The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Oops!!! Yeah, corn chips don't do well in the microwave, but I don't know why! So strange. But....were the black beans already on the corn chips? Is that why you put them in together?
I dont think either the corn chips or the beans were the issue.
The only way the microwave does sparks that could light up the cornchips or the paper is..
a) the power was too high and the time too long (aka the beans were way beyond boiling)
b) there was a metal piece or oil near the paper or the tortilla pieces.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
That's crazy! I'm glad you caught it so quickly!
Thanks, I do stay close to appliances when they are doing the cooking. Many years ago, we had a toaster oven go up in flames. It was working fine, and then poof, up in flames. Turned out the kitchen's wiring wasn't up to code. The fire came out of the wall. I threw a box of baking soda on it, and put the flames out.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
TGIF!!!! It's been a rather disappointing week! My friend's dad died on Sunday. Not completely unexpected as he had been in the hospital and was not doing well, but it wasn't expected quite so soon, and she had a trip planned to go home in just a couple of weeks, so she didn't get to see him before he passed. And I found out yesterday that the friend I'm closest to here in the Netherlands is moving to Germany in a couple of months. Her husband works for a company that goes all over the world, so she's lived in many different places. She's from Sri Lanka and her husband met her when he was doing a project there. They spent a couple of years in Qatar, and her husband gets sent all over the place and sometimes, for shorter projects, the family doesn't get to go with him. So he was just in Mexico a few months ago and that project ended up being prolonged for several months. Anyway, he was just on a 2 week vacation and they went to Germany and found a house they loved in a place they've always wanted to they bought the house that afternoon and they are leaving in 8 weeks. I'm going to miss her so much! But I'm happy for her that they are going for their dream, and it IS a beautiful area, from what I found when I looked it up. Lots of caves and castles and ruins...we'll go and visit sometimes. But it's 450 km away, so there won't be anymore birthday parties for the kids with them, or craft days, etc.
The good news is that today is the last day of the 3 week period my doctor told me I can't exercise. I hope my hip is better now...I will try something small on Monday. Tomorrow I am helping my choir director's other group with their English. They wrote their own song and are recording it tomorrow, so I'm going along for the English pronunciation. It's always fun.
I'm sorry you are having a tough week. I hope next week is better. Good luck on the exercising. We will keep you company on Chit Chat.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Funny story, but I'm not sure if it applies in the Mexican dialect....not sure how it is different from the dialect in Spain. My friend, when we were in high school, did a 5 week study program in Madrid to improve her Spanish. She lived with a guest family. One day, she was at the beach with her "sisters" and their friends and it was really hot outside. She complained "Yo soy caliente"...which is apparently not the correct version of to be, so she ended up saying something QUITE embarrassing, implying that she would like"mate" with one of the boys in the group. Then, once the mistake was pointed out to her, she could not remember the spanish word for "embarrassed" but it SOUNDS like the Spanish word for "pregnant", so she then announced to the group that she was pregnant. (embarrisado?) To this day, I don't know what the real word is for "embarrassed". I've also learned from a friend that you are not supposed to say you want to "catch" a bus in Mexico...that it means something different.
Lol you're correct. Yo soy caliente is sort of saying "I'm hot!" (as in sexy, hor ny..etc..)
The word for embarrassed is "Apenada" "Embochornada" and I pregnant es Embarazada.. so yeah lol. funny confusion!

as for the bus one.. I'm curious, what is the spanish version of that? Because there are multiple variants and noone related to really catching a bus (some are sexual indirects and others are related to bad luck)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Don't kid yourself. Just because New Yorker's are more vocal about it being wrong to use anything but mustard, it isn't the preference of the entire country. When I was growing up in upper, upper New York State, our favorite fast food was a number of places that sold a thing called Michigan Red Hots. Basically a chili dog with a very fine ground chili type sauce over a boiled hot dog cradled in a steamed bun and pretty much the only condiment would have been onions (ordered as with or without) and a single strip of mustard down the center. I still love them to this day, but it is nearly impossible to find outside of my home town in New York. The closest to it is at "The Varsity" in Atlanta, Ga. Other then that there was no limit to what condiments were used on hot dogs. Relish, Mustard, Ketchup, Hot Sauce, Sauerkraut, etc. There are purist everywhere and those few are the ones that insist on just mustard. They are wrong on so many levels. :joyfull:;)
I actually wondered that, because there are so many sites that say MURDER.. HERESY!! or things like that for when people put more things to their hotdog.
and I'm like. "dude, its MY hot dog".. XD

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
The way they teach English speakers ser vs. estar is estar indicates sonething temporary whereas ser indicates something less likely to change. Like "Estoy contenta" I could be happy now, but then I coukd talk to a group project member and be enojada, so the feeling is temporary. Ser is more permanent. Mi gata es negra y blanca. The cat's color fur isn't changing (for the most part. But why ya need two verbs for "to be" is stikl confusing. Your language es complicada.
You are very correct in that difference. I didnt had it in my mind when I wrote my other message.

Probably because our "to be" as you said, its like WHAT YOU ARE (as in forever) or what things are.
and the others are temporary situations the thing or person is now.
and dont blame us, blame spanish guys from spain ;)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Hubby is using it. It did have a lot of bugs in the beginning. But, he says it's okay. I don't like to have to start over with Windows 10. I'm not into technology, it's kind of like learning a foreign language to me.
The annoyance is, Windows 10 is pretty much a mixture of ANDROID for phones and Windows from Microsoft.
Aka the constant forced patches is like the android, also the connected account plus app store is pretty much a phone OS.
almost everything "new" interface wise is similar for phone/tablet.
While behind this layer.. the old windows is still there (example, windows 10 tries to force you to use the new "settings" Phone like menu for important things. But you can always search and open the old Control Panel )
Also, a lot of the new menus are Android like as well. You select and option and is instantly enabled.
While the old Windows parts required you to select the option then SAVE (as in press OK to save)

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