Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
So I went to pull out a chair at my diningroom table and got stung by a wasp that must have flown in my door. (I have a nest in an old tree hole that needs taken down.) The dumb thing got me between my index and middle finger. Soooo not happy.
Oh OOOW! I've never been stung, but that sounds like a really bad place to be stung, too!! Yikes! I hope you aren't allergic!
Wow! Ouch! Sorry.
Coincidentally I took my bike out for a ride before it reached the 90's this morning. I'm wearing a round neck tank top. I am riding the RiverWalk and a freak'n bee flies down my shirt and stings me in an area that should not be stung!
So here I am on the RiverWalk trying to get this thing out of my tank top. I just pray nobody saw this as that would be as painful as the sting.
So I'm going down the street about a half hour ago to talk to my friend who is hauling trimmed branches to the road for pick-up. I walk out the door and a bee flies up the back of my shirt. I'm guessing bright green attracts Bees? Time to change.