The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Yesterday's ROL news has my dh rethinking APs for Disney:( He says it may not be worth the money:(:(:( I'm still waiting to take and see approach. I really want to go to F&W and F&G. He's thinking more Potter, Kong and Volcano Bay
I hope this can work out for both of you. It's not fun waiting, and waiting for an attraction, and then have it delayed, again. I so want the wait to be worth it.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Ha! Why am I not surprised?! :D But, aside of your adorable boys, a lot of little children would hate that menu, as Gabe pointed out.

Yet, the solution is so simple--why can't they just create a children's menu that has things like chicken nuggets on it, and maybe a few more exotic choices (similar to the adult's menu)? I mean, this IS DISNEY -- a family vacation destination. You'd think that SOMEONE in food and beverage would have thought of that??!! :eek:
We will just skip it.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Yes my boys when they were that age:D I know they are the exception rather than the rule.:hilarious:
You are so lucky to have boys that will go with the flow. My DD has hated food her whole life, she is just like my dad was. He would sit at the dinner table, and wish for a pill instead of eating. Me, I love food. Willing to try anything at least once. Except snake. No way for that one.


Well-Known Member
Last night I asked him when he wanted to go back to his grandparents. His answer "When I can afford a full time gardener for them":D


Just have him get them this... ;)



Well-Known Member
This has been an interesting exchange of ideas between @Goofyernmost , @StarWarsGirl , and yourself. This is a multi-layer discussion. My thoughts are that we are all individuals, no matter what gender we are, and not one size fits all.

I've often thought that @Goofyernmost and also @donaldtoo were ahead of the curve in showing respect to women, and teaching their daughters things like basic auto mechanics, for example. I never was taught any of that, and that's nothing against my own father or brothers. It was just the general mind set at the time I was growing up. Also, I wasn't the type of teenager to be interested in that. I was too busy trying to look pretty for the cute boys! Ha! :D

Times are evolving, and I think now that the younger generation of women are brought up more career minded which is great. I do believe, however, that the glass ceiling is still in certain places, for some women who aspire to senior leadership positions. It ticks me off that they have to fight to break through, and I'm sure some have done their best and failed. (Yes, sometimes even fighting for what's right isn't enough and that's sad.) What a shame; we've probably lost some great leaders due to that. In a democratic society, no one should feel like they have to fight for something, if they are of equal qualifications, simply because of gender.

Yep, in regards to gender, our girls have never been discouraged by us from anything. It just doesn't make sense to me, stomping on their dreams because of their gender. And, quite frankly, and honestly, such thoughts never even crossed my mind. They were told they could be doctors, lawyers, auto mechaincs, lumber jacks ;), etc., if they really wanted to be.
Dream and do big, girls...!!! ;) :)


Well-Known Member
Hello, all! I have returned from the desert. Absolutely beautiful, and I found my palm tree, conveniently located in Dad's backyard. Next to the pool, and not far from an orange tree. :D
It's my birthday, today, the sun is hiding (actually talking thunder storms), and if you would all be so kind to send me back to the desert, that would be great!:cool:

Glad you found your tree and had a great trip! :)
Also, happy belated birthday...! :oops: ;) :)

Also, just curious...did your palm tree look anything like this...? o_O


:D ;)


Well-Known Member
Yep, in regards to gender, our girls have never been discouraged by us from anything. It just doesn't make sense to me, stomping on their dreams because of their gender. And, quite frankly, and honestly, such thoughts never even crossed my mind. They were told they could be doctors, lawyers, auto mechaincs, lumber jacks ;), etc., if they really wanted to be.
Dream and do big, girls...!!! ;) :)
Exactly the way I feel, but, what I failed to convey in my post was that all that is wonderful, however, you don't wait for someone to say OK, you just take your place where you want to be. If you wait for approval from powers that be, you will never get there. Assume you can have whatever you want and go after it. Take it, don't ask if you can or think, for one second, that you don't have the right to get there.


Well-Known Member
@Goofyernmost how are your daughters doing?
They are doing fine. Still at odds about what they should do, but, are working out their difference in opinions. Nature may possibly make the decision for them, from my vantage point it is impossible to tell. I have no direct contact with their Mother and all I can do is listen and offer my opinions, not my advice. (I guess that works out to the same thing)

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