Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The horse parade didn't have a lot of horses in it this year because there was rain with maybe thunderstorms in the forecast. It is neat, sometimes there are horses all dressed up with ribbons and gear. Usually some wagons and carriages too but again only a few this year. It travels down the street adjacent to our house so we don't have to go far.
The tractor parade was new this year. Normally they just line up the tractors in the park, but they took them on parade this year. There are some new ones but some antique ones as well. The guys take a lot of pride in their tractors. Just like restoring old cars I guess. Just part of living in rural Wisconsin.
Today is the big town parade. It runs right in front of our house so no travel needed. I have the family coming over, so sloppy joes are in the crock pot, potato salad is in the fridge, baked beans ready for the oven, and a butterfinger dessert ready to go.
As for the scenery for the walk, it is the scenery I grew up with. I try not to take it for granted. Everywhere has pretty places though.
We have a man about 4 roads from us that collects tractors in his garage. John Deere and only JD. They are the smaller of real tractors but they all have their own spot in the garage, maybe a dozen of them. The cars well they are cars and stay out on the driveway. There is a tractor in a small garage across the street from me. The man has passed but his sister has refused to sell the house, she lives on the other end of town. I'd say it is 50-60 years old and like new. Over the years I watched the man wash it and polish it. His family had a farm about 5 miles from here and they sold it after the parents passed and they aged. He obviously valued the JD tractor. Whoever ultimately gets that tractor will get something in prime condition. He use to just drive it in circles on the lawn every now and again.