I think what Disney is really lacking is something that has that universal appeal across several age groups and both genders. Star Wars as a franchise has a HUGE following, but it IS still MORE geared towards boys. I know girls who are into it, but not many and none of them are girly girls, whereas MOST of my Harry Potter fan friends are girls, and most of us are also quite girly. Harry Potter appeals to a large cross section of people...Star wars does too, but not AS broad. I am hoping they can do what Universal did with Harry Potter and make Star Wars land appealing, even to non-fans. If they rely too heavily on the characters rather than on the theming, they'll have trouble drawing in the non-fans. Then you have a problem with a family like ours where DS LOVES it and DD hates it. We have to make a choice...do we split up so that DS can get his SW fix and DD can still do something SHE likes, or do we do SW and force her to endure something she will hate, or do we skip it all together and disappoint DS? Last Summer, we split up and the only thing DD had to endure was watching the Jedi Training thing DS did.