Apparently, management was at Perkins having, what I'm sure is dinner at 2 am and were therefore not supervising the switch over that got screwed up and caused the accident.
OK, I guess I can see the anger there, but, one would have to assume that it would have been done any differently had they been there. I can't see anyone of low stature taking that kind of risk unless it had been the way they have been habitually doing it all along. I don't know, and I'm sure we never will, but, that is the association. In my mind, a pretty loose one. Being anyplace other then at their post would have had the same result so it just as easily could have been McDonalds or Denny's or any of a gazillion other restaurants in the area. If management trusted their staff to do it the way they had been trained, it really shouldn't have mattered if they were actually not micro-managing at the time. In other words, in my opinion, Perkins had absolutely no connection other then a place were people probably shouldn't have been.