The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
While the floorplans are basically the same, I wouldn't necessarily call the DVC's cootie cutter. For one, even though the floor plan is about the same for every resort, especially in the studios, AKL has a different design than Aulani, Aulani is different than the newly renovated Beach Club, Beach Club is not like Hilton Head (although I think the flooring is similar, which actually isn't a bad thing), BLT is completely unique, even Poly and Aulani look nothing alike. They all have different theming and aspects to their design. The floor plans are also not exactly the same across the board. Aulani's two bedroom has a half bath that Hilton Head's lacks. Their kitchens are laid out differently. Hilton Head features large balconies with picnic tables, which no other DVC has. Poly defies the formula completely, with two showers (which, when you have four people in one room, is glorious). The placement of the DVCs can vary greatly. While many are just their own wing of the hotel, this isn't always the case. There are resorts which are entirely DVC units (Saratoga, Vero Beach, Hilton Head, OKW) and these quite often have very different layouts. BLT has its own building which is very different, not just from DVCs, but even from the Contemporary resort itself.

They follow a formula, but maintain their uniqueness. The design of each resort and the details in the rooms (and they are very detailed) definitely varies from resort to resort. Yes, the floorplans are basically the same, and you definitely see the similarities between the resorts (as you would for non DVC Disney resorts; they're built by the same company, so that happens) but I wouldn't go so far as to call them cookie-cutter. Especially certain ones, namely Aulani, Hilton Head, AKL, BLT, and Poly.

Well, I'm glad that they have worked out well for you and your family. DVC is certainly not for everyone; yet I'm surprised at the number of people who find that DVC works for them. Disney would stop building them if they weren't making money off them.


Well-Known Member
yup, Barcelona's Messi seems to be targeted in the leak.
Hilariously, a lot of our government (Mexico's) and some executives from the most corrupted and powerful companies of my country were on the list as well (along with well known narcs and drug lords).

Now they are scrambling to save face and claim that its a "fabricated lie".
This morning they had Iceland's president on saying that his wife's income was always reported for taxes, and it wasn't for lower taxes, etc. And in the Netherlands, they made sure to say that it's not illegal to have money invested elsewhere as long as you report it to tax authorities.


Premium Member
I didn't get an snow but it's only 20 degrees. A least I slept pretty well.:hilarious: I really wanted to go walking but my friends are bigger cold haters than I am. So tonight's dinner Buffalo groundhog legs:D I need spring to come back!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 inches of snow on the ground this morning :devilish::devilish::banghead::banghead: Would someone like to inform mother nature that it is April! @figmentfan423 I need a new groundhog recipe!
Fry up some groundhog legs, coat with hot sauce and serve with celery and blue cheese dressing:D


Well-Known Member
I didn't get an snow but it's only 20 degrees. A least I slept pretty well.:hilarious: I really wanted to go walking but my friends are bigger cold haters than I am. So tonight's dinner Buffalo groundhog legs:D I need spring to come back!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me this morning...


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
While the floorplans are basically the same, I wouldn't necessarily call the DVC's cootie cutter. For one, even though the floor plan is about the same for every resort, especially in the studios, AKL has a different design than Aulani, Aulani is different than the newly renovated Beach Club, Beach Club is not like Hilton Head (although I think the flooring is similar, which actually isn't a bad thing), BLT is completely unique, even Poly and Aulani look nothing alike. They all have different theming and aspects to their design. The floor plans are also not exactly the same across the board. Aulani's two bedroom has a half bath that Hilton Head's lacks. Their kitchens are laid out differently. Hilton Head features large balconies with picnic tables, which no other DVC has. Poly defies the formula completely, with two showers (which, when you have four people in one room, is glorious). The placement of the DVCs can vary greatly. While many are just their own wing of the hotel, this isn't always the case. There are resorts which are entirely DVC units (Saratoga, Vero Beach, Hilton Head, OKW) and these quite often have very different layouts. BLT has its own building which is very different, not just from DVCs, but even from the Contemporary resort itself.

They follow a formula, but maintain their uniqueness. The design of each resort and the details in the rooms (and they are very detailed) definitely varies from resort to resort. Yes, the floorplans are basically the same, and you definitely see the similarities between the resorts (as you would for non DVC Disney resorts; they're built by the same company, so that happens) but I wouldn't go so far as to call them cookie-cutter. Especially certain ones, namely Aulani, Hilton Head, AKL, BLT, and Poly.

Thanks. Knew you could lend some clarity. I've only been in a few. I knew OKW boasted some of the largest rooms in most categories, certainly a bang for the buck but certainly away from the action which I guess some owners like. I knew the Contemporary and Saratoga ran smaller. And then there is me, I know nothing about any off the DVC off WDW property. Now the moderate resorts been there for several decades, I can produce a pro-con list At Will. :joyfull:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Coffee wasn't even finished brewing yet when I got a text message from my DD that she was standing on the Grass a few buildings away from her build. She was awake but rousted out of bed before tea time by someone laying on her door bell, looked out the window to see 8 fire trucks. Gas Leak. She was allowed to take her car which of course was coated in frost and headed home. She needed to be at a local high school for a presentation by 9:30am. So the professional became one that appeared to try to relate to the students as all she had here was jeans, t-shirts and hoodies. At least she looks their age lol.

She left and I took two Advil. :in pain:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
But how about my Cubbies? Great opening day for them. I'll take it while I can.

And the night before my BlackHawks seem to pull themselves out of their slump. Good game. Nice to see something good after one of our guys got tossed for 6 games for being stupid with his stick to another player's head. :cautious:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
And if you ever need a potato dish in a hurry to go with Breakfast or your Dinner and have an Ikea near ya, these should be a staple in your freezer.

Gronsakskaka-or Vegetable cakes, which is mostly potato onion and butter. Tiny bits of broccoli more for color cause I can't taste it.
You pop them in the oven for about 20 minutes and they brown on the outside but stay moist inside. Heaven. 8 per box and under $5. They are flash frozen so you only need to take what you want from the box to bake and pop rest back in freezer. So freak'n good. :hungry: It was part of our dinner last night and left over, just as yummy micro'd the next day.


betty rose

Well-Known Member
Yup, snowing all day here. The roads were not in great shape. Hubby picked me up at the train station tonight and the car was sliding a few times on the way home. It's a miracle no other car was hit--it was slick out there, and I don't think they did a good job this time of pre-treating the roads. :mad: Idiots.
That sounds scary. Glad you made it home.


Premium Member
Coffee wasn't even finished brewing yet when I got a text message from my DD that she was standing on the Grass a few buildings away from her build. She was awake but rousted out of bed before tea time by someone laying on her door bell, looked out the window to see 8 fire trucks. Gas Leak. She was allowed to take her car which of course was coated in frost and headed home. She needed to be at a local high school for a presentation by 9:30am. So the professional became one that appeared to try to relate to the students as all she had here was jeans, t-shirts and hoodies. At least she looks their age lol.

She left and I took two Advil. :in pain:
Sympathy like! I hope it gets fixed soon.

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