The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
We are back from the Doctor, surgery is scheduled for 6 A.M. Wednesday morning. It will take all day. Surgery, forms, talking with the surgeon, and the rest of the team. Surgery, and recovery. I will be able to bring him home at the end of the day, if all goes well. I'm sure it will be fine. A long day for him, and me in the waiting room. DD has other commitments. :(

I'm tired. We both are. So glad this will be behind us, for Disney.

I'm sorry he has to have surgery but I'm glad it will be resolved before your trip. I hope the surgery goes well, prayers for you and your family.


Well-Known Member
We are back from the Doctor, surgery is scheduled for 6 A.M. Wednesday morning. It will take all day. Surgery, forms, talking with the surgeon, and the rest of the team. Surgery, and recovery. I will be able to bring him home at the end of the day, if all goes well. I'm sure it will be fine. A long day for him, and me in the waiting room. DD has other commitments. :(
Sympathy like. Hopefully all will go well and you won't have to deal with this anymore.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Before Star Wars TFA came out I made a prediction about some of the fans: They'd complain up until the movie was made, go see it, making it a whole lotta money...and still complain. I was right; there are SW fans who complain about TFA, which was an awesome movie and I have no idea why they are complaining over its awesomeness.
Some of the complains are quite hilarious imho.
like those who complains "darn feminist agenda!" "too many females leads in the movies lately!"

and kinda reminds me of a comic I seen about this while hilarious whining.
I mean.. There are like 3-4 hero leads (way better than the usual 1-2 a year) nowadays in a sea of sausages.. yet male nerds still complain "too much feminism!"

Case in point:
the hilarity on one of these comments.. is how dumb they are..
like that one about "imagine a future in which a star wars movie has a male protagonist.. go ahead.. imagine it"
I mean, isnt there a movie about HAN SOLO in the future? lol.

As for me, the movie itself wasnt "great" as others hyped it. It was good, but not epically good. Because I watched all movies.. I honestly felt this movie to be just a remake of the first with some twists and introducing new leads with good bridging.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
The swinging cars are exactly why I'm skipping 7 dwarfs. I read that in the description and went "No thanks". I have tried dramamine. Since we traveled everywhere by car when I was growing up and my mom always let my brother sit in front because he was taller than me, I had to take dramamine. I only took half a pill and it still made me a bit drowsy, but not like a whole pill does. It works fine for being in the car or on a boat, etc, but not really for extreme things like coasters. I had taken dramamine before BTM when I got sick, though to be fair, perhaps I didn't take it quite soon enough. It takes half an hour or so for it to really kick in and I don't think it had been quite that long. The ToT is more about my fear of heights though.
You can try what I usually did. aka try to level up your body and twist your head against the swinging of the ride.
Thats how I didn't get vertigo. (the first time I did after the 3rd twist after the big drop)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR

My DD was in 6th grade had the whiplash symptoms for a couple days, not at all good when you are doing two weeks of theme parks. She loved it but the aftermath wasn't pretty. Dad and my DS we perfectly fine, me I was sitting in the Orlando School Board convention. They had decided to do all the wet rides and they did and then went and changed at the resort. It is nice only being 5 minutes from the resort.


Premium Member
Oh, it won't be forever, just until I come to terms with the obnoxious behavior of the "experts" on the board. I am the first one to admit that Disney has been pretty lax in recent years and the up-charge craziness as of late has me scratching my head, but, overall there are finally things that are happening. The problem is that the experts are still not happy with it. It isn't enough or it's not what they want to see so they just continue to condemn everything out of hand. It is just tiring and I usually don't get tired of calling them out on this, but when the "fan" brigade chime in with put-downs and insults based on nothing and without any effort to explain logically how their opinion is any better then someone else's, I just get tired of it. That's where I am now... it's depressing, it's sad and they are mostly wrong. But, I'll be back at some point rejuvenated and ready to call out BS when I see it.

So I was giving this some thought today, and understand your reasons to taking a breather from N&R. A few rambling thoughts came to mind, while I was stuck on the bus in gridlock traffic on I-93, heading home.

Sometimes, there's a fine line between debates and arguments in N&R. Now, some people take their comments to the extreme, and can be downright rude at times to others who disagree. Yet, overall, what I've found is that there are times when I can't stand someone in one thread, but end up really liking them in a completely different thread, when they're acting more civil, and have good information to share. This is not to excuse any rude behavior from any prior post of theirs, but it does tend to balance out some of the negativity.

Another good reason to (even briefly) scan N&R, is that sometimes Steve (WDW Magic moderator) will post a nice video or interesting pictures of an upcoming attraction, or share timely information about the parks. Any time I see him post something, I always go to see what it is right away. :) There are a few other members that always catch my attention as well, and believe it or not, you're one of them. I don't always agree with what you say, but I really do think that you add a lot to the N&R discussions. Everyone's opinion matters.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Hershey has some awesome coasters. Skyrush (the one in the video) is super intense, in spite of not gong upside down. It's easily the most thrilling coaster I've ever been on. The first time I got off of it, I could barely walk because I was shaking so badly. You aren't allowed to have anything in your pockets, no glasses, no cell phones, anything not physically attached to you must be stowed off the ride. They have hand grips in front of you, and they instruct you to hang on and not let go. Not that you want to let go...

We used to think Stormrunner was the most intense thing at Hershey, but compared to Skyrush, it's tame.

My brother's favorite is Fahrenheit.

I like Great Bear


those are GIANT NOPES for me lol XD



Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Wow, I did not know such technology exists! o_O

I struggle with some motion sickness. The circle thing does me in as I said like Whirl and Tea Cups. I also suffer with brain slosh on the dynamic rollercoasters that push that GForce. I'm kinda at my max with Everest and usually I can tolerate Rock'n. I had done better with Brain Slosh on The Tower but now it is a once a day thing since they do this up and down so many freak'n times. I did fine with the one big drop and the double drop. That yanking me up and down and up again and repeat, my brain can only slosh once a day now.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
We are back from the Doctor, surgery is scheduled for 6 A.M. Wednesday morning. It will take all day. Surgery, forms, talking with the surgeon, and the rest of the team. Surgery, and recovery. I will be able to bring him home at the end of the day, if all goes well. I'm sure it will be fine. A long day for him, and me in the waiting room. DD has other commitments. :(

Poor Him! {{{BIG HUGS}}} But it has gone on long enough.

Bring your mini laptop. All waiting rooms have WiFi you can hook up to. It will help pass the time. Have your hubby show you how to connect through the settings if not the attendants can help you there.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I struggle with some motion sickness. The circle thing does me in as I said like Whirl and Tea Cups. I also suffer with brain slosh on the dynamic rollercoasters that push that GForce. I'm kinda at my max with Everest and usually I can tolerate Rock'n. I had done better with Brain Slosh on The Tower but now it is a once a day thing since they do this up and down so many freak'n times. I did fine with the one big drop and the double drop. That yanking me up and down and up again and repeat, my brain can only slosh once a day now.
I get you.
funnily, I feel worse on things that use shaking than actual Gforce.
Example.. the trains (big thunder..etc..) do not affect me at all.
but things that do not "sync" the movement with what my eyes see.. kills me. tours (the second version before the TFA new scenes).
It killed me if I was in one of the corners and near the hydraulics smell. (near the doors)
or rides like this..
this one KO'ed for a FULL WEEK.

So id say I'm in the same route as you with the Tea Cups and perhaps primeval whirl.

and I mean seriously.. when that thing started to spin.... x_x :depressed::depressed::depressed::depressed::depressed:


Premium Member
We are back from the Doctor, surgery is scheduled for 6 A.M. Wednesday morning. It will take all day. Surgery, forms, talking with the surgeon, and the rest of the team. Surgery, and recovery. I will be able to bring him home at the end of the day, if all goes well. I'm sure it will be fine. A long day for him, and me in the waiting room. DD has other commitments. :(
Take a really good book! And snacks. Hope it goes quickly and well. I'll be thinking about you two. Sending love and pixie dust!! :)


Well-Known Member

those are GIANT NOPES for me lol XD

They're lots of fun!

And why the coasters at Disney don't get to me.

Ya know what gets to me? The stupid swinging Pirate ship at Hershey Park. Both times I tried it I had to very quickly get to a bathroom.:depressed:

And the swinging gondolas at Mickey's Fun Wheel. I always do the stationary ones.

Astro Orbiter gets to me as well.

But this stupid thing doesn't and is a must-do.

No, I don't understand me either.

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