The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
Yesterday was our only warm day, with temps in the 60's. Didn't really matter, because of all the rain. Today, no rain (thank goodness!), but temps are back down in the 30's with a real feel of 26 last time I checked around 11:30. I'm guessing much colder by you, @ajrwdwgirl ?

Yes, colder here. High of 19 today but by next Wednesday we should be at 41! It'll be like a heat wave!:cool:


Premium Member
The only place I'll drink the water is Via Nappoli. They get the water from Pennsylvania. Tastes much better than Florida water. Water bottles at WDW are just an expense I live with.

The California Grill has good water too, they always make a point of telling us that it is triple filtered. And it does taste pretty good. So now you have another reason to try California Grill.


Well-Known Member
Well, if you want to live in Pennsylvania farm country, you are welcome here for a few months. You'll just have to get used to the horse manure smell when the winds blow the wrong way.;)

I am getting a crown fitted.
Oh, well then that price is pretty normal.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the offer but I am a spoiled city girl so not sure if I can hack it in farm country.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Yak and Yeti? It's okay, but nothing fantastic. That's one that we do because it's decent and in the park. Don't go out of our way for that one.

There's others that I would love to do but haven't been to in years. Boma & Cape May come to mind.
The ones at AKL definitively are good.

But way too far imho (unless you're staying at AKL)

Yak and yeti because it has the 3 mexican B's.. not so expensive, nice service and decent food.


Well-Known Member
The ones at AKL definitively are good.

But way too far imho (unless you're staying at AKL)

Yak and yeti because it has the 3 mexican B's.. not so expensive, nice service and decent food.
We used to do most of the day at AK, go to Boma for dinner, and then go over to MK afterward. It helped with the distance. And the fact that MK is sorely lacking in places to eat.


Well-Known Member
I just checked rates for Uni. A week at Cabana Bay with tickets comes to just over $3600 for all of us with the Harry Potter package. That seems reasonable. By comparison a week at AOA Nemo rooms with park hoppers is almost $6000!
Yesterday, out of curiosity I checked on the cost of 5 nights in a Disney Deluxe for two people in mid-October. No meals, just park tickets and a room. $4650.00!!!! That is $200.00 more then I paid TOTAL for 30 days touring Europe for everything including the Trans-Atlantic cruise back to the states. As much as I like WDW, there is no way that I would pay that much for the experience. My way would have cost me around $800.00 for park tickets (PH) and a room in a nice hotel just off property for $300.00. That is how I have managed to enjoy my trips all these years.


Premium Member
Yesterday, out of curiosity I checked on the cost of 5 nights in a Disney Deluxe for two people in mid-October. No meals, just park tickets and a room. $4650.00!!!! That is $200.00 more then I paid TOTAL for 30 days touring Europe for everything including the Trans-Atlantic cruise back to the states. As much as I like WDW, there is no way that I would pay that much for the experience. My way would have cost me around $800.00 for park tickets (PH) and a room in a nice hotel just off property for $300.00. That is how I have managed to enjoy my trips all these years.

That is why we never stay deluxe and I have been look more into staying off-property. But for now the values will fit the budget.


Well-Known Member
So, does this means they can kick you out because the building was condemned and you will lose your home with no compensation while they demolish it?
No they could theoretically force me to sell to them but that won't happen. The plan is to tear the tower down and refurbish the other buildings on the estate including mine. Problem is there is not nearly enough money at the moment to do all that needs to be done.

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