I am hoping you are okay, and if i were you, I would go to the doctor. In 2014, I woke up with serious pain in my abdominal area, and I had a bad fever. It got worse throughout the day and by the time I was about to get off from work, it was excruciating. I ended up practically crawling home and just went to bed, where I woke up in a pool of sweat. Pain was worse than ever. At that point, I took myself to a walk in clinic who sent me straight to the emergency room. After painful blood tests and an IV (I am needle-phobic), and an MRI, they told me I had diverticulitis, which I had never heard of, but which apparently is a condition where some piece of something gets stuck in your intestine or colon or something and gets infected> If I had not gotten it treated, I could have dropped dead. Instead, I simply wished I was dead because for the next three weeks, I was on a hardcore antibiotic regiment, which meant......gasp!!!!! No drinking!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Well, at least that proved that I am just your garden variety lush and not a total alcoholic, because I was ready, willing, and able to lay off the hooch while I was in recovery.
But seriously, listen to your body, and if it is sending you weird signals, get checked.