The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I have a Weather Channel app on my phone. It warns me of everything in the area to severe thunderstorms, hurricanes and tornado's. Makes a loud noise and then you read the warning. Costs me nothing. I even got weather alerts when I was in Europe. It followed me wherever I went. Was pretty quiet when I was on the ship, but, then again the weather was perfect so there probably wasn't any reason for an alert.
sounds like a perfect companion app.
I'm debating in downloading it now.
I only have a quake/hurricane warning app right now.


Well-Known Member
Both DDs are flying to LA tomorrow. The lady that founded the workout group they're members of is sponsoring a session in the Rose Bowl this weekend.
If y'all remember, our DDs sponsored an event here in Austin a while back, and women came from as far away as California and Canada.
Oldest is out tonight, and youngest is babysitting, and asked us to run an errand for her.
Great excuse on a Friday night for.......
Catfish Parlour...!!!!!!! :joyfull:

Funny thing is, DS was the only one that had catfish this time around...!!! :hilarious:

My serve yourself Caesar Salad, hush puppies with jalapeño tartar sauce, and my Shiner Bock...! :hungry:


My spicy fried oysters...! :hungry:


All you can eat beer beans and slaw, and DWifeys chicken fried steak in the background...! :hungry:


Sunset on the drive home...! :happy:



Well-Known Member
Oh that's right--you guys have those loud sirens that go off. That's a good safety feature. I was also wondering what sort of warning system your area has in place for the hearing-impaired?

Not related to storms, but, shortly after high school, I dated a girl who's mother was deaf from birth. In almost every room of the house there was a lamp that blinked when the phone rang. They also had a phone where she could type out her conversation. Obviously, the person on the other end had to have the same device, so she could only take calls from family and friends that had such. Others in the house usually had to take the calls, though.
This was back in the early 80's, and I had never seen such a system before.

We also went to the homecoming football game at her mothers alma mater, the local school for the deaf. That was, by far, the quietest football game I've ever been to in my life.
But, the dance afterwards was louder than any concert I've ever been to. It was a very popular local live band. Students were gathered around and holding on to the huge floor speakers to feel the vibration, dancing close to them, etc. Quite a learning experience.
Gave me a whole new awareness for the hearing impaired.


Well-Known Member
My mandoline is now in the basement. Hubby says even if I'm careful, I'm not allowed to use it anymore. He stood around for a while when I went back to chopping.;)
Well, this was a plain ol' knife, and I wasn't even using it at the time. I had just finished using it. I can hardly just box up all the knives and never use them. But, hubby is on chopping duty for a while anyway.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to give you a suggestion, to help...I bought surgical gloves and cut the thumb off, to cover my wound. It helped me to keep water out when I needed to wash my hair. I closed the thumb part of the glove with a surgical tape. It kept the water out, and I was able to use my right hand. I hope this helps.
We asked about surgical gloves but the gal said they wouldn't come down far enough to really keep it dry, so she suggested garbage bags. Let me tell you, showering with the hand in a bag is like doing the hokey pokey, but you never put your right hand IN, it's always out, and there's a lot more turning about!


Well-Known Member
I remember when my oldest daughter was about 15, she decided to make a salad for dinner. Both her mother and I were at work, but, due to arrive home soon. She used a large knife to cut up some carrots and slipped, leaving a huge gash in her finger. Apparently it bled quite a lot so she and her sister grabbed a towel and tightly wrapped up her finger and waited for one of us to get home.

I got there first and was met at the door by two panicked looking kids. She showed me the cut and it could see her finger bone. Almost made me gasp, but, I didn't, instead I just casually looked at it and said... "You'll live", let's go to the hospital and get that fixed. She immediately relaxed, the color came back to her cheeks we jumped in the car and headed up. We did have to leave a message for my wife... this was way pre-cellphone. It took 5 stitches. She was a real trooper. She still has a scar there. Apparently though she didn't learn much from it because I watched her making a salad a short time ago and she wasn't even trying to be careful. Guess she enjoyed the attention. ;):)
Mine wasn't that bad....well, I didn't look too closely, but I don't think you could see the bone. But I sure felt like passing out or throwing up. But, I had to wait half an hour for hubby to get home to pick me up, then we waited another 20 mins in the waiting room at the doctor's office, even though hubby had called ahead while he was driving home from work. (thank God for hands free!!) Then they led me back to a room and I was in there for another...45 mins? I was not feeling well, I'll tell you. I knew it wasn't REALLY bad, but didn't expect to wait over an hour for the doctor, either.

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