my DD laundry. So yeah all of the above. I never mix darks or lights. Towels and such on Hot with ammonia. I had also did a load of her LulaRoe stuff but that is easy. Throw in washer then hang up to dry. Done.

She has had little down time to start with as she holds two jobs. Now with Grad School ontop of that I do what I can.


Well-Known Member
Ok so we recorded a much anticipated match earlier.. finally had time to start watching it.
Wrote a FB post and included the “activity” ‘watching FC Barcelona vs Athletica Madrid’.

Didn’t realize the post would show the final score of the game. :( Ugh. Lesson learned.

It’s halftime now, and well, I know that we won’t see any more goals, and we know the winner. I think we’ll bundle up and go play outside.
Too cold and windy to play outside here. Two kids were out before and lasted about 10 minutes. The winds are still gusting here 15-22 mph and it is 44.:coldfeet:


Premium Member
I think I'm channeling @figmentfan423 today. I have a hectic week with parent-teacher conferences so I don't want to cook the rest of the week so today I made a pan of lasagna, a pan of buffalo chicken mac & cheese, and some Irish sausages & potatoes for meals for the week. And I made an egg bake for breakfasts. So now it will just be reheating and eating! The only problem was I burned my arm on the oven door, it popped back up as I was putting a pan in. Ouch!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Ok, so you know how we were all discussing whining earlier this week and I mentioned that Dutch parents weren't as helicoptory as American parents? I present to you exhibit A, also known as complete idiocy:
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This little 3 or 4 year old was allowed to ride his bike through the grocery store today. The first time I saw him, he was with his dad...he almost ran me over, along with another couple..I jumped out of the way, he swerved to miss the couple, but swerved TOWARD me, so I had to jump back even further. His dad just chuckled and told him not to go too fast. When I took this picture, as you can see, dad was nowhere in sight. I mentioned it to the checkout girl as I didn't see any managerial staff today...there HAD to be someone, but I didn't see them. But I told the girl about it because he could have hit was lucky I'm mobile enough to get out of the way. Someone elderly or on crutches would not have been able to. But also, what if he had been swerving to miss someone and ran into the shelves and knocked a bunch of stuff off? What if he were in the chip aisle, which is across from the wine, and he knocked a bunch of wine bottles down onto himself and ended up in a puddle of wine with glass embedded in his body? It's an incredibly bad idea to be riding a bike in a grocery store! But the father apparently saw nothing wrong with it. I see this happen a lot....not usually with bikes, but I do see kids allowed to ride on roller skates in the store, or who are pushing one of the mini carts they have, but they keep running into people with them. My rule with those mini carts was, if you can't push it nicely, it goes running, and if you hit someone, it's end game. I certainly wouldn't have allowed my kid to ride their bikes, or a skateboard, or any of the multitudes of other things I've seen. But in the states, the store employees would have let the bike in the door.Here, no one says a thing.

No that wouldn't be happening here nor roller blades etc.

But for some reason we seem to be OK with pushing those boundaries with Giant Pigs, Peacocks and small ponies wanting be service animals on an freak'n airplane, so there is that.


Premium Member
Ha ha, Disney is not the equation this year. I’d love to take him back to GWL, but with our sports schedule and First Communion weekend it’s just impossible time wise.

I’d love to a party at home.. Don’t judge me, but I just can’t bring myself to do the prep and cleanup for that many kids. I love hosting parties, but it’s tough to find the time these days.. I do have his family/neighbor party at home, and his first communion party will be here.. I can’t do 3 within two weeks.

We don’t belong to the Y, and I’m not sure about pool parties yet, we did go to a gymnastics party at age 4.. all of the kids had a lot of fun!

I don't entirely dislike the set up or clean up at the house, but last time we had a party at our house, the kids somehow broke a wooden train that my husband's grandfather made for him when he was a baby, too a screw out of the window we were using to keep it shut, broke dishes, somehow got food behind the couch which we didn't find until the smell tipped us off, and got mud on our bed even though we never saw kids go upstairs OR outside.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Never again.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm channeling @figmentfan423 today. I have a hectic week with parent-teacher conferences so I don't want to cook the rest of the week so today I made a pan of lasagna, a pan of buffalo chicken mac & cheese, and some Irish sausages & potatoes for meals for the week. And I made an egg bake for breakfasts. So now it will just be reheating and eating! The only problem was I burned my arm on the oven door, it popped back up as I was putting a pan in. Ouch!
Good job planning ahead for the week and getting so much cooking done. Sorry about your arm, I hope it is not hurting too much.
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Well-Known Member
I have never seen a kid in an American supermarket riding a bike, or a skateboard. I think it is one of those things that people know is not acceptable. We have the grocery carts with the little steering wheels and that seems to make them happy. Worked for my kids anyway. Surprised they would allow that there.
They really SHOULDN'T allow it! But then, they also allow dogs everywhere here. I was so grossed out once when DH and I went to a musical and we ate dinner wasn't a fancy place, just a grab and go pizza type place with a few tables. So we're sitting there eating and in comes this guy with a big black lab, who he does NOT have on a leash, and the dog wanders over and sticks his nose in my plate. And no, the guy did not make his dog get away and did not offer to replace my pizza. People just really aren't all that worried about that kind of thing over here....that's one thing I DON'T like about living here.


Well-Known Member
OMG, I am so excited. I had posted a throwback picture of our family at the Harry Potter exhibition last summer, saying now I needed to get them to the Wizarding World in Orlando. A friend told me it was great and I explained that I'd been there, but it was when it first opened and it wasn't a great experience. My cousin said she's looking at going this summer, could I give her tips. I told her I really couldn't, because we didn't get to do anything last time because it was so busy, but that we were looking at going in 2019 at the same time as Disney. She wrote back saying her dad is wanting to take the whole family to Disney in 2019 and we should coordinate! This is the same cousin we went to South Dakota with, with my brother's family in 2016, and her daughter and my niece are close in age and hit it off. So if they all go and we can coordinate, she's going to work on my brother and see if we can get the whole family to go at the same will be a huge reunion. How AMAZING would that be? How could my brother say no to that??


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yup, "lovable Lou" as Spirit used to refer to him . . . ;) (Never a bad word about Disney . . . :rolleyes:) Gosh, I miss Spirit . . .

HeeHeeHee. ;)

I miss Spirit too. I'd read while he was doing an info dump for a day or two, ignore thread and then come back again when he had info to dump again. While disgruntled might describe him he was spot on most times. Given how often pulls or changes a project nobody is going to be right all the time.

Any insight a to what happened...I could tell something came down but ya can't go back in his threads and find anything, pages multiply by the minute on his threads.

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