Huh....I thought that was just a University of Wyoming thing....the attitude that singers aren't "real" musicians. I'll admit, counting is not my strong suit, but I can sight-sing better than my choir director can play a line on the piano. I'm a 1st soprano, so thank goodness I wasn't in the same section as the diva, but I had nearly every class with her and she just had such a horrible attitude. She told one of the other altos that she was actually just a lazy soprano, and it was clearly not a compliment. And she told me that I had no business being a music major if I prefer to sing in a chorus rather than solo. And when she was applying to grad schools, her main criteria was that it be a tiny program so that she would be the "star". When she didn't make Jazz one year, she said it was good because Jazz requires you to blend and she refused to do that...she insisted that her voice be heard over everyone else's. She had a son and when we were in Jazz rehearsal once (this was when she was still in Jazz), she brought him to rehearsal and he was crawling around all over the place. He took my water bottle and started to put it in his mouth, so I took it from him and she told me he could have it...I was, he can't. It's mine, and I don't want him slobbering all over something I have to drink out of. If you want him to have a water bottle, give him YOURS. She was just a nightmare. So anything that reminds me of her is like sandpaper on a sunburn.