The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I love my Mom dearly, still there are things she says and does now that highly questionable. With all this going on she is rewriting what Doc's and Nurses are say. Providing some inaccurate info to nursing and support staff. Today when she showed up when she said she wasn't and it is over an hour drive for her too she decided to bring me up to date on my Dads condition, I was there for an hour before her and she wasn't there yesterday. Worse she got most of it wrong.

I love your intuition. My gut tells me things sometimes and I seem to always regret if I don't listen to it. I don't write off much of what others experience. I've never seen ghosts or been visited by spirits but I am open to the idea that some people do have these types of experiences. I have some strange deja vu occurrences that are a tad creepity though rare now as I have aged, they were kinda unnerving.
Somehow I am not recalling your Native American Heritage. Ooops. :facepalm:
My grandmother (on my dad's side was a full blooded black foot Native American). The family came from Canada.


Well-Known Member
So, today, after over 17 years at my company, my position has apparently been eliminated. And it doesn't have anything to do with all the debauchery that I have posted on here. They are apparently building a new facility in LA that is very over budget and every department is being asked to cut. Well....I win. The cut anyway. Even though my boss told me I was bringing in the most money for the company, etc. It all makes no sense whatsoever.

Does anyone here know how severance packages work? I have never been fired from a job in my entire life, and I need some advice. Thanks in advance.

Oh my. So very sorry to hear, Buddy. Please excuse me, I'm still so far behind...
But, I know from where you speak. I was laid off from the firm I've now been back with for 3+ years in Jan. of '09. I worked as many as 3 retail (had never worked retail before in my life) jobs at a time, including The Disney Store for 4+ years, to make ends meet. I was the last, and only, one laid off in the fifth and final round, so the company was already strapped. I received only 2 weeks of severance, and had to cash out my 401K (which had lost more than 50% of what had been it's top value by then). It was nuts, all 3 kiddos were still at home. I just gritted my teeth and did what I had to. But, It all made me stronger and more confident that I could handle anything.

The best of luck!
Whether it's a hit play, or a new day gig, I'm sure you'll land on your feet, soon...! ;) :)

betty rose

Well-Known Member
And here I am in my final quarter of high school, trying to decide which college to attend.
Where has my childhood gone? :/

At least I'll still have Disney whenever I want to feel younger again
I'm near 70 and I don't feel over 25, yes the body is not what it used to be, but the mind keeps me young. Hubby and I laugh over the funniest things (at least to us) . We love the old Bob Newhart series, and often quote something on there, and laugh our heads off. We remember silly and dangerous things we did in the past. Now we laugh at them. And today I caught the microwave on fire. We ended up laughing at this. Your mind will keep you young as you want to be. :D:D:D:D

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I'm happy to hear @Goofyernmost DDs are working through all this too. I said a while back I didn't agree with something my Sis and Mom decided and I took a step back and accepted 2 to 1, they win, not that there is any winning in all this. Now that things are getting somewhat worse we are all on the same page and I actually had an ICU Doc come down to speak with me, take a look at my Dad, come back and speak with me again, he certainly was looking for family direction and I gave it to him. Then 8 hours later I just went home and screamed into a pillow. :banghead: I've actually kept The Goofy's DD in mind as I try to absorb the Big Picture here. Sometimes all the sharing we do here is helpful.
Good for you, when you can't do anything else, screaming can help. I'm still hoping that what ever the outcome, you and the family can find peace.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
You cant get a break lately. And I'm so sorry. I wish we could help you, as in spending time in the hospital with your Mom and Dad. Just know we are thinking about you and the family , until this gets resolved. Stay strong, as I know you can....and get rest too. I hope you can get away from this for the week-end. I hope, you will let your sister bear the burden. Even though sis and I didn't get along, we did take turns with the parents when they were sick, or passing.

Thank you. I appreciate the support and good ideas. Most of this because of circumstances has to fall on me. Mom is 81 years old, she can't drive at night. She tires quickly and tends to tire quickly and goes from being agitated with my Dad to treating him and talking to him like he is 2 years old. It is her age and lack of coping skills. My Sis she lives in Ohio and owns a law firm. She took the first round #1 hospital run but being in a different state, court dates etc there is limits to what she can do. She has done all the legal stuff that needed to be done.

Today was better and worse. He was calmer and had better cognitive skills. Heart tests showing it is failing rapidly. But like I said the man is like a Slinky Dog, God only knows. *insert spinning eye smiley here*


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I'm near 70 and I don't feel over 25, yes the body is not what it used to be, but the mind keeps me young. Hubby and I laugh over the funniest things (at least to us) . We love the old Bob Newhart series, and often quote something on there, and laugh our heads off. We remember silly and dangerous things we did in the past. Now we laugh at them. And today I caught the microwave on fire. We ended up laughing at this. Your mind will keep you young as you want to be. :D:D:D:D
I guess you're right. It's just a bit shocking coming to the realization how much my life will change over the next few months.

And when you mention Bob Newhart, I'm so young I just think of him as Bernard from the Rescuers!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Well, you still have to try dishes to see whats yummy or not.
If not, it might get boring eating the absolutely same for all your life :p

Yeah but when reviews of odd foods are chewie, rubbery, one and out I know to bypass and try something else. I tend to read reviews by average people. I'm not one to waste money on something that isn't getting an endorsement of many.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Thanks! looks pretty heavy on the seafood side. I didn't see anything else on the starters except for a vegetarian option. I like some of the options on the Nomad Lounge list, though! We won't be going to Tiffins this trip for sure, though. No way DS would eat anything on that menu!

I'm still hoping when the full menu is released it will be a bit more diverse. It was my point a few days ago that they need some balance. But since Rivers is in delay Disney likely put this menu out to look for some reaction. Could be tweek'd. My guess anyhow, why else offer up a menu for a restaurant meant to compliment Rivers at the same time the delays are announced? I hope they pay attention and lighten up a few dishes. Canteen in the MK is also taking hits for their menu being heavy on the spice side. One I am repeated reading is how spicy the meat is in the mac & cheese among other dishes. Like BOG I expect some menu updates to Canteen.

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