The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
View attachment 147845 At least you have a cruise. :)
The problem is, I only have reserve money to pay said cruise and a few bills XD

anyway I'm getting mixed signals.. One of the managers tells me that its stupid to let me go since I'm part of the CORE (aka the bare bone crew) required to do the services. They said they might rehire me with a lower pay rate (probably offering less hours per week)

Well see how things develop.
Still, I'm already asking a few contacts to check for jobs that I can fulfill efficiently. Hell, I even sent an email to a cruise recruitment company to see if they would hire someone like me (aka with hearing issues).

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Hi all...I'm a bit late getting here today. I have decided to give up cleaning. I was cleaning up in the kitchen today and a knife attacked me. I had to have my daughter call hubby to come home and take me to get stitches, which in the end they couldn't do, because the flap of skin was too thin around the edge to hold stitches, and it was in an awkward place which wouldn't stitch nicely. So they butterfly bandaged it and then wrapped the heck out of it to keep the bandages in place because they wouldn't stick with all the blood. But I'm fixed up now. DD was a complete superstar. She was very scared, but managed the phone calls with hubby since I had to use my left had to put pressure on the finger on my right hand and couldn't manage the phone. Not an experience I care to repeat, so I think I should just not clean ever again, right?View attachment 147846
yikes! that is definitively not good.
hopefully nothing serious right?

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
@Cesar R M, what @MinnieM123 said reminds me...being hearing you speak sign language? That might give you an in at a school for the hearing impaired, or at a company that provides resources. Pretty much any office with computers uses IT people. And I'm betting IT people who can also meet the demands of hearing impaired would be few and far between.
Nope, technically I never needed to learn sign language. Because I could speak and understand ( and read lips in spanish). The implant was a game changer. it let me hear almost like a normal person most of the time (except when in noise environments, where the effectiveness drops to 4%... The new version (I want to buy), only has a drop to 40% efficiency, which is incredible.

As a It, technically we do not need to speak verbally much. Since most is done via emails AND skype/messanger systems nowadays.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
yeah, the only drawback about a studio is.. Its also a skill that is very underrated in my country.
For example, if you go to a USA pro photographer.. You will see they cost from 1000 USD to 6000 USD per session.
Here normal companies (which are not very good at photo sessions and have nowhere near the quality or the equipment) charge less than 40 USD per session. Kinda drags the prices down.
Sorry I didn't read your post when I posted mine.

betty rose

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
yeah, the only drawback about a studio is.. Its also a skill that is very underrated in my country.
For example, if you go to a USA pro photographer.. You will see they cost from 1000 USD to 6000 USD per session.
Here normal companies (which are not very good at photo sessions and have nowhere near the quality or the equipment) charge less than 40 USD per session. Kinda drags the prices down.
That depends on where in the US you are. In Wyoming, the average sitting fee is only about $80 US. Where they really hit you is the cost of the film and reprints. But our wedding photos cost less than 1000 USD and that was a professional photographer and hired for several hours.


Well-Known Member
Glad you are OK!
Me too! It was LOUD last night, but I don't think we got hail, or if we did, it was small. They showed marble sized hail on tv and said it was "huge" and I was like...THAT is not huge, but the family they interviewed said they thought it was going to rip off their roof. Then we heard on the radio tennisball sized hail. I looked it up and some of that was more softball sized. Now THAT is what I call huge.


Well-Known Member
My mom and her boyfriend go dancing every few weeks at the VFW. She said they do all kinds of classic stuff from waltzes to the Virginia Reel (her favorite) to jitterbugs. Funny I can't picture my mom jitterbugging. :joyfull:
I love jitterbug!! My brother and I took some classes one summer and had a BLAST! We wanted to go further, but there weren't enough people signed up for the advanced class. :(

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Me too! It was LOUD last night, but I don't think we got hail, or if we did, it was small. They showed marble sized hail on tv and said it was "huge" and I was like...THAT is not huge, but the family they interviewed said they thought it was going to rip off their roof. Then we heard on the radio tennisball sized hail. I looked it up and some of that was more softball sized. Now THAT is what I call huge.
We had to get a new roof , after experiencing the large size hail.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Another, actually I think that's the same one.


Well-Known Member
Sympathy like. No knives for you!!!!!! BTW if there aren't any other takers I'll take those extra knives you've got. Get well soon.
Sounds good. I know there was someone I promised to send them too...maybe @MOXOMUMD ? Or @catmom46 ? I just don't remember who. So if no one else wants them, I'll bring them along for you. I doubt I'll be able to bring them into the parks, so I'll have to drop them at your hotel or something?
And yes, hubby will be doing the cutting for me for a bit. Good thing he LOVES chopping veggies. The stupid thing is I wasn't even chopping at the time. I had cut lettuce for my DD for her taco and I set the knife on the counter. Then when I was cleaning up, the handle was sticking out a bit and I bumped it, it flew up and sliced my pinky, and then I jumped out of the way as it clattered to the floor and luckily did NOT land on my foot on its way down. Only I am enough of a clutz to practically slice my finger off when I'm not even using the dang knife! Hubby's comment was "Hi sweetie!" because that's how he knows it's me. Then my brother said "Silly sister, cuts are for food!"

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