Well-Known Member
You're kind.
It is tough. I'm sure your have had your share of IEPs too. If a teacher doesn't have the support of the building administrators and the Sped coordinators and their staff the teachers are just sitting ducks. Missing the details of this of this color me curious....where is the internal support for the classroom teacher? Who is responsible for reporting the no show sped high school teacher? IEPs are not meant for sped teachers to be hands off. Seems the parent at first blush anyhow is laying into the wrong teacher????
Yep, I don't remember either myself or DWifey missing any of those meetings right up through HS.
I only ever remember us having issues with one of his classroom teachers...his first grade teacher. Many other parents had issues with her too.
All the others were pretty incredible, and he and we had good relationships with them. We were very involved.