The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I got an app from my friend that her son was hit by a car today while riding his bike to school. He's ok...bruised, and I THINK she meant he has sprains, but I'm not sure because her Dutch isn't great and the word she used, I don't think exists, but sounds similar to what I think is the English word for "sprain" but it sounds like he was treated and released from the hospital and was home resting...I'm betting he'll be SORE tomorrow! I don't know what happened, and she wasn't with him....he's 10 or 11 and she allows him to bike by himself to school, and she drove her daughter in the car and came up on the accident. I'm glad he is ok, but man it's DD bikes alone to school every day and there is one intersection right by her school that is HORRIBLE. They have crossing guards before and after school, but sometimes DD leaves a bit early or comes home a bit late and I know from experience that people don't give bikes the right of way if there's no one around to see it. Now I will say, my friend's son is not the most responsible kid on the planet, and I don't know what happened, but I wouldn't put it past him to just fly through an intersection without looking, but you'd think that someone driving near a school would be paying close attention because kids are not known for their stellar judgment in traffic situations. It's just scary!!
Glad he was not hurt more. That is scary.


Well-Known Member
A Lidl opened today about 20 minutes walk from my home. I thought it wouldn't be too busy if I went in the afternoon but boy was I wrong. I had to stand in line just to get in, luckily it moved quickly and they were handing out slices of cake so I was happy enough.
It was crazy busy inside but it is a beautiful store with a large selection of products. It will be great to get my shopping there from now on.:)
Is that a supermarket?


Premium Member
We are just getting rain here. Will be in the low 40's. You must live in a higher elevation where you are. Sorry. Hopefully the forecasters are wrong.
So far so good 33 and rain. The puddles are getting deep and they'll freeze overnight:grumpy: Now I'm wondering if they'll have school tomorrow. Seeing how close to very dangerous it is I'm ok with the closing.


Premium Member
So, DS and I are biking home yesterday and he needed to stop because something hurt. So we stop and he says, "Mom, do you think Christian could see me and not be mean to me?" (Christian is one of the neighbor boys, he was in DS's class at the old school and he was one of the bullies.) I said yes, I thought he could. He says "Do you think it would be hard for him?" I said "No, I don't think it's ever hard to NOT be mean to someone. You just have to WANT to not be mean." He says "Oh....ok." So I asked him "Why? Did you see Christian and he was nice to you?" And he says "Well, he goes to my school now." WHAT???? Since WHEN?? and he tells me the kid started just before Mardigras. So not long, but of his bullies now goes to his school! He's at least not in the same class and I'm going to talk to the teacher today when I pick him up and let him know there's a history there and to please please please keep an eye on them! This makes me very nervous. And I don't know why this kid is at this school....I'm pretty sure the kid does not have autism, but that's not the only thing this school deals with, just the majority. But I really don't want this kid around DS!!
Good luck. My ds had a similar situation and one of the bullies was put in his new group when we got him in the right one. Long, long story short once said kid was separated from the rest of the bullies he and my ds became bffs. Now that they are not in the same program and the other kid moved they still keep in touch:inlove: I'm hoping the same for your ds. Prayers and pixie dust. xoxo


Premium Member
I got an app from my friend that her son was hit by a car today while riding his bike to school. He's ok...bruised, and I THINK she meant he has sprains, but I'm not sure because her Dutch isn't great and the word she used, I don't think exists, but sounds similar to what I think is the English word for "sprain" but it sounds like he was treated and released from the hospital and was home resting...I'm betting he'll be SORE tomorrow! I don't know what happened, and she wasn't with him....he's 10 or 11 and she allows him to bike by himself to school, and she drove her daughter in the car and came up on the accident. I'm glad he is ok, but man it's DD bikes alone to school every day and there is one intersection right by her school that is HORRIBLE. They have crossing guards before and after school, but sometimes DD leaves a bit early or comes home a bit late and I know from experience that people don't give bikes the right of way if there's no one around to see it. Now I will say, my friend's son is not the most responsible kid on the planet, and I don't know what happened, but I wouldn't put it past him to just fly through an intersection without looking, but you'd think that someone driving near a school would be paying close attention because kids are not known for their stellar judgment in traffic situations. It's just scary!!
Glad he'll be ok but do you not have crossing guards by the schools?


Well-Known Member
I am so glad he is OK. That would really be scary.
No kidding! And it sounds like he was EXTREMELY lucky to only have bruises and sprains. (I asked my hubby, and I was right about the translation) I'm guessing the car must not have been going very fast. Still, not a good thing, but as far as getting hit by a car goes, it could have been MUCH worse.


Well-Known Member
Just when you think all is good, this happens. Hopefully ds will be no where near him, but it does sound like the new school won’t allow any bullying from how you described how things are run.
I talked to his teacher, who assured me that the two classes very rarely interact. I guess the kid has been there since December! I had no idea, which I guess is a good thing, because if he's been there since a month after DS, that means that he's at least not targeting DS at the moment. The teacher said that the kid's aggression is focused towards his own class right now. I guess that happens sometimes with new kids, they are trying to find their place and move up in the pecking order and so far, he's concentrating on making his place in his class, so his bad behavior is happening there, and is not involving kids from other classes. BUT, the teacher thanked me for letting them know, because once the kid has worked his way in and has settled in his new class, his attention could be diverted and then he might find DS a convenient target, so he said they will keep an eye out and he also made a deal with DS that if the kid says anything or does anything to him that isn't nice, he's to go to his teacher immediately so he can help and we'll keep each other informed if DS tells the teacher or us about an incident, we'll pass it to the other. So we will all be able to help him. It just makes me nervous having that kid anywhere in close proximity to my son. But, this school doesn't allow that behavior so I'm confident that IF anything happens, it will be handled.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad the boy is okay, having biked to school for many years I know how dangerous it can be.
Yeah, people do some nutty things!! But I do have to say, from my experiences in biking to work and picking DS up from school, it seems to me that people on bikes tend to be really unsafe! A few weeks ago, some teenager on a bike ran right into DD because he was pulling out of the Jumbo parking lot and was looking to the right instead of forward and didn't see her. The day before that, some guy on a bike ran into a girl who had the right of way because he didn't want to wait for her to get past. He clipped her and kept going, with her shouting curses at him as he rode away. And before Christmas, DS narrowly avoided a collision when some guy at an intersection was coming from the left, turning right, onto the bike lane that's actually going the other way, and decided to go AROUND DS before turning, so went right in front of DS, who then slammed on his breaks and swerved...lucky he didn't end up in the street. And the worst part was there was a police car at the intersection, the guy didn't even apologize or ask if DS was ok before riding away and the police did nothing. And just yesterday, there was a group of kids probably around DD's age, and one boy was on the back of another's bike and they were ALL over the street, swerving. I couldn't get past them because no matter which way I went, they swerved that way. There was a car coming from the other direction that had to stop and wait for them to get past so he didn't hit them, and another car in back of me...we were both stuck with these two boys going at a snails pace ahead and not being considerate enough to pull over and let other traffic pass them. All the while laughing hysterically, like it was SOOOO funny to back traffic up and create a dangerous situation. After we got onto the bike path from the street, I called to them that what they were doing was really dangerous and could I please get past them if they were going to do that....the one looks at me all confused and says "What's wrong?" And like I said, my friend's son is not the most responsible and his judgment is lacking, so it would not surprise me one bit if he just wasn't paying attention and rode right in front of a car. I HATE riding a bike really is extremely dangerous, but I don't know what's worse...other bike traffic or cars.


Well-Known Member
I talked to his teacher, who assured me that the two classes very rarely interact. I guess the kid has been there since December! I had no idea, which I guess is a good thing, because if he's been there since a month after DS, that means that he's at least not targeting DS at the moment. The teacher said that the kid's aggression is focused towards his own class right now. I guess that happens sometimes with new kids, they are trying to find their place and move up in the pecking order and so far, he's concentrating on making his place in his class, so his bad behavior is happening there, and is not involving kids from other classes. BUT, the teacher thanked me for letting them know, because once the kid has worked his way in and has settled in his new class, his attention could be diverted and then he might find DS a convenient target, so he said they will keep an eye out and he also made a deal with DS that if the kid says anything or does anything to him that isn't nice, he's to go to his teacher immediately so he can help and we'll keep each other informed if DS tells the teacher or us about an incident, we'll pass it to the other. So we will all be able to help him. It just makes me nervous having that kid anywhere in close proximity to my son. But, this school doesn't allow that behavior so I'm confident that IF anything happens, it will be handled.
Sounds like that other kid needs some psychiatric counseling.


Well-Known Member
Glad he'll be ok but do you not have crossing guards by the schools?
I have no idea what they have...she doesn't live in my town. She's one of my friends from the language school and I moved away when we got a house here. All my friends are still back in the Arnhem area. DD's school has crossing guards, but I've never seen any other schools here with them. DD's only has them because that street is so busy and since the school is new, they had to build a bike path and a crossing there....there wasn't one before. I think the idea eventually is to have stoplights, but for now, the bikes have the right of way on a street where there was previously no crossing, so drivers in cars don't particularly like getting slowed down there. So if there's no crossing guard, 9 times out of 10 they ignore the bikes and just go through. I've had to yield many a time to avoid getting hit. I don't know what the traffic situation is like where my friend's son was hit, but it didn't sound like there was a crossing guard. My friend said there was a "nice and alert" woman who "held" the driver and called the police and ambulance. The way she wrote it makes it sound like the driver was trying to leave, but it could just be that my friend used the wrong verb. She said "vast gehouden" which is literally "held onto" as in, physically restrained, but she COULD have meant "aangehouden" which would be more like...detained,? @RedNoseMickey ? So I'm not sure, but no, it doesn't sound like there was a guard or anything. I don't think crossing guards are a common thing here, but then, MOST schools I've seen are not on busy streets. They are tucked into neighborhood residential areas. DD's is an exception and there was a BIG controversy about that before they built the school...that it was not a safe place for a school, particularly the one intersection. They did it anyway, and I think they are seeing now that it was a pretty bad idea. Not that they'll admit it. But I don't think crossing guards are generally necessary. Or at least not thought to be.

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