We bought two male parakeets. When we got to the pet store, my grandson/Sean showed me the two canaries that they had first. In with the canaries they had two parakeets. One was off way in the top where I could not see him. He was a yellowish green. Sitting close, but not too close to the two canaries was an adorable white and gray parakeet with a tiny bit of blue markings. I immediately fell in love with him. In a nearby cage they also had some mostly blue parakeets, but a few green ones as well. After much deciding, I decided to go with parakeets. I bought the little white/gray one, and I am calling him Marty. I picked out a blue one from the nearby cage. I chose one that seemed less aggressive than the rest. He is bluish gray. I am calling him Spin. My grandson says that his store sells only male birds, but I thought you could only tell the sex of the parakeets after about six months, and Sean says these are younger than that. Sean says I read too much on the internet.
We came home and set up the cage for the birds, and now I need to find a proper table to put the cage on permanently. Right now, it's on the coffee table. We talked to the birds for a while, but of course they mostly just sat there and ignored us. However, Marty kept inching closer and closer to Spin. He obviously wants some attention. Those two/three birds from the pet store were definitely ignoring him. My grandson tried to get the parakeet on his finger, but of course they weren't interested. My grandson has a cockateil, and it is very fond of him. He sits on my grandson's shoulder.
My husband covered the birds for the night. He said they were chirping some, while I was trying to google tables on Target's website, but it kept freezing up on me.