Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Did they give you any indication whether or not that was a hopeful sign? I mean, it SOUNDS like progress, but I'm not a doctor, so I have no idea.
I'm honestly not sure and not sure about a lot of things. As I said last week I backed off on my Mom and Sis's decision to send my Dad to this particular hospital. I'm comfortable with the care the 'worker bee's' are giving my Dad from the little I can see. It is the Doc's and Case workers I'm not thrilled with. The hospital ward has a tiny window of visitor hours, Doc's and Case Workers disappear during those hours. I'm not happy with the case worker that seems to be actively thwarting my Sis and Me from being added to medical info about my Dad, those privacy laws cause she can slip so much by my 81 year old Mom. I am kinda DONE after last night and today. Tomorrow hopefully I can find someone to have a CONVERSATION with tomorrow. As way of explanation, I have the power to invoke the DNR but I do not have permission to know the medical reasons to make that call. What the heck!