Rampant? Possibly. With 58% of American's on Facebook with a population in the states of about 320 million not to mention all the other other social media outlets, I wonder what rampant really is. I did ask my DD who plays quite a bit on Facebook, viewing more than posting but she was surprised what you and@Cesar R M are experiencing volume wise on Facebook and on Social Media from different countries with people who reside in the states. While I do run across the insulting verbiage where I play at times it is rare more than rampant in the circles that I participate. And that may indeed be the key. What type of people and sites we participate in and more so who we follow, friend and read. I remember a few weeks back Cesar mentioning the undertones of putting things in quotes and his interpretation in his experience what that means. I don't doubt it in the circles he trips upon but again I never have come across that. I asked my 24 year old about the new language of quotes and she looked at me like I was from Mars and she plays substantially more than I do. I'm beginning to believe with so many social media outlets about it just greatly differs from participant to participant.
It actually depends on how social you are.
Being on facebook isn't explicitly "being IN" the social media. since Facebook is like the most outhermost layer of social media and the most mainstream.
When you have people who only have "links" or "friends" related to only friends or family. That is hardly deep in the social media groups.
When you start to follow big groups of games, political areas, books, newspapers and others that are outside your personal group. Then you can consider yourself starting to be inside social media groups.
Also, as a IT tech.. I had to learn to either bold, italic or use quotes to push important information or to show something specifically.
For example, In most social fan sites... the quotes are either important areas/words/places or just mimicking what others said (where the usual here is using the QUOTE tool).
Italics are usually used for sarcasm, and bold for very important things.
For my experience.. Id say you're really into social media when you're wading deep into Twitter, deviantart, tumblr, imgur, instagram and facebook and website/games forums.
After all, facebook is pretty mainstream and very useful tool for linking people you know.