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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Oh, I don't know. I go by myself all the time and whatever I cannot carry in my pockets, I don't need! Never have yet anyway.

Yep. I'm in your camp. I'm not going to carry a bunch of stuff I don't need or I can't grab in the park if needed. It might cost me a bit more than it should if I need something in the park but more often than not by a longshot I don't ever need most stuff so I don't wish to shlep it with me day after day.

The one thing I've bought repeatedly over the years is umbrellas and early on Poncho's. I tend to either not watch the weather reports close enough or a surprise storm catches me off guard. Overall what I have purchased in a pinch is miniscule overall.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I can see why Toy Street might have to be off your list. Whenever I think of the ride I just think of playing the games, I forget about the spinning part which can be a little jolting.

Yeah, I agree. Toy to me is such a fun silly game. I literally laugh my whole way through it. I'm pretty good at Men in Black and Buzz but Toy the sudden jerking and turns throw me off. I'm not a competitive person so I find myself just laughing. I get off Toy after all the belly laughs feeling so good from all the laughter despite my horrid scores.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Howdy gang! Hope all of y'all that celebrate had a wonderful and blessed Easter...! :)
All of us and all my sibs families spent it at mom and pops.
Good food and good times, as usual...! :)

Prayers to all here still experiencing illness, or illness of family and/or friends, or other challenges.

Still so far behind...

I'll catch ya up on my part of family. I have zero good news. Sums it up quickly. :banghead:

Though on the upside we had a lovely Easter Dinner.


Premium Member
Agree, we only went once, but it was the most magical thing ever to see. With so much leaving in Hollywood Studios, I'm just not interested in going in that park for a long time. Especially , if Prime Time Fifty's closes. Their fried chicken is like my Mom used to make. Not the chicken in the sampler, just the chicken order...I've had both and just chicken is better. Especially if hubby orders the pot roast. ;):hungry:
I think 50s is safe at least for the next year or so. The new SW fireworks and show looks interesting but we're going to spend a bit less time than last trip. Then again we spent the better part of 3 days there last trip


Premium Member
@figmentfan423, I love your picture of your sewing, it's beautiful, you certainly have a lot of talent. I wish you lived near me, I would order this from you, with sleeves to cover these old arms. That is so pretty.
Thank you but I didn't make the shirt it was on I found on clearance Saturday for $4. I also got the shirt in a couple of different colors:joyfull: All I had to do was center and hoop the shirt and keep changing threads.


Premium Member
Thank you. :happy:

My deep down gut is they missed a stroke. They were set to send him one place and the next morning they changed course and sent him elsewhere. I was there when my Dad was checked into the hospital and where he is currently were not the issues. With strokes it is so important to act immediately and if they missed it that weekend it was too late. Seeing him this weekend I could see what has changed. I can't say I can completely blame the Doc's. He was being beyond difficult and the difficulties are a separate medical issue. I'm thinking they are not separating the physical vs cognitive issues and likely during all the blah blah blah he might have stroked and it was caught or it was caught too late and they shipped him out. But looking at him now there isn't a real quality of life any longer and I'm not feeling the future curing that.

My heart goes out to you. Both of my parents passed away years ago, and with a plethora of medical issues, you just end up feeling so helpless. We placed our faith in the medical staff and prayed that all went as well as could be reasonably expected. Similar to your family, my siblings and I would talk with the doctors and nurses, as (additional) helpful information could come out of those discussions.

It's very important for hospitalized patients to have someone advocating for them, no matter how well known or respected the medical institution is, that they are receiving their treatment from.

Side note: Strokes are a grey area--the larger ones have very identifiable symptoms, but it's not so easy to pick up the mini-strokes, unless seeing them on an MRI. I only mention this because my mother had a number of mini-strokes prior to hospitalization, and those were discovered on an MRI, well after the fact. Now, this was a number of years ago, and perhaps diagnostic tools have improved since then, but just thought I'd pass that along.


Well-Known Member
Hubby is so done with beer, he told me to use it in beer bread. You don't have to use yeast, the beer provides that. And it's a pretty much stir and bake. Only lasts for the day, but if beer is left it's on my head or in bread! Hey, that rhymes.
I love beer bread. My mom had the easiest recipe ever. 1-2-3 1 can of beer, 2 Tablespoons of sugar, 3 cups of flower. Stir 25 strokes and bake for I think it is an hour and a quarter. So good!


Well-Known Member
Ha! Exactly. I'm curious though. Why the passport?
Because it's required to carry identity here and I don't have a drivers license. I have my resident card, but if they ask for that, they might also want to see the passport. Plus, we're 15 minutes from the German border and you can travel between European countries, but you need to have your passport in case they are doing random checks. Germany is a lot cheaper than the Netherlands and they have some fun parks for the kids, so I carry our passports just in case we decide to pop over to go shopping or go to a park.


Well-Known Member
Oh Dear. I wonder if you do have children someday what else will be added to that bag of yours. ;)

I too carried a Mary Poppins bag on flights for my kids when they were little. It had well thought out activities for them for a long flight for them to keep them occupied and well under control for both my sanity and the other passengers onboard. I wished many other parents would think flights through. I did have a woman once in flight rip into me for my Mary Poppins bag. Thinking she should have brought a Mary Poppins bag for herself. She was obviously bored. As they became a bit older Game Boys and portable DVD players replaced my Mary Poppins bag.
Why should it bother her what you packed in your bags?


Premium Member
The price you pay for being a fashion setter. :)
I wish it was about fashion. I finally found a brand of jeans that fits and all their jeans seem to have small pockets:hilarious: I may be very wrong but it seems guys have an easier time finding pants waist, inseam and regular or relaxed cut. When I get pants for my men all I need to know is their size and most brands are cut mostly the same. Not so for women's clothing.:(


Well-Known Member
I wish it was about fashion. I finally found a brand of jeans that fits and all their jeans seem to have small pockets:hilarious: I may be very wrong but it seems guys have an easier time finding pants waist, inseam and regular or relaxed cut. When I get pants for my men all I need to know is their size and most brands are cut mostly the same. Not so for women's clothing.:(
I guess that means that you are a victim of all those other fashion setting females out there. Men don't have that problem. For us the world seems to agree that as long as all our "parts" are covered sufficiently, it is fine. It's good to be king! (or in this case male). ;):joyfull:

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