The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
Nope...we won't go on it at all then. I'm not a coaster person, and the kids don't want to do it if it goes upside down. Hubby is the only one who MIGHT want to do it and he's said he's really not fussy...he doesn't want to do anything without us. He'll go with the kids on stuff that I can't do (I get motion sickness and am terrified of heights. Tower of Terror is definitely out for me), but if the kids or I don't want to go, he won't go. So we'll skip it. He might be able to catch it on an extra magic hours time or something if he REALLY wants to do it. Thanks!

Rock 'n' Roller Coaster is a ride I want to love, but going upside down on rides tends to give me a headache. It is a very smooth coaster though and you barely realize that you went upside down until you are right side up again. You could always see how she does on other coasters like Big Thunder or Everest and let her decide if she wants to be adventurous for it.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
@Songbird76 Aldo, back to the roller coaster thing, upside down doesn't necesarily make a coaster intense. Everest doesn't go upside down, but I think it's more intense than RnRC. RnRC lasts all of 60 seconds, and the loud music makes it seem more intense than it actually is (take it from someone who's ridden sans music before). The worst part is the initial takeoff. You barely even realize you're upside down before you're right side up. I'd encourage you to have her try everything once. Then, if she doesn't want to go a second time, she doesn't have to.
my niece and nephew said the same.. the worst part was the launch (very hard acceleration). They felt the loops but they said it wasnt that bad.
Now... the Dueling dragons at IOA.. thats another thing lol.


Well-Known Member
I guess it has finally come to the time when I must take a break from the rumors section. I usually like to read it because it makes me chuckle so often over the utter foolishness that those children can come up with. However, lately they have been taking a lead from their fearless leader and when someone expresses an opinion that differs from their own (and, of course, their leader) instead of having a discussion and a logical introduction of an argument they resort to outright insults and childish efforts to bully and intimidate the poster. I figure it is due to the fact that they don't have a logical response, but, still it is so sophomoric that I can no longer tolerate it, at least for a while. So, on with the intentional silliness that Chit Chat generates.
In case you are wondering, no, it isn't me being attacked, I'm a big boy and can handle the bullies myself, but, it does bother me that people are so routinely belittled when the sometimes absurd opinions of the children are challenged. With the exception of a few posters that I really respect, the whole place is a useless waste of cyberspace.


Premium Member
I guess it has finally come to the time when I must take a break from the rumors section. I usually like to read it because it makes me chuckle so often over the utter foolishness that those children can come up with. However, lately they have been taking a lead from their fearless leader and when someone expresses an opinion that differs from their own (and, of course, their leader) instead of having a discussion and a logical introduction of an argument they resort to outright insults and childish efforts to bully and intimidate the poster. I figure it is due to the fact that they don't have a logical response, but, still it is so sophomoric that I can no longer tolerate it, at least for a while. So, on with the intentional silliness that Chit Chat generates.
In case you are wondering, no, it isn't me being attacked, I'm a big boy and can handle the bullies myself, but, it does bother me that people are so routinely belittled when the sometimes absurd opinions of the children are challenged. With the exception of a few posters that I really respect, the whole place is a useless waste of cyberspace.

I haven't been a frequent visitor to that section because of some of that. Also if something is just a rumor I don't want to get my hopes up or be disappointed, so some of that stuff never comes to fruition. I'd rather have my news as something concrete and true.


Well-Known Member
I guess it has finally come to the time when I must take a break from the rumors section. I usually like to read it because it makes me chuckle so often over the utter foolishness that those children can come up with. However, lately they have been taking a lead from their fearless leader and when someone expresses an opinion that differs from their own (and, of course, their leader) instead of having a discussion and a logical introduction of an argument they resort to outright insults and childish efforts to bully and intimidate the poster. I figure it is due to the fact that they don't have a logical response, but, still it is so sophomoric that I can no longer tolerate it, at least for a while. So, on with the intentional silliness that Chit Chat generates.
In case you are wondering, no, it isn't me being attacked, I'm a big boy and can handle the bullies myself, but, it does bother me that people are so routinely belittled when the sometimes absurd opinions of the children are challenged. With the exception of a few posters that I really respect, the whole place is a useless waste of cyberspace.

the new first amendment...freedom of speech until someone disagrees with you


Well-Known Member
That was a funny show. I recall one episode when she went to a Horn and Hardart (old, automated restaurant, NYC). She only had a dime on her and could buy hot water in a bowl. She sat down at a table and saw a bottle of ketchup on the table, and put some in, and then used salt and pepper and made soup. :p Back when I was in jr. college, (typical poor student, walking around with change in my pocket--and that was on a "good" day . . . ;) ) I confess a few times that I did similar, "creative" lunches! :D

I remember that episode. :)


Well-Known Member
I once vowed that I would never do an inversion coaster. I don't even do any coasters that aren't at Disney. I don't like to swallow my heart repeatedly for the sake of "fun". However, I was talked into going on RnRC with my grandson. Know what, it's a dark ride. By the time you realize you just inverted it is over and you don't really know what is coming up. It is fun, exciting and at the same time, not really scary. It is possible that many people have ridden it and are still unaware that it went upside down, it is that dark in there and your attention is focused more on the glowing scenes that make up the ride. I think that was a recommendation from a confirmed 68 year old enemy of inversion roller coasters. I would suggest that she try it. It's over so fast that you are not aware of it even happening while it is happening. The start is worth the inversions anyway.

I have yet to find an inversion coaster I don't like.
What I like about RnRC is that you're shot off the line directly into the first inversion (a loop) via high-acceleration linear induction. :)


Well-Known Member
I once vowed that I would never do an inversion coaster. I don't even do any coasters that aren't at Disney. I don't like to swallow my heart repeatedly for the sake of "fun". However, I was talked into going on RnRC with my grandson. Know what, it's a dark ride. By the time you realize you just inverted it is over and you don't really know what is coming up. It is fun, exciting and at the same time, not really scary. It is possible that many people have ridden it and are still unaware that it went upside down, it is that dark in there and your attention is focused more on the glowing scenes that make up the ride. I think that was a recommendation from a confirmed 68 year old enemy of inversion roller coasters. I would suggest that she try it. It's over so fast that you are not aware of it even happening while it is happening. The start is worth the inversions anyway.
Well, I most likely couldn't do it anyway, given my motion sickness, but DD turns 10 in a she's still pretty young and she's only really ever been on one roller coaster before. I'll let her make the decisions about what she wants to try though. If she says she wants to do it, she absolutely can, but I kind of doubt she'll want to. Thanks for the info! I'll let her know.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it goes upside down. It's the only one in WDW to do so. In DL, California Screanin' goes upside down once. In DLP, Space Mountain, their RnRC, and an Indiana Jones Roller Coaster all go upside down. So yes, Disney has a few rides that go upside down.

I'd do TSM for that park if she's not sure. There is a single riders line if anyone else wants to try RnRC. I'd still encourage her to try it, though. I think TofT is worse than RnRC.
TSM is already in the plans, as is ToT. She think that one looks scary, but cool, and it helps that there's a video of all her favorite Disney Stars (Austin and Ally, Liv and Maddie, Teen Beach Movie people, etc) going on it.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been a frequent visitor to that section because of some of that. Also if something is just a rumor I don't want to get my hopes up or be disappointed, so some of that stuff never comes to fruition. I'd rather have my news as something concrete and true.

Yea, I pop in there every now and then to see what's goin' on, but, rarely participate. Too many sharks/vultures circlin' just waitin' to pick at any little scrap to purposely start trouble.


Well-Known Member
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster is a ride I want to love, but going upside down on rides tends to give me a headache. It is a very smooth coaster though and you barely realize that you went upside down until you are right side up again. You could always see how she does on other coasters like Big Thunder or Everest and let her decide if she wants to be adventurous for it.
She doesn't want to do Everest. She saw a picture where it looks like the track is broken, and it freaked her out. She KNOWS it's fake and that that's not the real track, but the idea of it is so scary to her that she doesn't want to do it. I did get both kids talked into Space Mountain, though, which they said for the longest time they didn't want to do because it was in the dark. But they both want to do Splash and Big Thunder Mountain, and 7 dwarfs mine train...I will try Splash, but I did BTM on our honeymoon and had to sit down for half an hour afterwards so I wouldn't get sick, so I'm going to skip that and 7 dwarfs this time...daddy will take them.


Well-Known Member
I guess it has finally come to the time when I must take a break from the rumors section. I usually like to read it because it makes me chuckle so often over the utter foolishness that those children can come up with. However, lately they have been taking a lead from their fearless leader and when someone expresses an opinion that differs from their own (and, of course, their leader) instead of having a discussion and a logical introduction of an argument they resort to outright insults and childish efforts to bully and intimidate the poster. I figure it is due to the fact that they don't have a logical response, but, still it is so sophomoric that I can no longer tolerate it, at least for a while. So, on with the intentional silliness that Chit Chat generates.
In case you are wondering, no, it isn't me being attacked, I'm a big boy and can handle the bullies myself, but, it does bother me that people are so routinely belittled when the sometimes absurd opinions of the children are challenged. With the exception of a few posters that I really respect, the whole place is a useless waste of cyberspace.
I'm so sorry you've been driven away. I tend not to go there unless I'm looking for something specific, like when I was looking for updates on Frostrom and ROL and Soarin'. But I came across a thread when I was looking where I thought people were really rude to the original poster. Something caught my eye and I decided to look, and it turned out not to be what I thought it was going to be, but people were pretty mean. So I didn't venture into any other threads outside of what was related to what I was looking for. Some people could learn a lot from Thumper.


Premium Member
Yes, it goes upside down. It's the only one in WDW to do so. In DL, California Screanin' goes upside down once. In DLP, Space Mountain, their RnRC, and an Indiana Jones Roller Coaster all go upside down. So yes, Disney has a few rides that go upside down.

I'd do TSM for that park if she's not sure. There is a single riders line if anyone else wants to try RnRC. I'd still encourage her to try it, though. I think TofT is worse than RnRC.

Single rider line for RnRC? When did that happen? Up until last year, I've never seen one--I've just waited in line with everyone else. I always thought if they could do a single rider at Everest over in AK, they could do ones for RnRC. So I hope your update is correct!! :)


Premium Member
Yea, I pop in there every now and then to see what's goin' on, but, rarely participate. Too many sharks/vultures circlin' just waitin' to pick at any little scrap to purposely start trouble.

There is definitely some of that, no doubt. But I enjoy N&R, because if you sort through the various discussions, you really can pick up some interesting and helpful information.

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