I'm not much of a morning person, but it's also the difference between being a resident at a large state school and being a commuter at a small private school. If I have the option to take a later class as opposed to an earlier class, I usually do, but I try not to do anything before 9:30 just because of traffic. An 8 am class means I have to be up at 6 am to leave at 7 am. If I leave any later than 7:15, I will be late. A 9 am class means I have to get up at 7 AM to leave at 8 am. A 9:30 class means I get up at 8 to leave at 9. Makes a huge difference. If I lived on campus, earlier classes might not be as big a deal, but having to fight with traffic makes them not worth it.
And then there's going to a smaller school. Sometimes, I don't have choices. All of my classes today each had one section. My chorus class tomorrow had one section. My management class had two sections, and it's a major requirement for many people. Once you start getting into 300 level classes (which 12 of my 15 credits this semester are 300 level) there become fewer and fewer options. The only classes with lots of options are the 100 and 200 level classes that a lot of people have to take. A small private school is a better environment for me, but part of the trade off is that I get fewer options.