The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
So what is wrong with your building? What happened at your meeting?
The problem is that it is a council building, 70% of the apartments are social housing meaning that the council has to pay for all the maintenance etc. Even though this is one of the richest council in the UK they have spent as little as possible on the upkeep for the last 30 years. The reason the fire in the tower got as bad as it did was because of cheap materials being used on the outside of the building and no sprinklers being fitted during a refurb despite the council having a 1 billion pound surplus budget. My building has gas pipes running along the outside of the apartments, it still has single pane windows and the whole building looks old and dirty.
The meeting went well, there were lots of architects there that wanted to hear our ideas for improvements etc. It could be a very nice looking estate but again the council so far has only allocated 30 million pounds which is not nearly enough to do all that needs to be done.


Premium Member
Yep, and as I have been griping about, the hotel discounts this year stink so far. My pin code discount was no better than my AP discount, where last year the AP was better than the general discount. This year the Spring hotel discount was only 20% off for deluxe, and 15% for moderate. You used to get at least 30% for deluxe. I hate complaining about Disney as it is my happy place, but they are starting to make me mad.:mad: But of course, they are a business and technically don't need to give any discounts at all. :rolleyes:

I disagree. Their business model is to offer artificially inflated prices with discounts on top of that. Being on these boards for a year now, it is obvious that the majority of Disney goers are expecting some level of discounts on their trip (room, ticket, free dining, free upgrades, etc.). It's not just our entitled culture, it's the way their business model works. Aside from a few resorts/ sections of resorts, very few people expect to go to Disney and pay the full rack rate.

So really, their rack rate plus their discount is their base rate. Since their discount was lowered this year, their base rate was increased. That's a sneaky way of not raising the rack rate too much but still heavily raising the base rate.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. The owners of her building are good and old friends of mine. They, her Dad, Brother and her own this building and every home and/or 2 flat on the street for 2 blocks. Little by little he bought them one by one some 30 years ago I believe. He had only owned the one he lives in and my friend grew up in. This building use to be the worst and would flood up to the tops of washing machines. I can't even imagine as that is where all the meters and first floor furnaces are along with storage lockers.

Yesterday every single other building was taking on water. I could see the man next to her apartment building with buckets downstairs last night cleaning. Friend said her folks house had water running down the cellar stairway, her own house was taking water in the basement as was the 2 flat. One house is in a valley I cringe to think of what that one is like on the next block over. So the streams running on DD basement floor of her building is just a minor inconvenience to everyone in her building today. She is just glad my friends Dad had over 8 pumps put into the basement. And think everyone is grateful this is storm water vs sewer water.
Yesterday there was a house up the street from me that had 4 work trucks, advertising that they basically fix and clean after a flood situation. The first one passed my house around 10 AM. Coming back from DD's concert last night, close to 9PM, there were still 3 trucks there, with hoses coming out of the half basement. I am so glad that wasn't me today, but feel terrible for all the people trying to dry out and clean up.


Well-Known Member
I got an app from my friend that her son was hit by a car today while riding his bike to school. He's ok...bruised, and I THINK she meant he has sprains, but I'm not sure because her Dutch isn't great and the word she used, I don't think exists, but sounds similar to what I think is the English word for "sprain" but it sounds like he was treated and released from the hospital and was home resting...I'm betting he'll be SORE tomorrow! I don't know what happened, and she wasn't with him....he's 10 or 11 and she allows him to bike by himself to school, and she drove her daughter in the car and came up on the accident. I'm glad he is ok, but man it's DD bikes alone to school every day and there is one intersection right by her school that is HORRIBLE. They have crossing guards before and after school, but sometimes DD leaves a bit early or comes home a bit late and I know from experience that people don't give bikes the right of way if there's no one around to see it. Now I will say, my friend's son is not the most responsible kid on the planet, and I don't know what happened, but I wouldn't put it past him to just fly through an intersection without looking, but you'd think that someone driving near a school would be paying close attention because kids are not known for their stellar judgment in traffic situations. It's just scary!!


Well-Known Member
I got an app from my friend that her son was hit by a car today while riding his bike to school. He's ok...bruised, and I THINK she meant he has sprains, but I'm not sure because her Dutch isn't great and the word she used, I don't think exists, but sounds similar to what I think is the English word for "sprain" but it sounds like he was treated and released from the hospital and was home resting...I'm betting he'll be SORE tomorrow! I don't know what happened, and she wasn't with him....he's 10 or 11 and she allows him to bike by himself to school, and she drove her daughter in the car and came up on the accident. I'm glad he is ok, but man it's DD bikes alone to school every day and there is one intersection right by her school that is HORRIBLE. They have crossing guards before and after school, but sometimes DD leaves a bit early or comes home a bit late and I know from experience that people don't give bikes the right of way if there's no one around to see it. Now I will say, my friend's son is not the most responsible kid on the planet, and I don't know what happened, but I wouldn't put it past him to just fly through an intersection without looking, but you'd think that someone driving near a school would be paying close attention because kids are not known for their stellar judgment in traffic situations. It's just scary!!
I am so glad he is OK. That would really be scary.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday there was a house up the street from me that had 4 work trucks, advertising that they basically fix and clean after a flood situation. The first one passed my house around 10 AM. Coming back from DD's concert last night, close to 9PM, there were still 3 trucks there, with hoses coming out of the half basement. I am so glad that wasn't me today, but feel terrible for all the people trying to dry out and clean up.
After having 2 major leaks in the last year, I feel your neighbors pain. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all the people whose homes are in danger of flooding.


Well-Known Member
So, DS and I are biking home yesterday and he needed to stop because something hurt. So we stop and he says, "Mom, do you think Christian could see me and not be mean to me?" (Christian is one of the neighbor boys, he was in DS's class at the old school and he was one of the bullies.) I said yes, I thought he could. He says "Do you think it would be hard for him?" I said "No, I don't think it's ever hard to NOT be mean to someone. You just have to WANT to not be mean." He says "Oh....ok." So I asked him "Why? Did you see Christian and he was nice to you?" And he says "Well, he goes to my school now." WHAT???? Since WHEN?? and he tells me the kid started just before Mardigras. So not long, but of his bullies now goes to his school! He's at least not in the same class and I'm going to talk to the teacher today when I pick him up and let him know there's a history there and to please please please keep an eye on them! This makes me very nervous. And I don't know why this kid is at this school....I'm pretty sure the kid does not have autism, but that's not the only thing this school deals with, just the majority. But I really don't want this kid around DS!!
Just when you think all is good, this happens. Hopefully ds will be no where near him, but it does sound like the new school won’t allow any bullying from how you described how things are run.


Well-Known Member
A Lidl opened today about 20 minutes walk from my home. I thought it wouldn't be too busy if I went in the afternoon but boy was I wrong. I had to stand in line just to get in, luckily it moved quickly and they were handing out slices of cake so I was happy enough.
It was crazy busy inside but it is a beautiful store with a large selection of products. It will be great to get my shopping there from now on.:)


Well-Known Member
I got an app from my friend that her son was hit by a car today while riding his bike to school. He's ok...bruised, and I THINK she meant he has sprains, but I'm not sure because her Dutch isn't great and the word she used, I don't think exists, but sounds similar to what I think is the English word for "sprain" but it sounds like he was treated and released from the hospital and was home resting...I'm betting he'll be SORE tomorrow! I don't know what happened, and she wasn't with him....he's 10 or 11 and she allows him to bike by himself to school, and she drove her daughter in the car and came up on the accident. I'm glad he is ok, but man it's DD bikes alone to school every day and there is one intersection right by her school that is HORRIBLE. They have crossing guards before and after school, but sometimes DD leaves a bit early or comes home a bit late and I know from experience that people don't give bikes the right of way if there's no one around to see it. Now I will say, my friend's son is not the most responsible kid on the planet, and I don't know what happened, but I wouldn't put it past him to just fly through an intersection without looking, but you'd think that someone driving near a school would be paying close attention because kids are not known for their stellar judgment in traffic situations. It's just scary!!
I'm glad the boy is okay, having biked to school for many years I know how dangerous it can be.


Well-Known Member
I disagree. Their business model is to offer artificially inflated prices with discounts on top of that. Being on these boards for a year now, it is obvious that the majority of Disney goers are expecting some level of discounts on their trip (room, ticket, free dining, free upgrades, etc.). It's not just our entitled culture, it's the way their business model works. Aside from a few resorts/ sections of resorts, very few people expect to go to Disney and pay the full rack rate.

So really, their rack rate plus their discount is their base rate. Since their discount was lowered this year, their base rate was increased. That's a sneaky way of not raising the rack rate too much but still heavily raising the base rate.
Sure I get it. Nothing is really discounted. Although back in the early 2000's, they had some nice discounts. The best was in '09 where they were offering a full package(tickets, room, and dining plan), buy 4 days get 3 free, or was it buy 5 days get 2 free? Regardless, they did offer some good deals in the past to get people into the parks. Now I guess they are so filled, that they think they can keep higher prices and people will just come. At some point, something has to give though.

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