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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I got a phone call asking how old my younger ds is now from pool mgt 2 days ago. Something about a creek and a paddle because it seems they are still a couple of lifeguards short. Seeing my ds is a strong swimmer they were going to pay for him to get certified if he was old enough. I'm sure they'll find somebody soon.

How old do they have to be by you? Here depending on if it is Ellis, Red Cross or StarGuard it is either 15 or 16. Both my kids were 15 but 15 years old are a pain to schedule due to labor laws. My son kinda liked his first summer as a 15 year old. WaterPark closed at 9pm. He had to be off stand and swiped out by 9pm, no cleaning up the park for him that summer.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I honestly think that MOST rides at UNI and IOA are bad for neck and back.
Transformers, Spiderman, Forbidden Journey and Gringotts all shake you everywhere... a lot others are coasters..
Others have some sort of spinning that can get you twist if you're not sitting correctly..etc.. :O

I do well with most. I can't do TeaCups Primeval Whirl at Disney and Simulators make me sick. I didn't do well with Rock'n the first time but it might have been me being too tense about the loops, they really are smooth. I've been fine everytime since.


Well-Known Member
This goes both camps honestly.
We 've had also the snotty ultra Disney fan who says that Disney cant do no wrong and (like my other rants) overuse the defense "Disney is a business".
Some members are just sick of that and thus go straight into facepalm and direct confrontation mode.

In another cases, the "special ones" (aka those who leak' ) are already sick that they get their reputation smeared or their percentage of "correct" leaks questioned by newcomers again and again.

so the problem goes both ways.
You may be right, but, it doesn't matter. If someone is silly enough to think that Walt Disney is still alive and that his motivations still exist then they should go ahead and pursue that fantasy. Those of us that know what Disney is now and know that without everyone's solid support it will never change are just dealing with life as it exists and not so pickled in Pixie Dust that we think that nothing ever changes and that the demands of people today are going to be the same as they were in the last century. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

I know that you guys feel that those of us that recognize reality are the Pixie Dust people, however, the truth is that we have accepted that things have changed and try to appreciate what is there while it is. We are not the Pixie Dusters, it's those that cannot let go of the past that are riding a powdery cloud. No, the Pixie Dusters are those that still think that we have any control other then supporting the way it is or not. We are powerless to make those changes unless they have a reason to believe that they are wrong. Only time will determine if that is ever going to happen. Personally, I doubt it. Know why, because Disney is now a business and only a business. You can do a face-palm until the end of time, that doesn't change it.


Well-Known Member
My DD is 5 years younger than my DS and she tended not to listen to him either and often justifiably. I actually never put either one of them in charge, it sets up problems.
My brother listens to me when no one else is around. If one of my parents is around, he won't listen. If it's just us, he obeys without question. Which benefits us because we can go off and do things on our own in WDW (and likely DL as well this time) while our parents get some time without us. Though my mom always says when we're off on our own, she feels like she's missing a couple of appendages.:hilarious:

My parents have always said to him that if he wants to do stuff with just me, he has to behave. He knows if he doesn't listen, he doesn't get to go places with me. I also don't boss him around unnecessarily, which is probably a problem older siblings have with younger siblings. The majority of the time, his behavior is fine and I don't need to tell him what to do. We'll go long periods without talking to one another, which we're both usually content with. And then other times he won't shut up:joyfull:. It's funny because when he rides with my parents, he sits in the back and doesn't want to talk to them. With me, he sits in the front and I sometimes think to myself, "Does he ever shut up?":rolleyes:

Funny story: we were home by ourselves a few weeks ago. I think I asked him to help with the laundry or the dishes or something, and he got upset and whacked me on the head. Not hard really, it didn't hurt, and he apologized five minutes later (sincerely, on his own) so I told him that I wasn't going to tell our parents about it. They walked in the door and it was the first thing he told them, and they took away his computer for the evening. I'm not sure whether him turning himself in is a good thing or a bad thing...


Well-Known Member
Oh, it won't be forever, just until I come to terms with the obnoxious behavior of the "experts" on the board. I am the first one to admit that Disney has been pretty lax in recent years and the up-charge craziness as of late has me scratching my head, but, overall there are finally things that are happening. The problem is that the experts are still not happy with it. It isn't enough or it's not what they want to see so they just continue to condemn everything out of hand. It is just tiring and I usually don't get tired of calling them out on this, but when the "fan" brigade chime in with put-downs and insults based on nothing and without any effort to explain logically how their opinion is any better then someone else's, I just get tired of it. That's where I am now... it's depressing, it's sad and they are mostly wrong. But, I'll be back at some point rejuvenated and ready to call out BS when I see it.
Before Star Wars TFA came out I made a prediction about some of the fans: They'd complain up until the movie was made, go see it, making it a whole lotta money...and still complain. I was right; there are SW fans who complain about TFA, which was an awesome movie and I have no idea why they are complaining over its awesomeness.

I'm convinced the same thing happens with some of these WDW fans: they complain that Disney is being stagnant, they complain about what Disney is planning right until it comes out, they'll still go spend their money to see what Disney has built...and they'll still complain. I stopped reading N&R a long time ago because at a certain point, it's not worth my time.


Premium Member
How old do they have to be by you? Here depending on if it is Ellis, Red Cross or StarGuard it is either 15 or 16. Both my kids were 15 but 15 years old are a pain to schedule due to labor laws. My son kinda liked his first summer as a 15 year old. WaterPark closed at 9pm. He had to be off stand and swiped out by 9pm, no cleaning up the park for him that summer.
He's only 13, he'll turn 14 the day we leave for vacation. She sounded a bit upset when she found out she won't be able to get him next year either.


Well-Known Member
I can understand the Everest thing. 7D is pretty tame, but the swinging cars could be a problem for someone with motion sickness. My husband gets motion sick too, and will go on anything except spinning things. He does take meds though. He used to get a patch but then our insurance company switched and wouldn't cover it. So instead of paying out of pocket for the patch, which is over $100, he does dramamine. It works pretty well, he only takes a half a pill, it does give him a little dry mouth but as long as it is a half a pill it doesn't make him drowsy. Have you ever tried it? Oh, by the way with his motion sickness he says TOT never bothers him, but everyone is different.
The swinging cars are exactly why I'm skipping 7 dwarfs. I read that in the description and went "No thanks". I have tried dramamine. Since we traveled everywhere by car when I was growing up and my mom always let my brother sit in front because he was taller than me, I had to take dramamine. I only took half a pill and it still made me a bit drowsy, but not like a whole pill does. It works fine for being in the car or on a boat, etc, but not really for extreme things like coasters. I had taken dramamine before BTM when I got sick, though to be fair, perhaps I didn't take it quite soon enough. It takes half an hour or so for it to really kick in and I don't think it had been quite that long. The ToT is more about my fear of heights though.


Premium Member
The swinging cars are exactly why I'm skipping 7 dwarfs. I read that in the description and went "No thanks". I have tried dramamine. Since we traveled everywhere by car when I was growing up and my mom always let my brother sit in front because he was taller than me, I had to take dramamine. I only took half a pill and it still made me a bit drowsy, but not like a whole pill does. It works fine for being in the car or on a boat, etc, but not really for extreme things like coasters. I had taken dramamine before BTM when I got sick, though to be fair, perhaps I didn't take it quite soon enough. It takes half an hour or so for it to really kick in and I don't think it had been quite that long. The ToT is more about my fear of heights though.

Yeah, sometimes the cars on 7D can really swing. I was in a car in March with 2 little girls and their mom (so very light) and we were in the back and as we came around a curve I leaned hard to make it swing more (at least I thought I helped it swing) and we swung a lot the little girl next to me was super excited about the swinging (as was I).

Maybe a quarter a pill of dramamine would be enough for you and not make you drowsy. My husband takes half and it can still make him drowsy sometimes, and he is big guy and I'm assuming you aren't as big as him. Just a thought.


Premium Member
The swinging cars are exactly why I'm skipping 7 dwarfs. I read that in the description and went "No thanks". I have tried dramamine. Since we traveled everywhere by car when I was growing up and my mom always let my brother sit in front because he was taller than me, I had to take dramamine. I only took half a pill and it still made me a bit drowsy, but not like a whole pill does. It works fine for being in the car or on a boat, etc, but not really for extreme things like coasters. I had taken dramamine before BTM when I got sick, though to be fair, perhaps I didn't take it quite soon enough. It takes half an hour or so for it to really kick in and I don't think it had been quite that long. The ToT is more about my fear of heights though.
Maybe you should bring a bit of candied ginger for your tummy just in case


Well-Known Member
Yeah, sometimes the cars on 7D can really swing. I was in a car in March with 2 little girls and their mom (so very light) and we were in the back and as we came around a curve I leaned hard to make it swing more (at least I thought I helped it swing) and we swung a lot the little girl next to me was super excited about the swinging (as was I).

Maybe a quarter a pill of dramamine would be enough for you and not make you drowsy. My husband takes half and it can still make him drowsy sometimes, and he is big guy and I'm assuming you aren't as big as him. Just a thought.
I'll need to get dramamine when I get to the States anyway, so I'll have to try it. We don't have dramamine here.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Looky what the DD transformed from a small plush.
He's only 13, he'll turn 14 the day we leave for vacation. She sounded a bit upset when she found out she won't be able to get him next year either.

7am to 7pm for 14 year olds during no school vacation, much less for 14-15 year olds during school year. Do you know the difference technically between a lifeguard and a pool attendant?

( except minors at least 16 years of age may be employed as pinsetters, lane attendants, or busboys in public bowling alleys, and in restaurants or in the executive offices, maintenance departments, or pool or beach areas of a hotel, motel or guest house, but not in the preparation, sale or serving of alcoholic beverages, nor in the preparation of photographs, nor in any dancing or theatrical exhibition or performance which is not part of a theatrical production where alcoholic beverages are sold on the premises, while so employed; and minors at least 14 years of age may be employed as golf caddies and pool attendants).


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My brother listens to me when no one else is around. If one of my parents is around, he won't listen. If it's just us, he obeys without question. Which benefits us because we can go off and do things on our own in WDW (and likely DL as well this time) while our parents get some time without us. Though my mom always says when we're off on our own, she feels like she's missing a couple of appendages.:hilarious:

My parents have always said to him that if he wants to do stuff with just me, he has to behave. He knows if he doesn't listen, he doesn't get to go places with me. I also don't boss him around unnecessarily, which is probably a problem older siblings have with younger siblings. The majority of the time, his behavior is fine and I don't need to tell him what to do. We'll go long periods without talking to one another, which we're both usually content with. And then other times he won't shut up:joyfull:. It's funny because when he rides with my parents, he sits in the back and doesn't want to talk to them. With me, he sits in the front and I sometimes think to myself, "Does he ever shut up?":rolleyes:

Funny story: we were home by ourselves a few weeks ago. I think I asked him to help with the laundry or the dishes or something, and he got upset and whacked me on the head. Not hard really, it didn't hurt, and he apologized five minutes later (sincerely, on his own) so I told him that I wasn't going to tell our parents about it. They walked in the door and it was the first thing he told them, and they took away his computer for the evening. I'm not sure whether him turning himself in is a good thing or a bad thing...

Your Brother is lucky to have you. :inlove:

And the Bossy thing is the reason when my two were off on their own without anyone being in charge. It just would have set up bad things to happen. And it is a never ending thing for the younger one. The dynamic is different with your brother but it is the same principal as you said don't boss around. Me, as I said often my DD was born a mini adult so her judgement was always good.

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