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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm off to a baby shower today. I had to scratch my head when I got the invite. "Black tie". :confused: Really? So when I RSVP'd I was reminded it's a "black tie formal". o_O Unless I'm getting a corsage, steak dinner and lucky later (all three not happening tonight) I won't be wearing a ball gown. :joyfull::hilarious::joyfull::hilarious: Have a great Saturday everybody!

I'm getting a bit old I believe. My Mom did host an engagement party for me at their house for all the people involved and family could meet each other. Most of us in Jeans. I had wedding and baby showers. Good food and very simple, no toilet paper wound around me or party games that I don't care for that drag the events on time wise. It just seems that all things baby are trumping all things wedding which I have found to be a bit nuts-o already. The elaborate announcements, the big reveal of the babies gender followed by the reveal of the babies name. By the time baby comes there is little to share besides a photo. I genuinely love crafting however at my niece's baby shower last year we had to paint t-shirts for the baby to be. We were all in nice clothes while guests are squirting paint etc., hanging up wet paint shirts. Messy. I kinda envy the guys that go hang at a nearby bar during the events of the showers.


Well-Known Member
I'm off to a baby shower today. I had to scratch my head when I got the invite. "Black tie". :confused: Really? So when I RSVP'd I was reminded it's a "black tie formal". o_O Unless I'm getting a corsage, steak dinner and lucky later (all three not happening tonight) I won't be wearing a ball gown. :joyfull::hilarious::joyfull::hilarious: Have a great Saturday everybody!
What kind of a baby shower is a black tie event?? I've never heard of a FORMAL baby shower before. But....I guess you can count on not having to taste babyfood while blindfolded or any of those traditional games.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Sympathy like. Do you not have the hippa code or whatever it's called? When my dad was in the hospital, they could only give you information if you had the HIPPA code, and only the patient could give you that. My dad had told them to give it to me, but not to my brother, so any info my brother got had to come from me or my dad. But that was HIS decision, not the doctors/nurses. If you have that code, I think they HAVE to give you the information.

We have yet to have a code but we have a document everytime that is filled out. When he was transferred my Mom added my Sis and I to it with the caseworker. Don't know where the caseworker put the document but it is not anywhere to be found. We have never had this problem at his regular hospital. They are both Catholic hospitals but this one just bugs me administratively. Likely didn't help he was transported there Easter weekend.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
What kind of a baby shower is a black tie event?? I've never heard of a FORMAL baby shower before. But....I guess you can count on not having to taste babyfood while blindfolded or any of those traditional games.

Yep, those are the types of games my family has never done. I really do not like them. I've actually gone to a few showers over the years where I do the social hour, lunch and have been known to depart as game time comes around before present opening and dessert. I have a couple hour fidget clock in me. My niece's baby shower was just shy of 5 hours on a Saturday afternoon. I couldn't duck out of that one.


Well-Known Member
It is a pit. The officer commented on how sweet she was too. I believe the police report was for her.

I have had my fair share of lost dogs here. Sometimes I wonder if they just track to a home where there are fellow canines. I let them in the gate, look for a tag if they will let me or if they have one. If they don't I call the sheriff's office and the nearest Vet Office incase their people call but I tend to keep them until someone shows up for them.

Our officers write a ticket to claim them and then there is a fine for loose dogs. If they get transferred from the kennel at the station to the Vets office there is the charges from the Police and then boarding charges from the Vet and the Vet often gives them shots not knowing if they are up to date. It can cost people hundreds of dollars if their dog gets lost. So if they are nice enough I just keep them until their people are found.
That's what I'd do too. One year, I must have been about was before we got our dog and I was 9 or 10 then....we had gone to the schoolgrounds to play on a weekend or holiday and a dog followed us home. Just a little bit of a thing like a yorkie, but not. She didn't have tags and we didn't know who she belonged to, but the weather got really bad and we ended up getting a blizzard, so we kept the dog for a few days. When the snow died down and we could get out of our house again, we spread the word and it turned out the dog belonged to the neighbors that my mom babysat for. She was so sweet...she just followed us home because we went in the same direction as her house.


Well-Known Member
Why mess with so much make-up? Who needs the hassle? ;) I wear make-up about 5 times a year, for special occasions. I hate makeup.

The very first time I ever saw/met DWifey she had on no makeup, was wearing her glasses, had her hair pulled up with some strands sticking out, and was dressed in a grey sweatsuit. I thought she was the cutest thing ever...!!! :joyfull: :happy:
She does wear makeup to work and stuff, but, very minimal. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm getting a bit old I believe. My Mom did host an engagement party for me at their house for all the people involved and family could meet each other. Most of us in Jeans. I had wedding and baby showers. Good food and very simple, no toilet paper wound around me or party games that I don't care for that drag the events on time wise. It just seems that all things baby are trumping all things wedding which I have found to be a bit nuts-o already. The elaborate announcements, the big reveal of the babies gender followed by the reveal of the babies name. By the time baby comes there is little to share besides a photo. I genuinely love crafting however at my niece's baby shower last year we had to paint t-shirts for the baby to be. We were all in nice clothes while guests are squirting paint etc., hanging up wet paint shirts. Messy. I kinda envy the guys that go hang at a nearby bar during the events of the showers.
I had people get upset with me because we didn't want to know the gender of our babies...we wanted to be surprised when they were born. Apparently that's not done anymore and people almost feel entitled to know. And then they think that if they threaten not to get you a gift if they don't know which gender they are buying for, you'll give in. If you don't want to buy a gift, then don't...I didn't get pregnant for the presents! And they don't do baby showers over here at all and a friend of mine from Guatemala actually called me and asked me to host a shower for her, at her house, with this food and that food and these games...she had planned the shower herself but you're not supposed to throw a shower for yourself, so she wanted ME to do it. I tell ya...times are definitely a-changin'.


Well-Known Member
We have yet to have a code but we have a document everytime that is filled out. When he was transferred my Mom added my Sis and I to it with the caseworker. Don't know where the caseworker put the document but it is not anywhere to be found. We have never had this problem at his regular hospital. They are both Catholic hospitals but this one just bugs me administratively. Likely didn't help he was transported there Easter weekend.
You said they disappear at visiting hour....can you show up during a non-visiting time to see the caseworker? Just show up an hour before visiting time and ask to see the caseworker and let them know you'll wait until they are available. Sometimes they just need to know you can't be gotten rid of so easily. As long as you aren't making a disturbance or anything, they have no grounds to throw you out.


Premium Member
I believe you are right. Walt knows how to head home no matter which direction we are coming from And sometimes when he has had a long enough walk before I have he will abruptly turn towards home. If we are out in the woods no matter where I park If I ask him if he wants to go back to the CAR he'll head to it. He also has a great sense of home.

Our dog gets walked to all kinds of places for miles around here. He has learned the scents from multiple areas and we have no doubt that if he ever (accidentally) got outside on his own, he'd definitely find his way back home. :) You see, both he and Walt know EXACTLY where their dog food bowl is!! ;)


Premium Member
Thanks! :)
And, cool for him!
But, as I said, at least in my career anyway, chances are pretty slim these days getting where I am without a 4 year architectural degree. As far as I know, I'm the only one out of the 22 at the firm without a college degree.
Way back in the day, my HS was also the area vocational HS. Everything from auto shop to hospitality to drafting and design.
I took drafting for 3 hrs. a day every morning (there were 2 classes per day) my junior and senior year. We were allowed to have drinks (soft drinks, coffee, etc. ;)), food, and music in a "working environment" type class.
Many of the people I knew from drafting class went on to become very successful without ever earning a college degree. At least 2 are developers, 1 a home builder, 3 own their own firms (they got their architectural licenses by being grandfathered in - as far as I know that's not allowed anymore, at least in Texas), and like me, others work for firms.
It's kinda' funny sometimes, the look I get from young new hires at the office when they ask where I went to college and I reply "I didn't." ;)

I LOVE this story.


Well-Known Member
That is so wonderful seeing different animals taking in those less fortunate. If we could only learn from them.

Yep, I've posted this here before, but, I was once next to a guy in the ER that was trying to pass a kidney stone and he was screaming and cursing like 10 sailors combined...! :eek:
It was crazy! They finally gave him some morphine and that took the edge off, but, he was still in a lot of pain an begging for more. I remember the nurse telling him "Sorry, but, we can't give you another dose for a little while. That's how people overdose and die." They finally gave him another dose, and a little while later he was up and walking around the ER ward pain free apologizing to everyone for his previous behavior. :cyclops:


Premium Member
This is one strange storm we are having. About every twenty minutes we are going from Sun to Blinding Blizzard snow storms. When I let Walt back in I couldn't see across the road and the snow chunks falling were going sideways in the wind gusts. By the radar this pattern is going to keep on going for hours yet. Weird.

Now I need to go in the back garden and see what the daffodils are doing. I haven't noticed if they were up or not. Some of the tulips are and the crocuses are.

That sounds a little yucky, our snow has melted and got sunny but the wind stayed up and it was just cold. Tomorrow is supposed to be about 54, I hope it gets a little warmer soon.


Premium Member
The very first time I ever saw/met DWifey she had on no makeup, was wearing her glasses, had her hair pulled up with some strands sticking out, and was dressed in a grey sweatsuit. I thought she was the cutest thing ever...!!! :joyfull: :happy:
She does wear makeup to work and stuff, but, very minimal. :)

I find this statement about how you met your wife extremely romantic, she is a lucky woman.

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