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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Sympathy like. Stay safe my friends. That goes for you too @Gabe1

Well thank you! Somewhere during the night winter came back, the rain stopped and the river came down a bit vs rising, it is flowing fast for this time of the year and there are ponds everywhere. The before and after. I took this photo this afternoon so I'd say it is 30% smaller that it was at its worst. This is suppose to be Kentucky Blue Grass under all that snow/water. There is a river walk on the far right side that the ducks were enjoying the current on early this morning.


and today


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, Iron Man. We saw that on TV as well. That was really good. Ds liked that one. Again, he was older than T at the time.

Also depends on what channel/ service you watch it on, I guess. We got rid of things like HBO, Showtime, etc. before our oldest kiddo was old enough to know any better. Although, even on many of the "tamer" channels from back in the day you can now hear stuff they would have censored back then.
We still feel we did a good job when it came to exposure to certain things when they were growing up. We weren' crazy strict, but, we were by know means "Whatever you want, kiddo!!!" either.


Well-Known Member
My issue with Back to the Future was the beginning with the Iranians. If I could start the movie from after that point. My kids have yet to see it actually. We did watch Midnight Madness a couple of weeks ago. Michael J. Fox played a teenage kid in a scavenger hunt like movie. Lots of fun. There is also the movie Scavenger Hunt, that also came out around 1980 or '81. I forgot if we got that from Amazon or Netflix. Not superhero films, but they are fun.

I believe it was actually Libyans in BttF. We and Muammar Gaddafi were having issues at the time. It was just a plot vehicle that reflected that. I'm not saying it was good or bad.
I remember both the MJF flick and the other one. Had to get in the Way Back Machine, though...!!! :geek:
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
No clue. I just know that my kids all got vaccinated for it. I guess it is more of a preventive measure.
Interesting. I don't remember our kiddos ever getting a polio vaccine. DWifey says she doesn't remember them getting a polio vaccine either.

I agree, the vast majority of vaccinations required for school are preventative measures and all states have the requirements for public school attendance but there are opt outs and they vary by state. Likely anyone that has had to opt out of anything required by law remembers going through those hoops. Reading it in school board policy makes anyone want to put their head through a wall.

In Illinois students 4 times must have full physicals, dental exams and once, a Lead screening by 6 years old or when moving to the state or entering IL schools.

Polio is referred to as the IPV (vaccination) or IPO (oral) so with the weird medical coding on receipts and records we might forget over the years what all the acronyms for childhood vaccinations are especially if we had multiple kids and some are 3 in ones like the DTap. All I remember is looking at the sheet from year to year trying to see if either of mine had to have a vaccination before the new school year started. Polio is given 3 or 4 times to a child. In IL schools must have a certified School Nurse (master degree) and it is their responsibility to go through all of these kids records to make sure they have been vaccinated or send out the ominous letters to parents about student not being allowed to attend...



Well-Known Member
Not only don't I like the outside of BLT, the lobby is so un-Disney and unimpressive. The only thing I like about BLT is the walkway, because you get a cool view of MK and the monorail.

Yep, we've visited (not stayed at) CR several times, but, have never had any desire to check out BLT.
Although, they might lure us over with free BLTs in the lobby...!!! :hungry: 😉


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I have never been there, but we aren't going out for breakfast people, either. I am more of a sip hot coffee and lounge in my jammies person. When we do make it out for brunch, we usually hit Walker Brothers. :hungry:

I have loved Walker Brothers since I was a young'n. I went last year for the first time in a long while. I'm a big fan of Wildberry, there is one downtown and then one across the street from Woodfield. Brunch Cafe is awesome too. I can eat Egg Harbors potatoes cubes until there are no more plus they give me my own pot of coffee.

And I think I did 30 years of shuffling down to the kitchen, pour coffee into Mug that was already brewed and shuffle back to bed to sip coffee until I could pretend I was awake.

Now it is pull on sweatpants, pull on hat, put on coat shuffle to Starbucks and buy a Venti Pike and sip while shuffling back and plop back down until close to awake.

I have to say I love my Dunkin Donuts homemade but something about this new friendship I have with Starbucks Pike each morning. :inlove:


Well-Known Member
I agree, the vast majority of vaccinations required for school are preventative measures and all states have the requirements for public school attendance but there are opt outs and they vary by state. Likely anyone that has had to opt out of anything required by law remembers going through those hoops. Reading it in school board policy makes anyone want to put their head through a wall.

In Illinois students 4 times must have full physicals, dental exams and once, a Lead screening by 6 years old or when moving to the state or entering IL schools.

Polio is referred to as the IPV (vaccination) or IPO (oral) so with the weird medical coding on receipts and records we might forget over the years what all the acronyms for childhood vaccinations are especially if we had multiple kids and some are 3 in ones like the DTap. All I remember is looking at the sheet from year to year trying to see if either of mine had to have a vaccination before the new school year started. Polio is given 3 or 4 times to a child. In IL schools must have a certified School Nurse (master degree) and it is their responsibility to go through all of these kids records to make sure they have been vaccinated or send out the ominous letters to parents about student not being allowed to attend...


Woof. That one got lost in the mix then in my mind, but, I'm sure they had them, as they are required. I definitely remember them having the DTaP, MMR, etc., I just don't remember the polio one.
Hey, there are 3 of them, all in their mid-ish 20's now, so we have slept a bit since then...! 😉
Although I know oldest DD and SonIL will be on top of it all with a kiddo on the way, Gramps here should probably get up-date on all that stuff again...!!! :inlove: :happy:


Well-Known Member
@donaldtoo polio is definitely still a thing, especially in countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan where the distrust of doctors runs really high. I believe also in Africa.... I want to say Nigeria?

There's a really fascinating documentary on Netflix called Every Last Child about their attempts to eradicate in Pakistan. It's really really good but also very heartbreaking.

Thanks. Don't have Netflix and I just can't keep up with it all much information overload these days.
Heartbreaking, indeed. :(


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
We managed to make it through the rain! Even though it is flippin' cold out there, today, I am just happy to see some sunshine. We now have a skating pond on the side of the house, and across the street.

So glad all of your DD's stuff is up a little bit. Hope it stayed dry!

Thank you. The owners of her building are good and old friends of mine. They, her Dad, Brother and her own this building and every home and/or 2 flat on the street for 2 blocks. Little by little he bought them one by one some 30 years ago I believe. He had only owned the one he lives in and my friend grew up in. This building use to be the worst and would flood up to the tops of washing machines. I can't even imagine as that is where all the meters and first floor furnaces are along with storage lockers.

Yesterday every single other building was taking on water. I could see the man next to her apartment building with buckets downstairs last night cleaning. Friend said her folks house had water running down the cellar stairway, her own house was taking water in the basement as was the 2 flat. One house is in a valley I cringe to think of what that one is like on the next block over. So the streams running on DD basement floor of her building is just a minor inconvenience to everyone in her building today. She is just glad my friends Dad had over 8 pumps put into the basement. And think everyone is grateful this is storm water vs sewer water.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Woof. That one got lost in the mix then in my mind, but, I'm sure they had them, as they are required. I definitely remember them having the DTaP, MMR, etc., I just don't remember the polio one.
Hey, there are 3 of them, all in their mid-ish 20's now, so we have slept a bit since then...! 😉
Although I know oldest DD and SonIL will be on top of it all with a kiddo on the way, Gramps here should probably get up-date on all that stuff again...!!! :inlove::happy:

I always had to check the sheet. Acronyms that meant nothing to me didn't stick well. I remember the antidote for Infectious Bacterial Meningitis DS was beyond directly exposed to in daycare. I remember the Chicken Pox one since I didn't have chicken pox and I remember the first flu shots (they didn't normally give to little ones back then) as we were going to be in Disney for 2 weeks over Christmas. And then the new one given at school 3x over a few months. That is only a handful of all the vaccines vs the overall childhoods of our kids. Some useless data just gets pushed out of the crevices of my mind. Polio I likely retain because a friend of mine was struck by it as a toddler.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yesterday, out of curiosity I checked on the cost of 5 nights in a Disney Deluxe for two people in mid-October. No meals, just park tickets and a room. $4650.00!!!! That is $200.00 more then I paid TOTAL for 30 days touring Europe for everything including the Trans-Atlantic cruise back to the states. As much as I like WDW, there is no way that I would pay that much for the experience. My way would have cost me around $800.00 for park tickets (PH) and a room in a nice hotel just off property for $300.00. That is how I have managed to enjoy my trips all these years.

And that is why our family trips to Disney went from 2 weeks to a week while they kids were still kids. Same resort most times but tickets, food and lodging just escalated that quickly. But if you are bargain hunting do more research, there are some bargains, well at least a bargain for Disney, no where else. I'm holding an annual pass so the 30% last year beat a bounce back at POR and we stayed at Wilderness cheaper. Now this year Wilderness has converted so many rooms to DVC and Club level that the resort has very few rooms for general reservations, the price this year skyrocketed. I LOVE the Wilderness but likely wont pay that plus almost 52 weeks are booked because there are only a handful of rooms. Add in you are now limited to what you can use at the resort if you are not DVC even though the DVC was the add on to the resort. I can't wrap my brain around paying that much and being told sorry what you once more. :bored: So glad we were there in that specific resort for Hurricane Irma but bluck.

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