Rant alert:
So I have this coworker who gets on my nerves. We used to sit near each other, and she tried to tell my manager that I was fooling around on my computer and phone all day instead of working. Which was just complete bs; I'm only on my phone if I'm taking a ten minute break or am at lunch, and the computer I'll occasionally use for something else, but only during lunch. Which I checked, and that was fine. She went and for some unknown reason, badmouthed me to my manager.
Anyway, my manager was suspicious, but her boss (who is also my boss) was having none of it. We did decide I should move areas. Which was good because she had such a horrible attitude, just in general about her job. She spent a good deal of time complaining about her job, which I think was setting a poor example for someone who is brand new in the workforce. We still have to work together because in order to make purchases for my managers, I have to use her company card because you have to have worked here six months to get one.
Today, she emails me and tells me she has an audit due and needs to know all of my purchases for the month. Even though I email her every time I make a purchase. Then, she tells me I wasn't getting enough information from the managers and needed to get additional information. Except she didn't ask for the information. She said it as if she were my boss and giving me a reprimand. Then she told me she needed a spreadsheet of all the purchases. And she demanded that she needed it today because she has an audit due tomorrow.
The way I see it, it's really not my fault the company won't issue me a card, so I'm doing her a favor by taking care of some of the purchases. I emailed her back and said, "I would be happy to take care of this for you, but I can't do it until the end of the day. You'll have it when you come in tomorrow." And CC'ed my manager so she could see what was going on. Then I went and told my manager "It's not fair for her to expect me to know to get this information when she never told me I needed it." My manager sided with me. I also don't understand why on earth this girl is completing her purchasing audit the day before it's due. It seems to me she could be completing a little bit of it each day and then not have a big mess the day before it was due. And I also don't understand why, if she wasn't working on it as she was going along, why she's doing it the day before. I have an audit report due tomorrow, and it was mostly done last week, with just a bit of additional information that I added today. But it still irritates me that this coworker somehow thinks she may tell me what to do instead of asking. She's not my superior; I'm not her subordinate, and even those who really could give a direct order like that ASK.
I really didn't have time to do what she wanted because with the quarter closing, I've had a ton of work to do (I didn't leave until almost 6 pm), but then at about 3 pm, I had two tasks, hers and another, that needed to be done by the end of the day, and I intentionally did the other one and left hers because she leaves at 4, so she wouldn't get it until the next day.
But earlier today, I was IMing with a manager in France, and at the end of the conversation, she said, "It's always a pleasure working with you. You're doing a great job." She had no idea, but after the carp I was dealing with from my other coworker, I really needed that.