The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
And you didn't share any with us?! :mad:


Premium Member
That is nice. Should make a nice transition. How large is their Freshman class?
We are an area of tiny towns so we do a co-op high school of 7 or 8 communities and special ed being a county wide effort for the greater good. I think my DD and DS had around 800 in their graduating class each. Made for having classes with close friends-not happen. On the flip side it made them reach out to new people which was great, more my DD though, my DS was always a social butterfly and the boys seemed to attract more than his fair share of the girls.
Of all the stasts for our district I know that's one that escapes me.:facepalm:


Premium Member

Though I didn't suffer from Morning Sickness too badly (though I did throw out one robe cause I sat up unexpectedly from a sound sleep and had zero time to reach my bathroom-enter robe on my bed that went into the trash) in no way shape or form was I a Glowing Mom to be either time. The 9# boy that broke my tail bone and the DD that loved to sucker punch my kidney's for was anything but an enjoyable experience. But both times I left the hospital in my pre Prego clothing so there was an upside to it all being done with.


Premium Member
We dropped Hulu and kept Netflix. I'm a fan. If it is up to me I could skip Disney.
We dropped Amazon Prime. We never seem to order enough to make it worth our while. It looks like over the next several years there will be quite a bit of shake up in the industry should be very interesting to see how it all shakes out. We may wind up with 3 services which would still be wayyyyyyy cheaper than cable:joyfull:

King Racoon 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
We dropped Amazon Prime. We never seem to order enough to make it worth our while. It looks like over the next several years there will be quite a bit of shake up in the industry should be very interesting to see how it all shakes out. We may wind up with 3 services which would still be wayyyyyyy cheaper than cable:joyfull:
We droppped our paid tv subscription (we only have 1 option) earlier in the year and went to freeview. £80 a month cheaper. Considering getting Netflix after our vacation.


Well-Known Member
I was pretty apathetic to the idea of having kids, and it was really rough for the first few weeks, but in my experience having my daughter with me is well worth any hardships. I love her more than I ever thought I could love another human being. People forget to balance their doomsday scenarios with the fact that your body responds with oxytocin and love.

I'm like that with baby sleep. My daughter slept through the night starting at around 2 months old, and has done so ever since. She naps well, and sleeps well, and on the weekends she plays quietly in her bed until I'm ready to get up for the day. I can't ever talk to any of my mom friends about it, because they all hate me for it, LOL
My daughter didn't like to sleep in a crib/buggy. She'd sleep no problem if someone was holding her, but the second you put her down, she wailed. We swaddled her and used the Harvey Karp method with white noise and movement to get her to sleep and I was the only one who could get her to sleep. My son slept really mellow. But he woke up SOOOO early. He'd wake up at 4 am and NOT go back to sleep, so we used to take turns getting up with him. We went to my brother's wedding and Disney when he was 2 and a half and when we got back home, his schedule was so turned around that he started sleeping until 6:00!!! Disney fixed it!! He still wakes up at 6....he's 9. So he's still an early riser, but at least it's not 4 a.m.!!


Well-Known Member
Be warned there's going to be a big Frozen push in 2019 with Frozen 2 coming out. An animated series launching with the service would not surprise me at all. For a very long while we had Disney Family Movies added to our cable for $7 a month it was worth every penny for a selection of mostly older movies and shorts. My boys got to see what I grew up with:joyfull: My decision will be based on what's available on the service. I'm hoping for a mix of old and new movies and Disney and Disney XD shows for a fair price.
I remember when the Disney Channel first started, we had to pay extra for it. Disney, HBO, other one I don't remember, were upcharge channels. We only did Disney. And over here, only one cable company offers Disney, so that's the one we have.


Well-Known Member
Yes, those would definitely be places I would want to visit if we ever came out that way. I have been interested in WWII history for almost as far back as I can remember.

I have known many WWII vets over the years, and even worked for one at my first job at a local go-kart track while I was in HS.
Many had no problem talking about it, others avoided it like the plague, and everything in between.
The gentleman I worked for at the go-kart track was a Seabee (Naval Construction Battallion - "CB" - they came in after the initial invasion forces to set up temporary and permanent infrastructure), and he had no problem talking about his experiences and shared many stories with us.
He even made the cover of an issue of Stars and Stripes magazine. He was driving a Jeep across an island airfield (I believe it was either Peleliu or Tinian) when a Japanese holdout sniper shot a hole through his dress uniform cap, missing his head by about an inch. He showed us his copy of that issue that he kept for all those years.
I really appreciated him sharing what he did with us, but, I also more than understand why so many vets tried like heck to never speak anything of any of it and wished there was some way they could never remember any of it.
I have a copy of a letter my G-G-G-G- grandfather wrote to his wife during the civil war and he talks about standing next to his friend, talking and a canon ball took the friend's head off right in front of him, and how there's no food,'s pretty gruesome. I was actually surprised he wrote such a thing to a woman in that time period, when women were considered weak and squeamish, but I suppose he knew his wife and she was probably a tough cookie.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
So, you have a separate middle school and high school? Ours was together because it was such a small town. But here, it's kind of, it's all one school, but there's a sort of middle school wing, or a separate campus, depending on the school you choose. So it's still part of the same school, but has more of a broad curriculum to give the students exposure to a lot of different areas to narrow down what they want to focus on when they get to the actual high school level. If DD and her best friend both decide to do the dual immersion VWO, they will have all their classes together because there are only about 25 students who do that program each year and it has its own curriculum and teachers, separate from the rest of the school. So that would be amazing for DD...have her best friend in all her classes.

My niece in Ohio went to a private prep school. They had a unique system for the all girls school. K-Prep - 4th grade, no uniforms graduation in little white dresses. Middle School 5th - 8th grad, Uniforms, graduation in little white dresses. High School 9-12 back to no Uniforms, graduation in little white dresses. All three schools were on the same campus but separate buildings. Very old old buildings, very Gilmore Girl Chilton type buildings as was the campus. Very pretty. The brother school was just the road for the boys and they would have some events together here and there. I loved that they put the girls in uniforms for middle school. That is such a rough age.

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