The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but I don't like that post:(
I understand, but life is moving quickly right now. We are taking son-in-law to the hospital on Tuesday. He needs surgery on his shoulder. We will stay and bring him home. We will stay until he goes to bed, and then be with him the next day. Family is family. We have been with him 28 years. Daughter made mistakes, and he did too. We are keeping family close.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Don't know if you're one or two hours behind me (Eastern) time, but I figure it's time for your dinner. Here, I brought you some hot dogs for this evening. :)

Those are so good looking. I love anything small. I'm drooling, it's about time for dinner....slurp!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
For anyone -- I've been reading as much as I can about what was announced at D23 (mostly from up in N&R).

There's so much up there that I've only scratched the surface. Like everyone else, I just don't have the time to read everything, and I'm bummed out about that. I've completely missed many threads entirely. :(

Anyway, here's my question--for those of you who are perhaps more familiar with the new announcements, is my interpretation correct -- is every new project going to take FIVE years before they're done? So, we won't see any new cool stuff for five years from now? :confused:
Wow, I may not be traveling at that time. I hope it's great for the grandkids!


Well-Known Member
We missed out on trying the new Maxpass system at Disneyland by a day, it started the day after we left. Which was a bit of a bummer, I wanted to try it out and since we have Premier passes it would have been included with our ticket at no extra cost. I did see that on Tom Bricker's site he has a guide to using it so I included a link to it for you. I think he is fairly level headed and truthful about Disney ideas and tips and he has a nice concise writing styles to go along with the beautiful pictures he takes. There is also a review from one of his friends on touring plans blog.
He has blogs about just about everything...I used his site to plan my last trip, too, and I still read certain posts. It's a wealth of information.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
That is what I am grasping. No real opening dates just by 2021. I look at Epcot and the Studios as taking hits for less bang for the buck for 5 years then they already have. While Avatarland is still awesome addition that park still needs so much more. The tease of Brazil in WS at Epcot but not announce is troubling. We have seen for decades the coming of new countries only to fizzle out. The Tron at the MK seems to debatable among the various websites if the Speedway will survive or be scraped. I guess what I wonder about Disney and the 'plan' of 2021 is how far behind both FLE and Avatar became...years. They can close attractions now but the trend is delay...delay...delay. Thinking my body could to be too old to experience the Tron type attractions by the time they launch. :confused::eek:;)

I'm at least for 5 years going with the trend and our plan for years already of splitting our time between Uni and Disney. I look forward to experiencing Volcano Bay Waterpark.
I will be out of Disney in the next two years. My legs and hips can't take all the walking. I can't see or hear well enough to drive a scooter. And I don't want anyone pushing me around in a wheel chair. Just my opinion. I will live for the trip reports and news on here. Hubby has different thoughts. He thinks I can go longer. I dealt with a lot of pain on the last trip. Time will tell!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I can't even grasp that.

Looking at all the hands on activities for the very young. The learning curve combined with fun vs the simple IPs. The control over music alone in Imagination for preschoolers/elementary kids was so absorbing for my kids. The hands on peddling a bike through the Magic Kingdom streets embracing children into exercise vs being a princess? The tech of SSE that is made for little kids to explore. More a balance. Makes me sad that a simple IP replaces that type of offerings for the next generation families, it is just so one dimensional to me.

I watched my kids interact with cutting edge tech throughout Epcot pavilions and they love every moment having control over sound, light and movement. IPs have their place in fun for kids but my thought raising mine is there is so much fun in learning and development beyond Disney animation and Disney can and did it so well. I lean towards kids embracing only what they exposed to and if IPs are the only thing they are exposed to that will narrow their visions.

I'm not a fan of all 4 parks morphing into the same but different IPs. In fairness I am not any bigger of a fan of the World Showcase evolving into the World of IPs either. There is so much culture out there for kids to absorb, watching gymnasts, kids kiosks, music. I just saw my kids have so much fun experiencing the things they were not exposed to on TV and in the Target video section. Epcot is a unique offering. Makes me sad to think the next generation of kids will only be exposed to the singular IP draw.
I agree a thousand percent. Epcot was always our favorite park. Now, with so many things won't be a draw for us. Daughter loved it as a kid, grandsons liked the trip to "country's". I can't say that this is a good decision.

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