The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My daughter didn't like to sleep in a crib/buggy. She'd sleep no problem if someone was holding her, but the second you put her down, she wailed. We swaddled her and used the Harvey Karp method with white noise and movement to get her to sleep and I was the only one who could get her to sleep. My son slept really mellow. But he woke up SOOOO early. He'd wake up at 4 am and NOT go back to sleep, so we used to take turns getting up with him. We went to my brother's wedding and Disney when he was 2 and a half and when we got back home, his schedule was so turned around that he started sleeping until 6:00!!! Disney fixed it!! He still wakes up at 6....he's 9. So he's still an early riser, but at least it's not 4 a.m.!!

My DD had her days and nights totally mixed up. She was that way before she was born. I'd go to bed for the night and she was brake dancing for hours as soon as I laid down.When she was born I had a five year old that did not sleep when she did so 24/7 one or the other was awake which meant I didn't \sleep for 2 months more than a nap for an hour at best. Disney fixed her. After our first day


Well-Known Member
I was terrified hearing all the horror stories almost scared me out of having kids but I was one of those annoying people who glowed for 9 months gave birth went home the next morning and cooked myself real food. Runs and hides under large rock. Labor was long and boring both times but not painful, runs and hides under even larger rock. James was born during a month long heat wave and my doctor was worried about the heat bothering me and she couldn't understand my blood pressure didn't go up at all. I might as well just find a boulder:oops:

Fortunately, DWifey never had any major pregnancy issues. We were blessed. She worked right up to all our kiddos births.
Yet, we both look back on those times and wonder how we ever did it. We love them all, of course, but, so many challenges...!!! :)
And, I don't give a rats rear how corny this sounds, but, it is love...FLAT-OUT LOVE...!!!!!!! :happy:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Well, the FDA let's all the bad chemicals in our foods. Who knows what we eat.

But why do Europeans leave their eggs at room temperature? I've always been curious.
I actually wonder if there is a real reason that chemical is banned.

Others like DTT (the insecticide) has been banned in Africa and many countries for dubious reasons and strange claims.
Specially since its huge effectiveness against mosquitoes and broad claims of cancer.

Some claim it gives cancer, others say that it affects the wildlife severely (even non insects).
Some even claim the banning is the reason of the recovery of the bald eagle population.

I'm sceptic.
Since the majority of the supposed studies were based strictly on the Silent Spring book.
Which reminds me of the whole BS of Antivaxers echo chamber, all linked to a single dude who made a bogus study to then patent his own version and reap the money.

Really there isn't chemicals aside from soap in-on American Eggs. We wash our eggs before they are put into cartons and sold.
The washing is due to safeguarding against salmonella. But once the eggs are washed the shell breaks down very quickly if not refrigerated.
In other parts of the world the chicken's lay those eggs and they are not washed so they can stay room temperature. Lots of egg producers elsewhere a few here go more free range over coops which drive up the cost over coop produced eggs.

DDT was banned when I was a little kid in the US and quickly followed by most developed countries. North Korea and India still allow DDT for most of their populations food. Me, a chemical I won't go near or allow my family near is aspartame. I'm waiting for that ban to many corporate food producers have pulled it out of their foods. Honestly I felt better about cyclamates safety than aspartame and it tasted better too.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Oh I didn't know it had spread to you guys, too! I thought it was just here! They are promising that ours are safe now.
Yikes! That is a lot of countries! Reminds me of a few years ago of people here dropping dead with cantaloupe. That one was really a nasty contamination until they found the farm that was the actual producer.
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Premium Member
Sounds fantastic. I'm enjoying a current vacation like that, although I never commute to a city. I thought about driving down to the farmer's market this morning, I was dressed and ready to go and it just seemed like a lot of time wasted (it is only 20 minutes away). So Kapono and I went for a walk instead then I came back home and put on a clean set of pj's for the day.

Ha ha ha . . . :joyfull: Yup, that's about my speed for the upcoming week, too!!


Premium Member
Woot! Plans?

Well, the vacation budget fizzled out for this year with my 4 days at WDW back in May, and also hub's trip to Colorado to visit his elderly father, and the rest of his family (while I stayed home and babysat Jack -- no one will take Jack for us, even for a few days, or even 1 day . . . :hilarious: ). We had considered flying him out to Colorado, so that we both could go, but he's too much of a spazz, and we figured it would traumatize him too much. Years ago, we did fly out there with our previous dog, and she had a very tame personality. But even she flipped out from the experience.

So, I'll be doing mostly a staycation this week. Just to get away from work and the rat race is fine with me.

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