My father had nothing but Buicks as did my Grandfather. I bought whatever I could afford, but, when I came back from Vietnam I decided to reward myself and buy a brand new 1970 Buick Skylark. I kept that car through 1977. It was part of every important thing in my life. My first date with my eventual wife, My first job out of the service, Our Honeymoon, Took my wife to the hospital to have our first baby and later brought our tiny newborn home, still had it two years later when baby girl number 2 decided to join us. Rinse and repeat. It was part of many firsts. I jokingly used to suggest we have it bronzed and placed on our mantle as a tribute to our lives. But, at the time I didn't have a mantle so we let it go.
This isn't going to sound like much based on todays cars, but I managed to squeeze 120K miles on it before it got to the point that I couldn't trust it anymore. To many things were breaking. Those of you that were around during that time know that if you got 70K out of a vehicle you were blessed. Nothing major ever went wrong with it and the only time it didn't start in all the time I owned it was that day. Even then it started OK for me to get home once every thing calmed down and all were sleeping. It was later in the morning when I was attempting to go back to the hospital to see how everyone was doing that it failed me. Fortunately, a town plow happened down the road at that time. I lived at the end of the street and the plow had to back into my driveway to turn around that I got them to give me a jump start. With that the car started immediately. It was the battery that had given out. Put in a new, cheap battery and never had the problem again.
Yes, they were considered "your grandfathers car" later on, but, it was highly prestegious to own one when I did. I had three other Buicks after that as well. I guess you could say that I was that Grandfather that they were talking about in recent years.