I'm all with you with Christmas. It can't be about the attractions those particular days. You need to kinda reinvent the holidays. But yes, the Pastor being awol for Christmas could be a downer for the parish, Jesus vs the Mouse kinda thing, might not go over well.
But we did have some awesome Christmas' But still not without their monkey wrenches as example.... My DD 4. Was fine from December 23 arrival until December 25. Then wanted to go home seriously to see what Santa had left. My folks were no help saying she could go home with them December 30th. We were staying until January 8th, the 2nd half of the trip without my folks. No you aren't taking one of my kids home to celebrate Christmas without us. When planning the trip with my folks one week with them, one week without, feeding into the drama of a 4 year olds emotions was not anticipated. So not the master plan. That was also the trip my Dad misbehaved cause he mistakenly diagnosed himself as dying (he lived another 20 years) It was an amazing trip, don't get me wrong but boy it did have some drama attached.