That's why my mom never told the hair stylist how to cut my hair. I never wanted mine super short. I went with shoulder-length one time, and that was the shortest I would go. When I was about six, I didn't want bangs anymore. Mom let me grow them out. I wanted really long hair for a while there, and my mom let me try to grow it out. That's when I figured out that it only grows to a certain length and then stops growing. My dad always wanted me to have short hair and complained when I was trying to grow it out, but my mom maintained that it was my hair, and as long as it was neat and classy-looking, I could do what I wanted. Now it's shorter, which I initially had to do because
The same thing applied to my brother. He's not allowed to have super long hair (nor does he want super-long hair), but several years ago, my parents had him try a buzz cut for the summer, which he initially didn't oppose. Although I thought it looked great (and it felt cool as well) he wasn't a fan. He knows which length buzzers he wants the stylist to use and keeps it that way.