The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member

Very cute photo. Have to tell you though, I saw a ton of cosplayers today for the Boston Anime Convention (15,000 attendees at the Hynes Convention Center). Oddly enough, my sister and I planned (about 4 weeks ago) to go into Boston and have lunch today at the Cheesecake Factory, in the Prudential Center (where the Hynes C. C. is located as well). While walking to the restaurant and also inside the (large) restaurant, we saw all kinds of Anime costumes, from homemade wrecks, to some very expensive, professional ones. I've never been into cosplay at all, but it sure was a fun diversion this afternoon! :cat:

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I thought you had mentioned something about diabetes and I figured the Dr. recommended beer over the juice because of sugar. Beer (at least some) tends to have less carbs than juices, and the alcohol can lower blood sugar too. I hope the stone is clear. I have a couple of friends who get kidney stones often and it doesn't sound like it is pain free. In fact one of them told me they would rather go through childbirth than have a stone.
I've done both and the pain from kidney stones, are so much worse than childbirth. The pain is very intense, with no let up. Until you get enough medication in you. The Doctor always tells to take the medicine every four hours day and night. If the breakthrough pain comes back, it's so much harder to get it under control. Our poor daughter has sponge kidney disease, and she gets between 10 and 20 stones a month. She pretty much lives on pain meds. Hubby's dad had that too. He got tons of stones. But he died of Alzheimer's. Stones can't always get you. My biggest fear is one of us is going to have stone trouble on a plane. We have decided not to cruise, due to the risk.


Premium Member
With diabetis. He can't have juice. He did that in the past, but it wasn't effective, for his stones. There are many kinds of stones, some are smooth and some (like his are jagged). They pretty much tear up the ureter on the way out. That causes all the side effects. And soreness for a few weeks later.

Please tell Mr. Bets we are so sorry he is in pain, and we hope he feels better soon. He's been dealing with this issue for quite some time now--it must be so hard on him. He's a nice man, and I want him to be healthy and feeling well. I hope you both can somehow have a nice Easter.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, most of these dents are fixed by airline ducktape.
which is suprestrong or so I heard.

Still, would be dumb if the dent the cargoloader found.. was actually caused by himself trying to load the bags D:
Hubby always travels with duct tape. When the airline damaged our bag , we taped it shut for the trip home. Our son-in-law, likes the room super cold, he sets the temp. on low, and runs the fan in the living room to simulate someone moving around. So the air never goes off at night. We take cardboard and duct tape to close half of the vent in our bedroom. So everyone is happy. Except our daughter, she is always cold.
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betty rose

Well-Known Member
Not much has changed except that it has calmed down a bit. It is anything but resolved. One thinks that they should do nothing because, in the end, she is still going to be sick and will have gone through a lot to try and just bring it up to "not good". The other has felt that they must pursue and research to see if there is anyway to keep her alive longer, with or without a good quality of life. She just feels that in order to be able to be at peace with herself she needs to go down every road to see if there is an answer. If she does find an avenue to follow, then the fireworks erupt again because unless it is a powerful argument, the other is still not going to agree.

Both, however, are very intelligent and have sometimes to much common sense. One goes with a gut feeling and the other over thinks everything. For the first time since they were born, we won't be together for Easter. To avoid problems, one has decided to spend the weekend in Ashville, NC at the Biltmore. This conflict is going to take a while to heal, but, it will eventually. I decided not to intervene at this point. Thanks for your concern.
I'm sorry that this has impacted your family so much. I hope you can all come together, after everything if finished. It's distressing, when a loss of a family member can alienate family's. Sometimes, you get back together, but this can take much time. I hope you have a nice week-end, doing what ever makes you happy.:inlove:

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Sympathy like...I prefer to do my shopping sans hubby. He HATES shopping, so if he comes with me, he tries to do as little as possible. I'll have a list of things to get that are on sale, etc, and he'll say "How much of that do we HAVE to get today?" I get SOOOO much more done by myself.
Hubby and I am opposite. I hate shopping, he loves it. I keep wanting to go home or have a snack when it gets too long.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
QU;)OTE="StarWarsGirl, post: 7147697, member: 84557"]'Cause I'm in my 20s and still get pimples.:in pain: I actually rarely broke out at all as a teenager and have more breakouts now that I'm in my 20s, although they happen about once a month and the rest of the time it's minor.:cautious: I also perpetually have dark circles under my eyes, so I cover that up usually regardless of whether I do the rest of my makeup. I don't wear make-up daily most of the time, but I do have it and wear it a few times a week. And even then, it's powder foundation, concealer, blush, lip gloss. Done in five minutes.

Plus my makeup has sunscreen in it, so during the summer, I'd rather just put makeup on. I break out less with makeup than I do sunscreen.:eek:[/QUOTE]
I've done both, makeup and no makeup. Mom always said we had to go out with full makeup on. I went off to college and gave it up. Now, I don't do makeup except on holidays, to honor Mom. But, as soon as I get home it's totally off. However, I do have some sun spots, after spending most of my teens in the sun. Swimming, water skiing, and laying out on the beach, with a transistor radio. Boy, I'm sure dating myself.:eek::eek::eek:

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