I have to tell you a funny story. When we were kids, my father assembled an elaborate train set with two tracks, and two locomotives and freight cars. It had electric signals, and a landscaped, large wooden board (about 18 feet long by 12 feet wide) that the set was placed on. There was a tunnel, and a suspension bridge at the other end. Anyway, he was up all Christmas Eve putting this huge project together for my brothers, and didn't get to bed until almost 5 a.m. on Christmas morning.
On Christmas morning, we all ran down to the Christmas tree (my mother dragged my father out of bed to join us

). My mother said that first we all had to go downstairs to the playroom (finished basement) because a present was down there for the boys. My brothers were thrilled when they saw the train set, and I remember one of them saying, "How did Santa Claus fit this down the chimney?! Yea, Santa!" Years after that, my father told us that he stood there shaking his head, and said, "After all that work I did, that old slob (Santa) got all the credit??!! "


) I guess parents give up a lot of sleep for their kids!