The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Tough break with the knife but I'm glad your daughter was cool headed and able to help you. Hope it heals fast.
She was a total hero. She was scared and she had to go back to school before Hubby got home and she started crying because she was worried, so I had to reassure her that I was ok, that daddy was on the way, he'd get me to the doctor and they'd fix me up and it would be fine. So when it was all wrapped up, we went by the school and stood by the window of her classroom and waved and gave her the thumbs up so she knew it was all ok.


Well-Known Member
The problem is, I only have reserve money to pay said cruise and a few bills XD

anyway I'm getting mixed signals.. One of the managers tells me that its stupid to let me go since I'm part of the CORE (aka the bare bone crew) required to do the services. They said they might rehire me with a lower pay rate (probably offering less hours per week)

Well see how things develop.
Still, I'm already asking a few contacts to check for jobs that I can fulfill efficiently. Hell, I even sent an email to a cruise recruitment company to see if they would hire someone like me (aka with hearing issues).
What about selling prints of some of your photos? Or doing freelance work in photography?


Well-Known Member
yikes! that is definitively not good.
hopefully nothing serious right?
Nope, they said it should heal fine. I just have to keep the wrapping on for 3 or 4 days and not get it wet. Then I go back and let them take the gauze off and I can put a regular bandaid over the butterfly strips? I think that's what he said. I know I go back in a few days and let them take the gauze off and then I will let them tell me what to do after that.


Well-Known Member
@BuddyThomas I was just wondering, being in the theater business in you know my cousin? She's a casting director. Rachel Hoffman. I've never actually met her that I remember...actually my mother was her mom's cousin. I didn't know she did theater until a couple of years ago and I thought it was quite a coincidence that we had never met, I didn't know her, but we were both involved in music. Just wondered...I would imagine that a lot of the theater people know each other?


Well-Known Member
Well, you should probably make a big deal out of how much you were looking forward to it so he feels bad. Perhaps you can get an extra souvenir out of the deal. Milk it!
That's the plan:D I'm doing pick a pearl but that's with gift cards I got for Christmas. I could never justify the cost before. I'm thinking a glass slipper from Arribas sp? if so I won't get it until Christmas but that would be worth the wait. I also want one of their mugs with Figment on it.


Well-Known Member
Well you know, a well-fed employee is a happy employee. And a happy employee, is a productive employee. I've often "mentioned" that to my bosses . . . :p

Oh, we had a great spread this morning for a retiree's party. Lots of delicious breakfast food (hot eggs, bacon, home fries), and then a ton of pastry, yogurts, and other selections left over--which everyone was nibbling on for hours afterwards in the break room. :joyfull:

Yep, sounds like our office.
Everything stays out on the kitchen counter for most of the day, unless it needs to be refrigerated...munch, munch, munch...! :hungry: :)


Well-Known Member
But what if the sirens are destroyed by the tornado or they dont sound? D:
thats one of my nightmares of being in Texas :eek:

The sirens are supposed to go off as the storm is approaching. Not sure what the statistics are on sirens that don't go off in time, or are destroyed by tornados.
I can think of only 3 times the one in our neighborhood went off. Thankfully, we were spared.


Well-Known Member
In other news, seems my workplace is dissolving and facing a heavy restructuring. Means I'm probably gone like almost everyone( which is bad since I'm pretty much "barebones" for the company). :(

Now I'm going to check on jobhunting.
Who knows, I might even try to jump the bridge and try a job in the Cruising industry (as HR assistant manager or something similar, as my family have always been managers of some sort)
Kinda sad time to see my workplace of 6 years start to crumble, bad also.. I mean I have a non cancellable trip coming soon. And seems my plan to purchase my new cochlear implant went kapoof.
In the other side, I have a vast knowledge in quite a few things. I could stablish a photography studio too.

If any of you know a company that needs a dedicated online IT with knowledge, honesty and not expensive (compared to the international IT standards).. drop me a note! :p

Sympathy like.
Oh my. So very sorry to hear.
On the other hand, as you kinda' said, this could be a blessing in regards to a better job, or a new and fresh career path.
You are indeed very talented.
Please, keep us posted, and the best of luck to you Cesar...! :)
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Well-Known Member
So I am clearing out my office, and insanely, I found this report card from college. And proving that I am completely shameless, here it is for your viewing pleasure, on Throwback Thursday. Apparently, I was never supposed to be a lighting designer or an anthropologist. And "ceramics"?!?!

View attachment 147607

This post reminded me of @betty rose's Friday picture thing, so here is me on our way to the San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo, back in about 1965...! :hilarious: :)


And look, no tutu...!!!!!! :joyfull: :D ;) :)

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