The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Steak anyone...?!


:hungry: ;) :)
Got anything bigger ? :hungry:

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Poor does sound miserable. said he is passing blood...does he have to use any sort of feminine hygiene products? I imagine that might be a bit embarrassing as well as uncomfortable for a guy, not being used to it. Then, on top of the pain from the surgery...yikes. Hope he's feeling better soon and I hope he's not too difficult a patient for you.
He only passes blood when he uses the bathroom. So he doesn't have to mess with feminine products. He is being really good, I'm feeding him well, and he loves that and all the water I'm bringing him!;)


Premium Member
Aww....they usually do sense those things. When I was in high school, we had a dog and whenever I was having a bad day, he'd come and snuggle with me. He could just sense that I needed him. I miss him so much.

I had to go into to work to set up stuff for my sub quick (luckily I live two minutes away and I went in at 5:15am), and ever since I came back she hasn't left me. We have napped a lot together.

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