My brother listens to me when no one else is around. If one of my parents is around, he won't listen. If it's just us, he obeys without question. Which benefits us because we can go off and do things on our own in WDW (and likely DL as well this time) while our parents get some time without us. Though my mom always says when we're off on our own, she feels like she's missing a couple of appendages.
My parents have always said to him that if he wants to do stuff with just me, he has to behave. He knows if he doesn't listen, he doesn't get to go places with me.
I also don't boss him around unnecessarily, which is probably a problem older siblings have with younger siblings. The majority of the time, his behavior is fine and I don't need to tell him what to do. We'll go long periods without talking to one another, which we're both usually content with. And then other times he won't shut up
. It's funny because when he rides with my parents, he sits in the back and doesn't want to talk to them. With me, he sits in the front and I sometimes think to myself, "Does he ever shut up?"
Funny story: we were home by ourselves a few weeks ago. I think I asked him to help with the laundry or the dishes or something, and he got upset and whacked me on the head. Not hard really, it didn't hurt, and he apologized five minutes later (sincerely, on his own) so I told him that I wasn't going to tell our parents about it. They walked in the door and it was the first thing he told them, and they took away his computer for the evening. I'm not sure whether him turning himself in is a good thing or a bad thing...