The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Yup. They're making hay while the sun is shining now.

Had an elderly boss years ago. He'd tell us that when things are going great, people tend to think that's the way it will always be. But when things eventually turn in the other direction, people think that's the way it will always be. Yet, what goes up, will (eventually) come down, and vice versa. Lather, rinse, repeat -- he said he saw this over and over throughout his business life, and he was the CEO of a company.

When the original partner at the firm took on two other partners as we were coming out of our mid-80's recession, one of them had a cartoon posted on the wall next his drafting table that said something like... "Please Lord, let there be another economic boom, and this time I promise not to wee wee* it all away." :hilarious:

*Another word was actually used. 😉


Well-Known Member
She would die of happiness!!

Nooooo. Her mom is cheap!! I'm not spending $150 on a cake for preschoolers when i can plop some Olaf figurines on an $18 Costco cake :hilarious::hilarious:
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That looks amazing!!!! Great job!!! I love seeing this stuff!

Costco has really good cakes imo. I did something similar for a Jake themed party for T one year. Got the Jake cake from Costco but decorated a cake board to go around it. No complaints :)


Premium Member
I’m living vicariously thru all parents of girls. You all get the cute cakes and pretty dresses..

This is what I did for T’s last bday (his request of Minecraft)

Cupcake sword cake.

View attachment 266660

And this thing.. omg it took forever.. I cut out and mod podged every single square on the frame. Never Again.

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The kids had fun with these though.

I’m running out of time this year.. still haven’t booked a venue. One thing I know for sure, we’re picking something where I can buy stuff at the store and not have to make it all myself. Meanwhile, I’m a tad jealous of all of you who get to do the pretty girly stuff!

That looks so fun!! Not sure if you saw her half birthday tea party in my PTR last year but it was the epitome of girly things:



Premium Member
A already has more than she needs, so instead of gifts, her birthday guests bring donations for the Humane Society. Thanks to the generosity of her family and friends, she was able to donate a huge amount of food and supplies today, and then got to play with the animals!!

Goodbye, not so terrible twos!!

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Fantastic idea! Happy Birthday to her!


Well-Known Member
Yep, and as I have been griping about, the hotel discounts this year stink so far. My pin code discount was no better than my AP discount, where last year the AP was better than the general discount. This year the Spring hotel discount was only 20% off for deluxe, and 15% for moderate. You used to get at least 30% for deluxe. I hate complaining about Disney as it is my happy place, but they are starting to make me mad.:mad: But of course, they are a business and technically don't need to give any discounts at all. :rolleyes:

It would be interesting to see how they would do if they left all prices at current full rates and offered no discounts whatsoever of any kind (including things like "free" dining) for one entire fiscal year.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that it is a council building, 70% of the apartments are social housing meaning that the council has to pay for all the maintenance etc. Even though this is one of the richest council in the UK they have spent as little as possible on the upkeep for the last 30 years. The reason the fire in the tower got as bad as it did was because of cheap materials being used on the outside of the building and no sprinklers being fitted during a refurb despite the council having a 1 billion pound surplus budget. My building has gas pipes running along the outside of the apartments, it still has single pane windows and the whole building looks old and dirty.
The meeting went well, there were lots of architects there that wanted to hear our ideas for improvements etc. It could be a very nice looking estate but again the council so far has only allocated 30 million pounds which is not nearly enough to do all that needs to be done.

Another sympathy like.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of soccer.. can I whine for a second?

I received our Spring soccer schedule 2 weeks ago,received our baseball schedule on Friday..

Starting in 2 weeks, kiddo will have sports 7 days per week thru June. SEVEN. Soccer 2 hour practices 3 days per week, Baseball 1.5 hour practice 2 days per week, baseball games on Saturdays, Soccer games on Sundays, some weekends on Saturdays as well. I only have 1 child, but this is still a lot for us.

The upside- not too many conflicts between the two.

The downside- I regret allowing him to do this.

We do so much during the Spring/Early Summer- parks,hiking, museums, amusement park, zoo, bike riding etc. I don’t know how we’re going to be able to do barely anything but sports this Spring-June.

I’m so sad about it.

Ok sorry, whine over. Just wanted to get it out.
That IS a lot! I don't miss DS being in soccer. That was 2 practices a week and games pretty much every Saturday. Combined with DD's musical theater, my choir, and both our work schedules, it was just too much. Blech!


Well-Known Member
It’s so tough!! I can’t even plan kiddo’s bday party until I know exact game times.

I can’t imagine juggling with more than one kid!! Seriously, I say this repeatedly, but I don’t know how people do it. I don’t know how my parents did it.

Every single day in July would be tough to do much.. I’m sending good thoughts your way!
I know how my parents did it. They didn't! We played games with our friends in the neighborhoods or amused ourselves. I did a little more with my two girls who were into juvenile Soft Ball, Basketball, Figure Skating, ballet and piano lessons. By the time they hit High School they wanted to have a car and that required them to get a job, so they didn't have time for extracurricular stuff. They both managed to do well in life so far, so it must have not been all that important to do. On the plus side they always paid their bills and never asked for money. Once they left they took over control of their own lives. Not a bad thing really. However, to be fair to the current generation of parents, they do drag their kids to soccer, Boy and Girl Scouts, Basketball, Baseball, but it usually only requires a couple of days a week.

I think that the demands of the organizers of these activities overdo the whole thing. Expectation and pressure is too high on kids who I know from talking to my own grandkids, the kids do just to please their parents. I have a granddaughter who loves arts and crafts. She loves to paint (does very well too), she loves to just randomly make things by hand (see once made me a perfectly usable (albeit unfashionable) wallet out of duct tape and she makes some of the most fantastically tasty and wonderfully decorated cakes. But, lately she has very little time to do any of that what with high school and soccer and girl scouts. She confided to me that she would give everything up just to do what she really likes to do (with the exception of high school).
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Well-Known Member
That IS a lot! I don't miss DS being in soccer. That was 2 practices a week and games pretty much every Saturday. Combined with DD's musical theater, my choir, and both our work schedules, it was just too much. Blech!
August- early November we had SAY soccer 3 days per week.. then November-early Jan we had club soccer 2 training days, and one game day of a team that I coached. We also had basketball but the was a rec league, so only one day per week. From 2nd week of January til now we have 3 soccer session, 1 on Wednesday and 2 on Sunday (one practice and one game).. I’ve already been feeling overwhelmed the past few months. I’m worried about the even-more-hectic schedule starting next month.
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Well-Known Member
I know how my parents did it. They didn't! We played games with our friends in the neighborhoods or amused ourselves. I did a little more with my two girls who were into juvenile Soft Ball, Basketball, Figure Skating, ballet and piano lessons. By the time they hit High School they wanted to have a car and that required them to get a job, so they didn't have time for extracurricular stuff. They both managed to do well in life so far, so it must have not been all that important to do. On the plus side they always paid their bills and never asked for money. Once they left they took over control of their own lives. Not a bad thing really. However, to be fair to the current generation of parents, they do drag their kids to soccer, Boy and Girl Scouts, Basketball, Baseball, but it usually only requires a couple of days a week.

I think that the demands of the organizers of these activities overdo the whole thing. Expectation and pressure is too high on kids who I know from talking to my own grandkids, the kids do just to please their parents. I have a granddaughter who loves arts and crafts. She loves to paint (does very well too), she loves to just randomly make things by hand (see once made me a perfectly usable (albeit unfashionable) wallet out of duct tape and she makes some of the most fantastically tasty and wonderfully decorated cakes. But, lately she has very little time to do any of that what with high school and soccer and girl scouts. She confided to me that she would give everything up just to do what she really likes to do (with the exception of high school).

I was a competitive springboard diver from age 7.. plus I played all of my school sports and spring select soccer..
my sister was a gymnast from age 4, made the national team at 6 or 7.. and also played select soccer, but she only did a year or two of softball.
My brother didn’t specialize in one sport like we did, but he did play all of the school sports.
Sometimes our family had to split up if one of my dive meets conflicted with my sister’s Gymnastic meets out of town. I’m the oldest, so I started flying by myself around age 14 to meet them in places like Iowa after my own meet and staying with my
It was hectic, but I never remember my mom being stressed out about it.

Sports have changed.. especially select sports. If I felt that my son could have made a club team next year I would have waited. I didn’t allow him to try out last year, and he’s already behind some of the other kids with their fancy foot skills. This is something he wanted and I didn’t think we could afford to wait any longer.

He also tried out for a club baseball team last June- for this Spring. He totally choked at tryouts and didn’t make the team. I feel like baseball isn’t as urgent and he can try again this year.. BUT, even though he was heartbroken at the time, I’m SO GLAD that he didn’t make the team. It would have been a nightmare to do both. He’s playing for his school this year, he’s playing up with the 9U team, so that’s good enough I think. We’re going to have a serious talk about baseball and soccer for next year.. if he wants to tryout for a Club baseball team again, and if he makes it, then he has to choose between club baseball and club soccer before he accepts the offer.

I think it’s absolutely horrible how these clubs demand so much time from these kids at this age. Our soccer club demands a year round commitment (summer and winter is training and futsal or boarded indoor teams). Plus we have tryouts twice per year.. they didn’t do that when I was young.. now you can play Spring, spend all of that money, and may not even make your same team for the Fall. That’s so crazy to me. It’s almost impossible to make the team if you just played one, I always played SAY in the Fall and Select in the Spring.. kids today don’t have that choice.

Most of all though, I refuse to force him to become a One Sport Athlete, so we’re going to juggle as best as we can. I just wish the sports like baseball and soccer would chill out a bit at the young ages. It’s not diving or gymnastics or dance where you need to be young and retire young.. they have time for baseball and soccer and everything could change once they hit puberty. It’s too scary to put all of the eggs in one basket with sports like that.
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