The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
It is appreciated. My Sis is out of surgery and I guess it went well however it was more extensive than they had anticipated and had to do more. Wonder what that will do with her overly ambitious allotted recovery time?

Then to add to the drama of yesterday my niece, my Sis' DD that school is in the middle of nowhere in NY was transported again to the hospital yesterday evening after harpooning herself with an EpiPen again for an allergic reaction to apples like my DD and @StarWarsGirl have. So both my Sis and Niece being admitted to hospital in different states.

Me up for 3 hours during the night because I was like Phoebe on Friends wanting to take a hammer to the STUPID smoke detector.

wow, talk about bad luck D:

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Don't most cruise lines now afford you 'x' amount of time on internet?
as far I know, noone gives you free. They all have time limit or MB limit.
I think the only cruises with high speed and bigger than normal packages.. are royal Caribbean on their Quantum and Oasis class ships.

why I do have a feeling of a deja vu?
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
And how old were they when you "let them loose"? Mine are still too young at 8 and not quite 10, especially since English is not their first language. But I have to remind DD sometimes that -I- am the mommy and I will tell DS what he can and can not do. She tends to try to be a mother hen and he resents it. We never leave them home alone for more than about 20 minutes....long enough for Hubby to pick me up from work or choir, or to pick up a couple of things from the grocery store, and we let them know that neither is in charge. So far we haven't had any problems with the short periods.

OK, so I have to set the stage correctly here. The bylaws of rules have changed in the last year or two with Disney so some of these parks you actually have to physically enter the park with them now where you didn't before. My kids were like @StarWarsGirl raised Disney so they knew both the resorts and parks inside out. Went went minimum 2 weeks at least once a year, sometimes more if we had annual passes. They were well seasoned Disney Vets from birth, my DD first annual trip was at 2 months old, DS at 14 months.

At 4-9 they went down to both the playground and to refill mugs or the food court. That year we were as close as could be to them in our resort, we also let them go together to get refill mugs from pool. By 5-10 we let them explore in the Magic Kingdom on their own. We were in the park but frankly they had so much more energy in the heat than we did so we had walkie talkies (before cell phone days for kids). We also let them do Future World while we did the World Showcase often. At 8-13 we put them on the bus and sent them off to Blizzard Beach, both strong competition swimmers. They always had one of our cells with them. By that point I didn't have any problem with them doing the parks by themselves minus Typhoon Lagoon as there has always been issues there, probably still have been. I also never sent them on their own even as they aged to DownTown Disney, a different dynamic over there. We always moved as a family unit around DTD.

And I agree, 8 is young being in a place they are not overly familiar with and a language that isn't their first. I never left my kids home alone more than to run to the store quickly to pick something up as my son became older. In Disney they were busy doing stuff and genuinely liked a bit of time without us, it was an adventure. But I agree with you, that drawn the line of I AM THE MOM. I never put either kid in charge either or made the older responsible for the younger. I didn't want him to have that power over her knowing it would always lead to trouble and didn't want to set them up to fight over who had to listen to who.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
as far I know, noone gives you free. They all have time limit or MB limit.
I think the only cruises with high speed and bigger than normal packages.. are royal Caribbean on their Quantum and Oasis class ships.

why I do have a feeling of a deja vu?

Ha! I did go look. It seems many have improved their quality of service and many of the prices have lowered, like you said Caribbean 90% cheaper and reliable. I'd likely pay the $5-25 a day. Yes a lot but long ago I think I was paying $15 at Disney to be tethered to the wall.


Premium Member
It is appreciated. My Sis is out of surgery and I guess it went well however it was more extensive than they had anticipated and had to do more. Wonder what that will do with her overly ambitious allotted recovery time?

Then to add to the drama of yesterday my niece, my Sis' DD that school is in the middle of nowhere in NY was transported again to the hospital yesterday evening after harpooning herself with an EpiPen again for an allergic reaction to apples like my DD and @StarWarsGirl have. So both my Sis and Niece being admitted to hospital in different states.

Me up for 3 hours during the night because I was like Phoebe on Friends wanting to take a hammer to the STUPID smoke detector.

I hope things quiet down for you and you get a bit of a get away or at least get to turn your phone off for a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry to hear that! Yuck!
It's ok. They've done it the last few years and they will get to do it next year if the weather is ok. DD and I took the opportunity to head to Arnhem to get more supplies to make lip gloss for her birthday party. The store was open until 2:00. There were only 3 stores open today, being Kings day, but I called in advance to ask if they were open. Next week there's some big bike thing going Giro Italia or something, which will close off the city to outside traffic, so we won't be able to go next weekend, and the weekend after that is DD's party with my friend group, together with one of the other friend's daughter and a goodbye for our friend who is moving to I won't be able to go then. So this was pretty much the only chance to go...Glad they were open, and if the games in my in-laws' town hadn't been canceled, we'd have been too late. So it all worked out!


Well-Known Member
Very pretty. :) I can sympathize with taking time to do hair because my daughter's is thick. I've posted this some time ago but our family running joke since she was little is she has Diana Ross hair. Every morning it looks just like this.

View attachment 139792 Big and wild. :D
I bet that's hard to comb through! DD's hair is just like mine....really thick, so it's heavy, but very fine and it just slips out of everything. I finally got it to stay by spraying it with texturizing spray and then putting a different kind of fixing spray on each lock as I pulled it through the loop, then spraying again with the texturizing spray when it was finished. In the video, the woman used a wax spray and a pomade, but I couldn't find a wax spray or anything, and she did mention texturizing gel or something, so I got the closest I could find. It worked. Then when I watched the video again, I noticed I did it still looks cool, but it's not what it was SUPPOSED to look like. Oh well...DD was thrilled with it, and that's what counts.


Well-Known Member
So cute! You are talented!
Oh no...this one is actually SUPER easy. I can barely even do a french braid. DD's best friend's mom is SOOO good with hair. She comes to school with the most elaborate hair styles and then DD wants me to do them and I am just not up to THAT much challenge. This one, all you have to do is make a loop and pull a lock through it...then make a loop with that lock and pull a lock through that loop....then make a loop with that lock, and pull a lock through it, and so on until you get all the way around and then secure it with bobby pins. DD is addicted to "Cute girls hairstyles" on youtube. We've done 3 of the styles now and this was by far the easiest, and therefore the one that looks the best. We did the ric rac braid for picture day and I wasn't real happy with how it turned out, but DD loved it. Now that I have the sprays, I think I could do a better job though. We'll have to try it again.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I hope things quiet down for you and you get a bit of a get away or at least get to turn your phone off for a couple of days.

My Pre-assembled Birthday Bike from my Sis was delivered today. I'd like to go ride it soon but weather for the next two weeks appears to be winter.



Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Oh yikes...that sounds stressful! Glad your sister is doing well...hope her recovery time isn't too much longer than expected. And how is your niece?

I talked to my niece when my Sis got out of surgery, she is back at her University. Says the drugs are making her feel dopey but she is OK again. Next year they will put her in a different type of dorm. It is a very nice Bubble.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Good afternoon everyone. Hubby came through the surgery fine. He is passing blood , but that's expected. It kind of grosses you out the first time or two. They got the biggest parts of the stone and sending it off to see what foods, or drinks he has to avoid. Thanks so much for all the well wishes, prayers, and pixie dust. We had to get up at 3:30 this morning. I'm going to bed and sleep with the sleepy hubby. Thanks, again from hubby and me. You guys are the greatest! xoxo to all:inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove: Tomorrow will be time for ketchup!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Having done this with my two, my two cents (not that you raise them) evens the playing field. Young ones tend to fight being under the thumb of older ones. It gets old and they are always the shadow to the older one. I get the rebellion. Nobody likes having too many bosses or always having to listen to the older sibling. We have 5 boys a couple properties down, I watch the older one and at times would like to pinch him real hard as he always seems to be the shining star which ticks the heck out of the younger ones. So this is what we did.

Parents: Since you both are older now and both would like some independence in the parks we are going to try something new this year. Rule #1 you are to stay together always, one does not leave the other-ever. #2 neither of you are in charge, we are, if we are with you or not. You are both in charge and responsible for yourselves to follow rule #1. Break Rule #1 and that is it for independance this trip and we MAY try again next year. #3 Take turns what attraction will be next. It will be your turn every other attraction. You must go with your brother when it is his turn to choose. No excuses. #4 We expect a quick text from each of you every 45 minutes stating your location. (neither the sole communicator with parents) #5 you must return to designated area at time stated. #5 Both must report back to us that everything went well and according to rules or independence ends for this trip.

It worked for us anyhow with our kids both at Disney and at home, etc.

Was your SIL an only child?
No, but our daughter was. I love your ideas, but I have no imput as to their rules. We offered suggestions but was told to mind our own business. And that we do.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I only have a very mild need to constantly clean my nose). I dont get coughing fits or anything like that (or problems breathing) unless I have a heavy cold influenza.
But.. since there are some guys doing heavy renovation nearby. Including sawing metal and other stuff.. maybe the dust and plastic shards are affecting me.. I dunno.

This is the weird part, I havent coughed or sneezed in the past week.
Infact I just sneezed (because I was preparing something with chili ) today late afternoon(and it hurt awful).

but nothing at night o_o
I am baffled.. Well see how it goes.
It sounds like you need to see a Dr. Something is going on, and better safe than sorry.

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