The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Hi all...I'm a bit late getting here today. I have decided to give up cleaning. I was cleaning up in the kitchen today and a knife attacked me. I had to have my daughter call hubby to come home and take me to get stitches, which in the end they couldn't do, because the flap of skin was too thin around the edge to hold stitches, and it was in an awkward place which wouldn't stitch nicely. So they butterfly bandaged it and then wrapped the heck out of it to keep the bandages in place because they wouldn't stick with all the blood. But I'm fixed up now. DD was a complete superstar. She was very scared, but managed the phone calls with hubby since I had to use my left had to put pressure on the finger on my right hand and couldn't manage the phone. Not an experience I care to repeat, so I think I should just not clean ever again, right?View attachment 147846
Sympathy like. No knives for you!!!!!! BTW if there aren't any other takers I'll take those extra knives you've got. Get well soon.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Oy. I listened to some of the news this morning and at noon while in the car. I heard some of the political news and flipped over to my Disney Parks CD. My own life is complicated enough without listening to all of the things that are beyond my control going whacko today.
I do listen to Chicago's WGN morning news each morning but it is award winning lighter news. They on the half hour deliver critical news but flip to happy and crazy news stories and entertainment local venues each day. It breaks it up to make it all a bit more palatable. The regular news stations are just too depressing to start the morning with.
I've pretty much given up on the news, especially during any election year. I want a two week campaign , then vote. I'm done with the crazy amount's of money being wasted. I hope after tomorrow, you can get your life back.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
That's it I'm done! no more moving around ADRs! I finally got the time we wanted for BOG dinner(my dh owes me big time for stalking that one! Deciding to go there with under 100 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 changes later the time he wanted!) We also switched Nine Dragons to Teppan Edo. Just when ND started getting really good reviews my dh developed an allergy and ND still isn't the best for those. At least we lucked out and got a good time for TE
We added Whispering Canyon to our list. Didn't get the time we wanted, but that's okay. Only two sit downs. I can't take a lot of rich food.


Well-Known Member
My kids still have student loans. Both of their college years were during the recession and 401K's tanked. Horrid timing. Didn't help that college costs went up 500% in the 18 years their were on this earth. Insanity. My DD are closer to being paid off than my DS, but he took longer to graduate than DD and his first University was beyond expensive. Thank Goodness he ultimately transferred. It is genuinely a burden but neither would be where they are today without the education.

I look at it at least there was enough for them to attend and and education is there always and something that can never be lost. Just more a rocky financial start for them than we had planned, but who the heck anticipated the rate of college so far outpacing inflation? Still no regrets.
I was SUPER lucky. I had a scholarship for tuition and fees for 4 years, another for my voice lessons, and then my 5th year the music department paid for my tuition and fees. Between the local scholarships I got and the jobs I had throughout college, I only ended up about $15,000 in debt and when my mom passed, I was able to pay the loans off. I had only been out of college for a year, and I had it paid off. Otherwise I'd still be paying mine off, too. I don't know how people manage without scholarships and such!!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Oh no, Cesar. I'm so sorry to hear this. First Buddy, and now you. I pray that you'll be able to find a new job in due course that you will like. I was laid off once (years ago), and it wasn't pleasant. All I can suggest is to try and maintain a positive attitude.

Also, just as a side note here: you have an additional gift that many others don't have. You are bilingual. That extra skill set is not to be taken lightly--particularly in this global society we are all living in. Maybe explore companies that cater to both languages and would welcome a very good IT person such as yourself, who could communicate via computer to them, and/or their client base. Quite a few jobs nowadays are pretty much online type positions, and also many people work remotely from home. Best of luck--we're all pulling here for you.
Ditto. Happened to hubby and we had a new baby. That was a nightmare.


Well-Known Member
That's it I'm done! no more moving around ADRs! I finally got the time we wanted for BOG dinner(my dh owes me big time for stalking that one! Deciding to go there with under 100 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 changes later the time he wanted!) We also switched Nine Dragons to Teppan Edo. Just when ND started getting really good reviews my dh developed an allergy and ND still isn't the best for those. At least we lucked out and got a good time for TE
I'm so sorry you don't get to do ND. I wanted to do that, too, but DS wouldn't eat anything on their menu, so that will be one for our anniversary trip in 10 years.


Well-Known Member
Oh that's right--you guys have those loud sirens that go off. That's a good safety feature. I was also wondering what sort of warning system your area has in place for the hearing-impaired?
Sirens aren't always effective. In my home town, my brother was at a friends house and they saw a bunch of funnel clouds. They called to tell us to take cover. So we grabbed the dog and headed to a friend's house with a basement....we kept waiting for the sirens to go off. We could see several "tails" and funnels, and the radio was reporting multiple touchdowns outside of town, but the sirens never did go off. Then after I moved over here, there was a tornado that took out half the town. (granted, it's a VERY small town, so that's not saying a whole lot) My understanding is that by the time the sirens went, no one had time to take was already on top of them. Miraculously only 2 people died in that storm and one of them technically didn't die in the storm. He was something like 94 years old, went to a first aid station, told the nurses to save their bandaids for the kids who would need them, and he had a heart attack. He was the NICEST gentleman...I was so sad to hear what happened. He used to come up to the cafe where I waited tables, order a cup of coffee that costs 75 cents, and then tip me $2. He was a sweetheart. One of the girls I used to work at the cafe with had to take cover in her bathroom...she didn't have time to go anywhere with a basement...barely had time to run to the bathroom, she was 7 months pregnant. She was fine. If the sirens had gone earlier, maybe there would have been fewer injuries though.


Premium Member
Hi all...I'm a bit late getting here today. I have decided to give up cleaning. I was cleaning up in the kitchen today and a knife attacked me. I had to have my daughter call hubby to come home and take me to get stitches, which in the end they couldn't do, because the flap of skin was too thin around the edge to hold stitches, and it was in an awkward place which wouldn't stitch nicely. So they butterfly bandaged it and then wrapped the heck out of it to keep the bandages in place because they wouldn't stick with all the blood. But I'm fixed up now. DD was a complete superstar. She was very scared, but managed the phone calls with hubby since I had to use my left had to put pressure on the finger on my right hand and couldn't manage the phone. Not an experience I care to repeat, so I think I should just not clean ever again, right?View attachment 147846

Tough break with the knife but I'm glad your daughter was cool headed and able to help you. Hope it heals fast.

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