The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Ok, I kind of wonder about this. We have never had a bad meal at Tony's. But the last time we were there would have been maybe 2013? On the last trip, at Christmas, I have to say all of the food I had at MK was sub par. Pecos Bill, Columbia Harbour House, and Liberty Tree for lunch. I used to love their pot roast. This time it was dry, what I could eat of it. It had a lot of fat, too. So maybe it is across the board, at this point?

But Pinocchio Haus as a buffet? I don't even understand how they would set it up. Maybe they could do something with the Horseshoe? They could improve that buffet. And then you don't have to overhaul Pinocchio, and could work on food quality over all, instead?
That's exactly it...why not just improve what's already there and make it worth it for guests to go there? Why invest tons of money in overhauling things that don't need it when there are other things that DO? It seems like a bad business move to me.


Well-Known Member
What - Wait ! :D Did you say crushed potato chips on the top of tuna casserole?! :hungry::hungry::hungry:
Have you never had Tuna casserole? It's one of the few ways I will actually eat fish. Don't try to give me a tuna sandwich...even the smell of tuna is enough to make me gag, but for some reason I actually like Tuna casserole...don't think I've ever had it WITHOUT crushed potato chips sprinkled on the top. I'll eat Tuna casserole, and I'll eat battered and fried Cod...that's pretty much the extent of my fish tolerance.


Well-Known Member
I will sit on a wall outsided Rock'n while waiting on Manchild but I don't usually sit more than to eat a Mickey Premium Bar. Slurp. :hungry: Remember me talking about day 2 of hurricane Irma on lockdown and finding a way to bolt once the curfew was lifted. Day one was an adventure, 2 was torture.

I believe it is likely more what we are conditioned to do over a lifetime. I've always had careers that had me on my feet 95% of the day. I walked Walt and previous Pups at least 5 miles a day. It is more this time of the day when I get home that I sit. I guess I just not wired to be sedentary. I love beautiful beaches and waters. One would find me walking them swishing my feet in the sand and water.
Hrmmm...I don't think it's necessarilly what you are conditioned for. My mom LOVED sports....she played basketball and volleyball when she was in high school (through the YWCA, I think) and she took us to shoot hoops, she signed us up for soccer and baseball in the summers, we walked to school every morning. We were pretty active. My job has me walking usually about 10km per shift, but I tell you what, I get the chance to sit, and I'm happy to take it. I'm riding my bike at least 12 km per day to pick DS up from school, walking 10-15 km at work...but I'm definitely someone who can sit down and be stuck at home for a few days and be quite happy about it. I'm not at ALL athletically inclined, and I really don't ENJOY the activity....I HATE riding my bike, but I have no other way to get DS from school. I don't love my job, but it's convenient that I can choose my availability based around the kids' schedules so I can have income and still not ever need a babysitter. So I've been conditioned to be active, but I don't LIKE being so active. I'd spend a lot more time sitting if I could. I would much rather read a book, or watch a movie than be out walking. The only time I want to be out walking is on vacation...I can't just lie on a beach somewhere. I want to see museums and architecture and points of historical significance, not swim in the ocean or hang out in a lawn chair, but the rest of the time, give me a comfy couch and I'm good to go.


Well-Known Member
Yep. It is a creepy business model. I generally trust the other website of Disney Food Blog and All Ears for food reviews. AJ seems to enjoy the same type of food I do and snacks reviews are great. All Ears will flat out tell you if they are not staging a meal between courses correctly. That is something that bugs me. If I order an appetizer I want that before the meal and time to actually eat it.
I love the Disney Food Blog. They are so honest about where they love going and what's not their favorite and what's not worth the time. It's so helpful when you are planning. I got the Food Blog book for our 2016 trip and I plan to get the updated version in whatever year we go next. DD and I have watched a whole bunch of the videos on youtube and we have made lists of the snacks we want to try and the restaurants we want to go to. I use All Ears a bit for menus and to see pictures of buffets and such, but I really love the food blog better.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i won't even read their answers.... So fake.
I read a bunch for our 2016 trip, but there wasn't a single bit of info that I hadn't found elsewhere, and when I actually asked a question, the person who answered it didn't really answer my question. I don't even remember what it was now, but I think it had something to do with the Ultimate tickets that European residents get, and they didn't actually address that. I read Disney Tourist Blog, Disney Food Blog, and this forum regularly and got pretty much all the info I needed between those sites, along with the Ultimate Guide to Disneyworld book and the Allears site. The mom's panel isn't set up well.


Well-Known Member
THNX it's looking like Friday night and Saturday are both postponed just in case just have to hear back from one person to make it official.
But...who asks someone else to cook for their party unless it's someone who has a catering business? Like...I would never ask my friends to cook for a party I'm hosting. It's one thing if someone offers to make a particular dish that I've said I loved in the past, or if it's a pot luck where everyone is bringing something, but just to be like, oh, hey, I'm having this party...would your wife be willing to handle the food? no.


Well-Known Member
But...who asks someone else to cook for their party unless it's someone who has a catering business? Like...I would never ask my friends to cook for a party I'm hosting. It's one thing if someone offers to make a particular dish that I've said I loved in the past, or if it's a pot luck where everyone is bringing something, but just to be like, oh, hey, I'm having this party...would your wife be willing to handle the food? no.
Sure, unless they were paying you for it, it is so wrong.

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