I'm going to miss this...I know it isn't politically correct but I will genuinely miss these times. In the way back time machine dogs and cats were not domesticated. Same goes for all sorts of creatures. Sometimes captivity doesn't bring abuse and torture but a bond with humans and animals. I grew up with Ringling in my life along with the much smaller but lovely Kelly Circus. My kids grew up with it all plus the bonus of Disney AK. Likely my someday grandchildren will never know of the mighty creatures kept in a circus, a zoo or an aquarium. They might only know the creatures in some form text copy of some variety.
Near my Mom's home when the circus came to town they'd off load and have a free parade. I enjoyed, my kids enjoyed. The mighty creatures did not act or appear tortured but had a role in life much like service creatures do.
Sadly my someday grandkids will not likely get to know the creatures I had such a fondness for.
So majestic.