Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
It was to my family. I was the first one in the family to graduate from High School. (Different times then) I had to get a class ring because they wanted to show it off. It quickly became much less important when I became the first one to graduate from college. I know that I have my HS class ring somewhere but damned if I remember where it might be. I was going to try and find it because I am attending my 50th High School reunion this summer and I wanted to wear it. It must be around here someplace. I still have the tassel from my graduation cap.
I understand. My Mom and her youngest brother were the only ones of 12 siblings finish high school and both went onto college. My Gran encouraged my Mom to quit high school like she did all her children, earning money was more important, get a job. They both went onto college which she never grasped for my Mom and my youngest Uncle was born after Gran had Grandchildren already and shortly thereafter my Grandfather passed, I was about 2 years old so she didn't care what he did by the time he came out of Vietnam just so he send money.
It was a different era, my Gran married at 14 years old and had a baby by 15 years old and never held an outside job in her life span, her job was to raise a huge brood of children.