Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm off to a baby shower today. I had to scratch my head when I got the invite. "Black tie".Really? So when I RSVP'd I was reminded it's a "black tie formal".
Unless I'm getting a corsage, steak dinner and lucky later (all three not happening tonight) I won't be wearing a ball gown.
Have a great Saturday everybody!
I'm getting a bit old I believe. My Mom did host an engagement party for me at their house for all the people involved and family could meet each other. Most of us in Jeans. I had wedding and baby showers. Good food and very simple, no toilet paper wound around me or party games that I don't care for that drag the events on time wise. It just seems that all things baby are trumping all things wedding which I have found to be a bit nuts-o already. The elaborate announcements, the big reveal of the babies gender followed by the reveal of the babies name. By the time baby comes there is little to share besides a photo. I genuinely love crafting however at my niece's baby shower last year we had to paint t-shirts for the baby to be. We were all in nice clothes while guests are squirting paint etc., hanging up wet paint shirts. Messy. I kinda envy the guys that go hang at a nearby bar during the events of the showers.