My real name is Marisa. No one besides my parents, a few of my relatives and people who have known me for a long time, and best friend call me that. I barely even respond to it. Because I'm, well, short, and always have been, my grandmother started calling me that when I was four. Then, my mom started calling me that after my brother was born, and it kind of just stuck. By the time I was in middle school, I asked everyone to call me that. My mom thought it was a phase that I would outgrow. Err, nope. Younger brother is not allowed to call me Marisa. He's tried a few times, and every time I've told him, "Um, that's Missy to you."
Professionally I do plan on being Marisa, but will ask coworkers and such to call me Missy like everyone else. If I do the CP, Missy will be on my nametag because I sometimes just plain don't respond to Marisa. Also, I don't like being called that. I've found that I'm more relaxed around people who call and refer to me as Missy.'s not going anywhere anytime soon.
I don't think people are aware of how annoying a name Marisa is, though. People always spell it wrong (Merissa, Marissa, Maryssa, Marrisa, and Marrissa are just some of the ways I've seen people try) and people can't pronounce it either. I don't mind people pronouncing it Mareesa, which is what my bestie's Italian relatives call me. But some people pronounce it like MRSA. Um, I am not a disease, thanks. Missy pretty much everyone can spell and pronounce.