The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
One of my best friends had a house warming party today; she got her first apartment.

I realized I am more like my mother than I ever thought possible when, after everyone left, her kitchen's lack of organization bothered me so much that I spent a good hour reorganizing it.

She also now has a drawer devoted to aluminum foil and sandwich bags. Guess what other kitchen has a drawer devoted to aluminum foil and plastic bags...:hilarious:

Ours, for sure! And the one below it has nothing but Tupperware


For sure. I think there’s a lot of residences and businesses hurt by it. Not much consolation, but I’m fairly sure that there are certain zones in Cincinnati that require the home/business owners to carry flood insurance. Hopefully that will help.

I’m not in a flood zone, so I don’t carry it.

Hopefully they also have everything in their basement and garage stored in plastic tubs. But... The repair process for flooding can be lengthy if the damage is deep. I've seen houses condemned for flood damage, too.


Premium Member
We had two cases delivered in September. Most of 2nd case was left and I handed it off to a family coming up the elevator that was appreciative. 2 cases were just shy of $12 from Staples. Even with a $5 packing handling fee from Disney now one case of water would cost $75 by the bottle at WDW vs $8.00 a case by the bottle with the fee added in.

We had one case delivered in December for just the three of us and i didn't think we would drink more than half of it. It saved us a ton of money, and we ended up going through all but two bottles of it!


Premium Member
Yesterday, hubs and I went to a fund-raiser at a local VFW post, for a complimentary ride service for veterans. Veterans (and other volunteers) drive the veterans to their medical appointments. We have a few VA hospitals in MA, and for some of these veterans, it is a long distance. For those who cannot drive due to illness or if they just don't have the money, the volunteer drivers take them, wait for them while their appt. happens, and then drive them home.

They have vans, and Ford has (down through the the years) sold (donated) them for half price. Between the volunteers and Ford, there's lots of good people out there helping one another. (And it's not just my state--this volunteer effort goes on in many states across the country.)


Well-Known Member
When I was in early elementary school there was a best friend I had. His name was David. We and our moms hung out quite a bit. At one point they moved to a different neighborhood way further away, so we kinda' lost contact. One day my mother got a call from David's mom that David was dead. He had been hit and killed by a car on his street. He was just playing. A neighbor came to his moms door. As she was running towards the scene she said that can't be him because that was not the shirt he was wearing. But, then, she remembered he changed his shirt when he got home from school. Just horrific. Even though we hadn't seen each other in a while, I was sooo very devastated, and the memory has never gone away.
I always wonder what good things David would have done? He was a good friend, and such a good person.
Sorry, some memories, even ones from very long ago, never die...
And, I'm sooooo very glad your friends son is going to be OK...!!!!! :happy:
Oh how sad! We live on a pretty quiet street and my kids aren't allowed to play IN the street. A lot of kids do, but mine have to stay in either the front or back yard, or at a playground. But biking to school is a whole different ball game. DD is quite responsible. On the one hand, it DOES worry me some to have her biking by herself, especially at the one intersection. On the other, I don't really have a choice because I can't go with her AND go pick DS up at the same time and he CAN'T go by himself and his school is much further. But especially after seeing that woman get hit by a car and die in November, I worry.
I also remember...I must have been in jr. high, or at LEAST in 5th or 6th grade, there was a little boy who was with his mom at the park across from the elementary school. There were some teenagers drinking and being rowdy and the little boy happened to run out into the street and the teenagers hit him. We lived a few blocks away, but there was nothing in the mom was standing in the kitchen doing dishes, heard the impact and looked out to see the kid flying. She called an ambulance and ran down with some blankets...she didn't know what else to do. We lived in a tiny town, so everyone heard the ambulance and I think half the town ended up down there trying to help, and it was all anyone could talk about for DAYS. The little boy was only 3...he lived, but had severe brain damage. And the mom saw it all happen...she had been running after him when she saw him head for the street and she just wasn't fast enough. I can't imagine SEEING it happen and knowing you can't make it to save your child. Like I said, as far as accidents go, my friend's son was EXTREMELY could have been SO much worse than it was. His mom told me he thought he was dead. First, he thought he was dreaming as he flew up off his bike, then he thought he was dead. He ended up sleeping in his parents' room that night because he was scared to go to sleep. Poor kid.


Well-Known Member
Rant away. My younger ds is doing chorus and is a band manager. One group meets every day in July and the other in August. That on top of the stuff they do all school year. To top it off my dh is on nights meaning if we want to do anything s a family my dh needs a few days to get used to days and back to nights. Our next few years are not going to be fun for me:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
Sympathy like. All you parents are amazing!!!


Well-Known Member
She would die of happiness!!

Nooooo. Her mom is cheap!! I'm not spending $150 on a cake for preschoolers when i can plop some Olaf figurines on an $18 Costco cake :hilarious::hilarious:
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It looks like a wonderful party! And I love that you had A. request donations for a shelter. So nice to know that some kids still learn to think about those less fortunate. 👍


Well-Known Member
And, I respect that, as well, as we have had nothing but awesome Disney trips that very much bonded us also. As I do from your posts, you know DWifey and I are still very close with our kiddos. We have just found different experiences for now that we also love to do together. But, we all grew up with Disney in our lives and love it, so I know we will be back, just not in the immediate future.
Cheers that all of your and our continued family experiences, no matter what they are, keep us all lovingly bonded...!!!!!!! :happy:
Well, you'll at least have to introduce the new grandchild to Disney at some point...


Well-Known Member
One of my best friends had a house warming party today; she got her first apartment.

I realized I am more like my mother than I ever thought possible when, after everyone left, her kitchen's lack of organization bothered me so much that I spent a good hour reorganizing it.

She also now has a drawer devoted to aluminum foil and sandwich bags. Guess what other kitchen has a drawer devoted to aluminum foil and plastic bags...:hilarious:
Ummm...she was involved in the reorganization, right? Please tell me you didn't just move things around in someone else's kitchen!! My MIL didn't like the way I set up my kitchen when we moved in here because I didn't have things like Coffee in the cupboard since we don't drink coffee, but instead, had things like Peanut butter that we use every day in it. My MIL doesn't use much peanut butter, but drinks coffee, so she switched out all the stuff in my cupboards and pantry and moved dishes where SHE thought they would be handier, even though we had purposely put the dishes in the cupboard above the dishwasher. I couldn't find anything and had to spend hours putting everything back the way it was.


Premium Member
It looks like a wonderful party! And I love that you had A. request donations for a shelter. So nice to know that some kids still learn to think about those less fortunate. 👍

We got the idea from a friend who has party guests bring canned goods! We tried that the first year though and everyone got weirdly angry at us for asking for canned goods instead of presents. So the next year we did animal shelter donations and got absolutely no kick back. I'm not sure why it upset people to collect canned goods instead of presents, but everyone seems to love dogs and cats more than humans, lol.

The kid has more than she needs already, and she still gets presents from us and from her family so it's not like she has to go without. Plus, it takes pressure off the parents of her school friends because they don't have to pick out a present that they think she'll like but doesn't already have.
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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
We got the idea from a friend who has party guests bring canned goods! We tried that the first year though and everyone got weirdly angry at us for along for canned goods instead of presents. So the next year we did animal shelter donations and got absolutely no kick back. I'm not sure why it upset people to collect canned goods instead of presents, but everyone seems to love dogs and cats more than humans, lol.

The kid has more than she needs already, and she still gets presents from us and from her family so it's not like she has to go without. Plus, it takes pressure off the parents of her school friends because they don't have to pick out a present that they think she'll like but doesn't already have.

This is such a wonderful idea. I bet A loves bringing the goodies to the humane society!

I’ve never thought about it before, but our preschool did more fundraisers for the Humane Society than people, I wonder it they had less of a response to the canned good etc stuff as well.
Grade school has been the opposite.

I almost, but decided against, did a homeless handout party last year for T. I brought the idea up to at Cub Scouts, and we’re going to do it as a group with our pack. I know a guy (friend of a friend) who runs a bus every Sunday for groups, you rent the bus-But the rental fee goes directly to shelters, the group packs sandwiches, drinks/hot cocoa, and goodies, and he drives around stopping often to interact and give the food/drinks. . It’s really neat, I’ve seen photos of the older kids doing it for their birthdays. Looking forward to it when we do the Cub Scouts event.

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