The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
The thing I remember the most from school were the yearly physicals that they gave us. We were poked and prodded by local Doctors right there in school. They put up some modesty shields but they were hardly sufficient for the turn your head and cough segment of the exam. I think they had that until I was in 5th grade before someone decided that this was not really good. Having said that, they did find a problem for me that was later corrected by our regular family doctor.
They had doctors back then????????


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile... on the opposite side of the spectrum.. my kid lost one of his front teeth last night.. he’s been waiting a long time for this, wants both front teeth out at the same time.

Asked me for an envelope and a pen, but I wasn’t allowed to read his note to the Tooth Fairy.

Here’s what I found under his pillow-


😂😂😂 Needless to say, the Tooth Fairy did not trade a PS4 for his tooth.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I almost left the Lent part out of it because the post wasn’t about religion.
That wasn’t my intention at all. Point noted. :)
Lent is usually an okay topic. We have several members on here who are Catholic, and us non Catholics are very respectful. I personally don't expect you to walk on eggshells. I know that Catholicism comes with a huge culture around it. I also wouldn't expect a Jewish member not to talk about Bar Mitzvahs or Hannakah either.


Well-Known Member
It has been snowing on and off all day and all the news is about the Beast from the East. That is what they are calling this snowstorm, people are being advices to stock up and stay inside from 6pm today. Rebel that I am I will be ignoring that advice and going to the cinema with my friend.:joyfull:


Well-Known Member
One of my best friends had a house warming party today; she got her first apartment.

I realized I am more like my mother than I ever thought possible when, after everyone left, her kitchen's lack of organization bothered me so much that I spent a good hour reorganizing it.

She also now has a drawer devoted to aluminum foil and sandwich bags. Guess what other kitchen has a drawer devoted to aluminum foil and plastic bags...:hilarious:
Mine. It also has parchment paper and saran wrap.:)


Well-Known Member
Oh how sad! We live on a pretty quiet street and my kids aren't allowed to play IN the street. A lot of kids do, but mine have to stay in either the front or back yard, or at a playground. But biking to school is a whole different ball game. DD is quite responsible. On the one hand, it DOES worry me some to have her biking by herself, especially at the one intersection. On the other, I don't really have a choice because I can't go with her AND go pick DS up at the same time and he CAN'T go by himself and his school is much further. But especially after seeing that woman get hit by a car and die in November, I worry.
I also remember...I must have been in jr. high, or at LEAST in 5th or 6th grade, there was a little boy who was with his mom at the park across from the elementary school. There were some teenagers drinking and being rowdy and the little boy happened to run out into the street and the teenagers hit him. We lived a few blocks away, but there was nothing in the mom was standing in the kitchen doing dishes, heard the impact and looked out to see the kid flying. She called an ambulance and ran down with some blankets...she didn't know what else to do. We lived in a tiny town, so everyone heard the ambulance and I think half the town ended up down there trying to help, and it was all anyone could talk about for DAYS. The little boy was only 3...he lived, but had severe brain damage. And the mom saw it all happen...she had been running after him when she saw him head for the street and she just wasn't fast enough. I can't imagine SEEING it happen and knowing you can't make it to save your child. Like I said, as far as accidents go, my friend's son was EXTREMELY could have been SO much worse than it was. His mom told me he thought he was dead. First, he thought he was dreaming as he flew up off his bike, then he thought he was dead. He ended up sleeping in his parents' room that night because he was scared to go to sleep. Poor kid.
Such scary stories.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Meanwhile... on the opposite side of the spectrum.. my kid lost one of his front teeth last night.. he’s been waiting a long time for this, wants both front teeth out at the same time.

Asked me for an envelope and a pen, but I wasn’t allowed to read his note to the Tooth Fairy.

Here’s what I found under his pillow-

View attachment 266804

😂😂😂 Needless to say, the Tooth Fairy did not trade a PS4 for his tooth.
now thats a direct request!

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